>a fucking fish
new Norwegian 200kr bills have a fish on them
for fucks sake
>a fucking fish
new Norwegian 200kr bills have a fish on them
for fucks sake
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Fish is good
fuck my coast up senpai
Better than a nigger
In honor of how the women smell over there
>money´s a bait meme
what did goyim mean by this
fuck you nigger Norway has the best grills
Beats who is going on our twenty.
just drug addicts and criminals use paper. dont see the point of even having it
who? i dont remember
There is literally nothing wrong with these.
Eh, meme countries don't need some sort of pompous imagery on their currency.
you are the biggest meme country on the planet, friendo
Welcome to the 21st century :)
We've had a fish in our "Benjamin Franklin" since the 90's ...
Are you implying fishing isn't a pretty fucking big deal in norway? I don't get it
I thought that's what Sweden uses.
That's fine m8.
Least it's not some liberal bullshit like muh muzlims muh afrikan refugees
are the right ones blurred out ? or am i austically dyslexic
you mean gills?
i dont have anything to do with fishes
we are being ripped off in fish trade
we are selling fish as a raw product to denmark instead of processing them here and making a profit
i dont even like fish
The back side looks like censored hentai desu
nice 8bit backsides
top keg
That's the back
they are 16 bit
i can tell by the pixels
And this is what happens when you give liberal art students a job.
>Norway takes ARE FISH
And how many anglophone nations use "Dollar?" The language roots are similar enough to share things.
nah I've seen 15-bit and 16-big HiColor before and you can definitely do that with a 256 color palette
Fish is a big deal for you people.
Is it a codfish?
What's up with the money saving backside?
Blame the neo-liberals for that.
So they do? Okay, I just didn't want to assume because I'd assume it could be insulting to lump all of Scandinavia together.
They needed something nobody would understand how to counterfeit.
i kinda expected a negro on at least one of them, given the fact that they got rape permits, and are enriching your country with higher birth rates.
Norway, such inconsiderate, much racist.
I think the backsides of the bills didn't render correctly.
somebody post the pile of rocks on the zimbabwe dollar
>modernist currency
Should have been oil on the notes. But yeah fish is big buisiness here to. Even fish oil :)))
>Be medipack
>Bills slowly getting replaced with new generation bills
>Small as shit
>Look like shit
>Literally falling appart after being folded a couple of times
What's wrong with fish? If it's national fish, why not. Better than some politicians and besides politicians smell worse than fish.
>tfw i miss the goddamn Lira
The Jews are doing this to make you want to give up on cash so that everybody uses matrixbux.
Norway uses Norske Kroner, NOK, Sweden uses Svenska Kronor, SEK
You know who is on our new notes? Each damn one of them? I'll let you guess...
Having great leaders and national symbols on your currency is almost as bad the holocaust.
There aren't any worthy politicians these days to be put on money and if they put somebody in Germany you know who it would be: Mutti.
At least you don't have a nigger on your bill coming down the pipe.
Hmm. Are they called Nigger Notes?
>a fucking nigger
Italian Lira wasn't even about politicians, it was about inventors, artists and generally based Italians.
>now we're stuck with monopoly jew euros instead
>tfw 100k lire were a fortune back then, now it's 50 shitty euros
my life for Lire
En Taro Raffaello, nordbro
>tfw 100k lire were a fortune back then, now it's 50 shitty euros
Successful devaluation was successful (thanks to dragging Germany down)!
Can't wait for the next devaluation. The Jews will save us.
Every inventor in past work for royal family or was part of royal family. Nobody else even was allowed to study or had any money to do so. The only people who deserve to be on money are people living during Socialism benefiting the country of all the people.
>En fökkings TORSK!
Nuthin wrong with fisk money.
Just pixelize filter my currency senpai.
like du torsk
Still better than the euro