Migrants burned down refugee centre causing €10 million in damage because there wasn't enough Nutella
Migrants burned down refugee centre causing €10 million in damage because there wasn't enough Nutella
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Just look at that poor 12 year old little boy! How horrifying the patriarchal misogynistic racist bigoted red Cross withheld life giving sweets from such a small child
Why not put the refugee camps in the boiler room of the Admiral Kuznetsov? Then they could refuel at see from the boats as well.
Nutella is pretty good.
How dare those bigotted French not give those poor peaceful economic migrants more nutella???
Ugh, I can't believe how problematic you bigot racist xenophobic nazis are. It's truly out fault, we gave them a taste of Nutella and then cruelly denied more, like some vile drug dealer. White people are to blame as always.
Source your threads better, boys.
Dailymail is almost always a no-no
Sounds like Nutella has doubled down on viral marketing
Haha yea some may think "Hey this guys has a beard and looks like mid 20" but hey you racists, he said it himself that he was 12 years old so it must be true !
When will you finally kill them all?
Oh that's right you won't because Europeans are faggots
They are good for the economy. Nuttellas prices skyrocketed and supply can't meet the demand.
I do not hope to actually achieve anything but here I go:
Let's take this statement 1)
Migrants burned down refugee centre causing €10 million in damage because there wasn't enough Nutella.
Sounds infuriating and everybody agrees those people are assholes.
No. 2:
Migrants burned down refugee centre causing injury to refugee inhabitants €10 million in damageinhabitants because there wasn't enough Nutella
Ah! There were people involved as victims. Bette not say that.
No. 3
Migrants burned down refugee centre causing injury to inhabitants and €10 million in damage. The reason was tension between rivalling muslim goups that diagreed over the correct observance of Ramadan.
Oh, too much information. That would make me ask questions about who actually lives there.
No 4.
Two male inhabitants set fire to a mattress, the fire spread and caused injury to inhabitants and €10 million in damage. The reason was tension between rivalling muslim goups that diagreed over the correct observance of Ramadan.
Oh NO! That doesn't sound right! They burned it down deliberately!
And I could go on. The last version is actually closer to the trught than OPs version.
Sup Forums is full of people that accuse the media of lying but if it fits your own narrative, it must be true.
For the religious ameritards: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
shoot the messenger if the news is bad about your precious "refugees"
They need to burn more in order to sway the elections.
thats normal
remember that burned down german army base?
don't be a dumbass. I like to get a decent scoop. Dailymail has too often for my liking distorted shit or misconstrued incidents and it makes me look like an idiot if I mention it in a discussion and it ends up being not-completely-true.
That's all you've got? A migrant burned down a camp which caused just as much damage, for a vanilla pudding
Each one of those is horrible and would be thread worthy. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, we can shit on muzzies with any of those.
you don't mess around with a mans nutella supply.
Happend in the summer I think.
Finally we found the puppet controlling globalism and Soros: Nutella!
Why are refugees getting Nutella or candy?
They should be eating cheap.
first off
>two rivaling muslim groups ""accidently"" set fire to a mattress, the reason was tension between rivaling muslim groups
That's fucking worse you moron, they are forming LITERAL GANGS that are willing to burn down entire centres over shitty disagreements.
Go back to your cuckshed, Hans.
I try to show you that media disinformation works both ways - for the left and for the right.
If you say that all statements are completely similar and you don't see the difference you are an ignorant twat.
Unironically stating that the media is biased and leftist without actually checking for a right bias just makes you a gullible idiot and perfect cannon fodder if the need arises.
Europe is just embarrasing at this point, the USA and Russia should just nuke everyone but themselves and the world would be a better place.
It was chocolate not vanilla, my bad
What does
> Germany
have to do with it? If this means I am not stupid enough to fall for every headline in the media, thanks for the compliment. But I thought that was a Sup Forums speciality.
Please give evidence.
1. This is the same incident as OP's incident.
2. Unironically quoting "Express" as a source.
Where is this right bias coming from in American media? Don't worry, I'll wait.
>rivaling muslim groups
>What does Germany have to do with it?
fucking newfag
>If this means I am not stupid enough to fall for every headline in the media, thanks for the compliment. But I thought that was a Sup Forums speciality.
The media has consistently put a positive spin on the refugee crisis, now you mean to tell me it's going to portray the situation as worse then it is?
1. nutella = pudding?
2. dno heard of it and when u asked for a source i took the first google result
This kind of shit is commonplace. Wish someone would make a compilation of all the times this has happened.
They know they'll probably get sent to even nicer accommodations afterwords
Breitbart.com would be the first to come to mind.
But I am sure you would recognise right bias when you see it. Since you browse Sup Forums and your opinion is not influenced by ideology.
You didn't provide evidence, you assume your opinion is the truth. You weren't there and all you have is an assumpiton.
> newfag
> positive spin
I never denied that. Learn to read.
> it's going to portry the situation as worse then it is
Maybe. Maybe not. That's not my point. My point is,
a) that OPs headline seems to be biased because it withholds information
b) Sup Forumsacks don't question headlines that fit their narrative but are big crybabies if they don't
Basically, just check your fucking sources and don't believe everything you read + realize that life is more complicated than you want it to be.
Express is a fucking tabloid. It's even worse than Bild. If one of my students came to me with this as a source I would not even consider marking it.
I appreciate you bring open minded and speaking the facts of the issue. However the news article ultimately would be negative of Muslims, refugees and the act considered offensive to any person with a brain.
Therefore it doesn't matter. Muslims act very barbaric and can't (shouldn't?) be forced into western culture
Would you set it on fire and force him to march around the fire with you, Adolf?
Says the one who posted this:
Why not put the refugee camps in the boiler room of the Admiral Kuznetsov? Then they could refuel at see from the boats as well.
Thank you for your enlightened contribution to this argument.
I will cherish your contribution as a solemn example of critical thinking.
So in other words you have no argument, just like a typical Jewish teacher who has nothing to teach but only indoctrinates?
My solution is pragmatic and effective, and serves to parallel the incumbent solution for ISIS that involves using slavic brutality to enforce a quick resolution on a people even more brutal and stupid while the US curtails Jewish devils from continuing to arm/fund these animals.
Those refugees worship a pedophile psychopath.
Nothing new.
In summer refugees burned down a large refugee hall in Düsseldorf causing some 25 million Euro damage because -- get this -- food was being served to early while it was Ramadan.
I've had it with these fuckers and am waiting for someone like Trump to come to Germany.
See and maybe consider taking your passive-aggressive snark back to r*ddit, friend.
You can panel your den with that shit.
Can any Krauts explain how Germans look back at what their country was a few dacades ago, and what it is now, and not want to purge their country of leftists?
>burning down a refugee camp for Nutella somehow fits Sup Forums's narrative better then refugees burning down a camp because they are violent zealots in a death cult that can't agree on simple holiday observance.
Shut up Hans. You want to play the "tfw too Intellectual to fall for media bias" game, go do it somewhere that cares. The only point of this thread is to laugh at another instance of refugees causing more trouble then they are worth. Any of those "headlines" would have got the same reactions, other countries laughing at the incompetent leaders of Yuro countries still convinced that people like those in the article are good for Yurop.
> no arguments
Not exactly. I have actually provided arguments and took some time to explain and elaborate. You choose not to adress it but entered the dsicussion with name-calling.
> typical Jew teacher
It seems to me, my argument is quite spot on.
> not teach but indoctrinate
No, show students that they should question what they read.
> my solution
Again: You call _me_ Adolf?
mattresses take forever to burn. i kinda doubt it would do any damage to a house built in the 1st world. some """refugee"""house, maybe
I have no idea what are you defending right now but even you agreed about.
>Muslims burned down rapefugee center
>Nutella was involved
>Caused 10 million euro in damages
I don't know what unironically you can defend there. I didn't hear about Germans doing that. It's not like rapefugee centers burn like californian forests.
Maybe because inhabitants are some third world savages that "solve" their problems by burning.
Those refugees worship a psychopathic pedophile?
But you didn't provide any arguments. You merely deflected as always like a typical Jew, trying to SHUT DOWN information and excuse rabble LITERALLY burning down your own country.
You are a disgrace. Child protective services should lock you up and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Did you notice that while typing your greentext, you put even more bias into it?
it was done supposedly by a Moroccan and an Algerian, they don't even come from conflict countries, this detail doesn't bother anyone?
>Did you notice that refugees worship a psychopathic pedophile?
We don't know that for sure. It was probably Syrian women and children escaping war who were forced to get fake passports and wear male costumes because Germany is so oppressive they can't even wear proper burqas in peace.
Don't ask that until you purge your own country, Mr. Chang.
> not providing arguments
Yes I did, you seem unable to find it.
> deflected
> as a Jew
Do you have other insults? This seems to be a very harsh one for you. I don't see how it works.
> disgrace, etc.
I am not defending the act. Learn to read and actually try to understand what I am saying.
Cant really blame them
Nutella is the nectar of the gods
Why don't you answer my question? Do you know that refugees worship a psychopathic pedophile?
Calling others biased? Anything more?
Because looks like having it proves to be a correct approach when dealing with pyromaniacs.
Why don't you explain what you are actually saying instead of merely insisting that you are right and not answering questions?
You're not a very good teacher, are you?
Sup Forums is a shitty hivemind of gullible sheeple that are here for the memes and the emotional rushes.
You'll rarely find reasonable anons open to discussion.
Let's be clear: I will answer, but I won't be dragged into a discussion about Islam. My point is about media and hypocricy when it comes to accusing them of bias.
You mean Mohammed. In my class are two Yazidi refugees. They don't worship him.
I don't know whether he was a psychopath. He definetly had a thing for children.
These two are Will they get an answer? Doubt it.
It's not about pyromaniacs and you know it.
Finally they got legit reason for they chimp outs
Sup Forums is so shitty that it even makes the retards i mention think they're being reasonable
We're all doomed here
What the fuck? Is this why I pay Vodafone £30 for?
How do you divorce this from a discussion of Islam? Islam had nothing to do with this massive fire?
Who will pay for the CO2 crimes here?
Your post doesn't sound very reasonable and open to discussion at all.
Yazidis are not muslim. Majority of refugees are muslim and they worship Muhammad.
This guy is open for discussion?
Boy, you have low standars here.
Jew tactics my friend. He will back out of it and eventually blame it on Hitler.
See. OY VET! Switch tactics! Change topic.
I don't know what it is all about. If you dared to make a statement then there would be some substance to argue about.
Instead you will back out of everything you say.
Muslims are the most entitled cancer on the planet.
They also closed down our highways, because they want to use them to walk on.
Their feet are too fine to walk on the grass next to the highway.
And our retarded police force did as they wish.
Are you open for discussion?
>Migrants burned down refugee centre causing €10 million in damage because there wasn't enough Nutella
>Why don't you explain what you are actually saying instead of merely insisting that you are right and not answering questions?
>Not enough nutella
Why do you even have goverment?
lel Sup Forums always gets defensive as shit when their narrative is questioned its fucking crazy
No I don't back out. You don't adress my point for fuck's sake.
> Sup Forums is full of people that accuse the media of lying but if it fits your own narrative, it must be true.
I try to show you that media disinformation works both ways - for the left and for the right.
Unironically stating that the media is biased and leftist without actually checking for a right bias just makes you a gullible idiot and perfect cannon fodder if the need arises.
Now: Are you willing to adress this point?
I just want to know if these are refugees from war or refugees from lack of Nutella supply.
Did Moslems invent Nutella?
Simple soldiers words. What is wrong with what op wrote?
it wuz da white manz fault n sheit
You realize that you aren't saying anything, right? That we're lying by using a simplified version of a story that leaves out details that show the Muslims to be even more barbaric and moronic?
At least I don't call you names. Which is the only thing you have done so far.
>not soap
Finetti master race
I've made logical points. You've referenced some of them, so on the face of it we can see that you are a liar for suggesting that I've only called you names.
I've also asked you a number of questions that you refuse to answer. Rather than call you another name, I will ask you another:
Are you a lonely old woman who can't get fucked except by your nice strong young tanned German friend?
You are basically a prime example of what I am talking about. And you prove it with every post.
You are not willing to enter into a discuission. You have made that quite clear.
Your country is ridiculous.
The street in Brusslolz lined with colourful windmills with portraits of refugees underneath amused me though
>Did Moslems invent Nutella?
Mohammad rode a magical flying donkey into the heavens and brought it to them.