Even the police officer starts molesting her.
Leftists BTFO.
Other urls found in this thread:
woman hitchhiked through the middle east to prove muslims are peaceful was raped and murdered instead.
Deport the libtards together with the shitskins!
slightly larger version
Good, good.
It's insane man did you watch it? When the police officer starts doing it it's like a horror film damn. But I agree with you, if the left keep us this shit (trying to smite straight white males using any tactic possible), I really want to to send them all to Iran or something.
Woman lays in the middle of the road and almost gets hit by a car.
reddit posts about it
She was working for a Dutch News thing called 'link op reis'.
Did you watch it? When the police officer starts doing it it's actually spooky as fuck.
In Turkey no less, she didn't even make it past the first country.
She was laughing during the whole thing
I did. My views of Iran and other islamic countries were never that high to begin with, but now they're justified.
She doesn't want to prove the racist islamophobes right.
The scene with the police shows that the sand niggers fuck shit up even when they have jobs. Throwing the libshits from helicopters over the middle east would be great.
>Anons getting spooked by the police man
Its the music.
Dumb bitch. Beautiful to see the real world shit all over her kike implanted idealism.
>Islam doesn't respect women guys!
Are you sure you meant to post this in Sup Forums?
>reddit posts about it
That's more like it.
because of Shia İslam, look at how they are relax and drink in a Sunni country :DDDD
Yea, until she started to panic and said it's not funny anymore when he was restraining her.
Maybe she shouldn't have dressed like a whore.
Name of the reporter?
This, fucking whore loved it.
Could anyone provide the name of the reporter and the news network or TV station they were working for? No?
ya but fuck islam
Fakest thing I ever seen
>b-b-but snopes said that was false!
What did she expect to happen?
>Man enters polar bear exhibit and almost gets mauled by bear
>This and more at 5:00PM
fuck Christianity too, expect for Judaism, all the Abrahamic religions should go to trash.
Holy fucking shit
Froukje Jansen
>there was no proof the assailants raped and murdered the woman against her wishes
>investigation is inconclusive
yea, looks like jew propaganda to me too.
she probably went to a male prison or some shit.
the guy at the end is clearly not a police officer, he has no insignia or badges on his shirt.
Iran man, but I have heard similar stories from Turkey.
Indeed, no wonder the refugees rape so much. What the fuck do our rulers expect?! Perhaps it is intentional to cause chaos here or something. Either way I FUCKING HATE FEMINISTS!
They fucking bitch at white men for saying 'darling' but excuse these fucking raping baboons!
You can tell by the focus on Iran. Most third world countries are rape havens.
Yeah they dress up as a police but they are still baboons, like planet of the apes or some shit.
Planet of the Apes is not fiction folks.. This is our future if we don't stop this shit.
Froukje Jansen
'link op reis'
swampnigger btfo
Thank you and elect based Geert.
And people still try to defend these cunts.
Raping is literally part of their religion and culture. Their prophet condoned it because he was a fucking rapist himself and it's not going to disappear because whites in Europe or anywhere else want to play nice.
Muslims are a cancer to this planet and if not taken care of they will fester deeper and deeper into other societies.
this shit is so old
llink hasnt broadcasted since 2010
>"respecting" women
>not grabbing a piece of that ass whenever you can
all these low test betas
we cant let lone nutters get in the way of progress
This looks like the proganada similar to the one where the nazis or any enemy is raping their "innocent blonde women".
Also you get a weird vibe from how weird everyone is acting. Especially how calm she and the cameraman were at the end
>they see me as some kind of whore
She is. She's selling out her country.
>this shit is so old
>llink hasnt broadcasted since 2010
If the media didn't suppress this shit it would be a top story worldwide. Especially with all the raping in Europe. THIS IS NOT COMMON KNOWLEDGE.
Culturally enriched*
You cunts won't be able to change our minds through faking a comment chain. You may think this is all a game, but this serious business. There will likely be a Nuremberg for this shit. So think carefully before continuing to serve this system. Just get a real job.
This reminds me of those kickstarters involving women who wanted to ride bikes through the Middle East, claiming it would make them "more cultured" and "a better person."
>complain about 'rape culture' in the west
>complain about islamophobia in the west
>go to the muslim world and immediately get raped
>import muslims from the muslim world and they immediately start raping
>Iran man
Was she murdered in Iran?
What was needed to be said has been said.
whatever you say chaim goldstein
The hitchhiker was killed in Turkey, the lady in the original post who was in Iran just got molested I think.
It's what she wanted. She's not learning any lessons this way.
Awhhh, het arme Margriet meisje is wakker geworden. Zal tijd worden ook, kut!
Something about that hairy monkey cop handling that beautiful nubile dutch girl gave me a stiffy. Am I cuck?
Liberal snark does not make you clever, and the majority of the people on this board are not the cartoonish skin head neo nazis that you see in the film 'Imperium'. Examine yourself, recognize the reality of the situation in the west and grow up. Your are not on the right side of history, great evil is being done and you will be well advised to stop collaborating with it.
had to learn the redpill the hardway. much more to come. sad!
god they're all such fucking creeps
why haven't we nuked the entire Middle East already
Not if you pictured yourself doing it.
It's natural, we are sexual creatures and within our operating system there is the directive to procreate with as many members of the opposite sex as possible. However, what makes us more than animals is that we have found ways to control these urges with our cultures.
Here comes the issue: while in the west we are taught from a young age that any form of sexual violence is not okay, in muslim countries the culture has never developed such a broad statement. Instead, they are told that women are the ones responsible for protecting themselves, making sure thesy are modestly dressed and need to be accompanied at all times.
It's ridiculous really. On the one hand arabs will go to great lengths to tell you how much of a man they are but on the other hand they are never taught basic manners and restraint.
Lol when non whites see a white woman all they think is wow a whore. This is how everyone else views white women and they are not incorrect.
Look at how nonchalant the men are about it, this is normal behavior for them. Now look at the genuine disbelief in her eyes. Her little multi cultural utopia is crashing around her and shes torn between crying out and confirming wwhat peoole told her about shitskins all along, or just going along with it and being like "ohh teehee silly men, dont do that :^)"
fuckin l o l
i know right, total stripper outfit
lmao retard
Oh great...
a Jew AND a Roach.
kys nao
You guys are so delusional.
So even the security guard started gropping her while know and looking at the camera. Pol is full of delusional retards who will believe anything
Take it easy man
maybe he thought she was shooting an improvised porno
>They all see me as some kind of whore!
Hoh hoh I wonder why
Gtfo newfag cuck
haven't you ever heard of the arab stare?
these fucking guys will stare at women like if mind powers existed they would remove her clothes with their eyes.
It's fucking disturbing.
>police officer starts groping her after she's within the safe confines of the police station
fucking yuck
The libtard deserved it and Iran deserves destruction
>b-but obviously anyone with a brain wouldn't do it in front of a camera!
Sandniggers aren't smart. their IQs re 90 at best.
>>police officer starts groping her after she's within the safe confines of the police station
>fucking yuck
This is what hit me the hardest. And this is what is being imported into our countries wholesale. Whilst the same feminist BITCHES who harangue us for 'manspreading' welcome these fucking baboons with open arms & pussies.
>it's an alt rights jerk eachother off to false ""news"" episode
>yfw feminists will defend the behavior of these men because they're non-white
>yfw libtards will brush this aside as "cultural differences"
>yfw SJWs will call you racist hypocrite for getting upset over this video, but not getting upset over other "women's issue" ie. manspreading
Whatever you can just keep your delusional beliefs and live your retarded lives
That police officer
> Turkey
> Traveling an inch East past Izmir
I've said it before and i'll say it again:
Islam should be internationally banned and all Qurans should be burned to preserve the minds of all those susceptible to bullshit that can lead to rape, murder, or suicide bombings.
I absolutely abhor burning books, or any form of literature, but the Quran is 100% pure concentrated vitriol from a war-mongering warlord who tried to make himself look pious to a bunch of Stockholm syndrome retards in the desert.
Fuck off.
actually, Mohammed was the first Feminist in human history. or so the HuffPo claims at least
>be only hot woman in Iran
>Almost get raped
>Flee to police
>Police starts raping you
Topkek Iran is pathetic.
I have arab friends
BEST friend is arab
And i will fucking tell you from experience
They do this. And my arab buddy, who was raised in canada from age 10. STILL stares like a motherfucker.
I have to give him shit when he goes all arabby
I don't care what you fucking liberal douche turds "think" i have experienced this first hand. Many times.
>respected women's rights so much that he decided to wed and bed a 9 year old girl
the amount of doublethink is staggering
>go to nation of rape
>suprised when people try to rape her
You could've think she'd gone to sweden
Why are you friends with one then? Fucking idiot, if you're friends with them you'll give them the impression that they're welcome
For example in my high school the one paki boy, a short scrawny guy, was ignored by most people. He was also bullied heavily which made him commit suicide.
Are you a sabbatean?
>For example in my high school the one paki boy, a short scrawny guy, was ignored by most people. He was also bullied heavily which made him commit suicide.
I love it when sheltered liberals get a dose of reality.
This kind of shit also happened in Egypt and most sexual harrasments in Europe are always done by sandnigs.
a women can consent at any age shitlord
Yeah, I really didn't care about it. He would've shot up the school if he wasn't taken care of anyway. He felt entitled to the attractive girls and thought buying them shit would make them like him.