Remember their photos building stuff? Yeah they have no permit for this, so why did they build it illegally?
Remember their photos building stuff? Yeah they have no permit for this, so why did they build it illegally?
Holy fucking shit, you autistic retards won't drop this. Leave these people alone lmao. I was a part of the first people who posted about Pizzagate, we did it as a psyops campaign to make Trump supporters look like conspiracy retards and now you still won't drop it. I sometimes forget just how autistic Sup Forums is.
Confirmation bias like a motherfucker.
bumpin' for op
Wow it's fucking nothing
haha get fucked faggot your bosses are going to be getting harassed for the foreseeable future lmfao
0,2 shekels have been deposited into your account.
JIDF wish you a happy hanukkah!
Mr. Les Enfants, how does it feel to be exposed? You've been here all day shilling
how are you so sure they built it legally. are you familiar with us building codes?
Ok but why they don't have permits?
...Methinks thou dost protest too much...
Fuqqoutta here faglord,
Pizzagate isn't going anywhere.
This is good stuff, user. We could easily destroy his business over this. Its not evidence of child trafficking, but it's easy to prove
Bump for da keedz
Atleast post high res. Muppet.
I guess digging without a permit over an underground river must be highly illegal. Someone could report them to the relevant authority, and they'll have to do an inspection at the very least.
are you even trying shill?
lmao nice try
Are you sure you're not a leaf?
>underestimating weaponized autism
newfag get out
We will not rest until every pedo in this sick cult has been caught and burned alive.
HAHA I wouldn't believ you but I've seen you fuck everything else up, LMAO, nice job rigging the election Soros good luck with ur protests
someone always says that when Sup Forums is on to something though, it's getting kinda obvious..
What a load of nonsense.
What's crites?
Trump was the Psy Ops to distract from the Population's true potential as an anarchist self governed State.
Whats going on that screenshot?
I used to live by Michigan City.
Still go up to a pizza place there when I'm up to see family.
I'm sure any inspector in Washington dc is easy to pay off.
We should make a show where we send them to Little St James to live with ISIS. New people every week. Would watch
wtf don't you fags care about the children anymore?
The guy that pulled a gun on Trump during a rally
>t. Podesta
They got Donald Trump.
who also happens to be a name found in Wikileaks related to Stratfor
next time pick something that doesn't turn out to be true
You're not even a regular, you barley atwrted coming on here in October
>this pic
do you really need a permit to install a toilet or whatever that is for?
yes, especially commercial buildings
bump I can't believe you faggots look int oevery dumb detail but not into this blatant violation of the law