We've all seen massive numbers of these threads and it's pretty suspicious how many of them suddenly are there, and how most of them try to polarize wildly as either supporting or hating Spencer. Seems to me like (((they))) are trying to create two opposing camps in the "alt-right". Especially given how the MSM has is reporting on that NPI event, and specifically Spencer's speech so much.
The key thing to remember is that "we" are not limited to any specific opinions, "we" are not a party or a group. And therefore "we" can't be a target for (((them))) to hit. Anyone trying to push certain opinions as orthodox on Sup Forums or alt-right or anything else is a fucking retard.
Joshua Mitchell
Richard Spencer does not speak for me. No man speaks for me.
Only kek speaks for me
Benjamin Howard
It's almost like an artificial 'leader' of the 'alt-right' is being 'divisive'
Nathan Cook
They're wasting money fighting a mental illness.
Just waiting for one of the autists on this board to get tired of it and bomb CTR headquarters.
Parker Hernandez
He's another Milo, mike cernovich etc. I think he should be ignored. Let the rebbit crowd follow their "alt-right" leaders. Let them wallow in their own larping meets.
Kayden Morris
I have never heard of this man until the r/donaldo refugees infested this place. Leave Sup Forums alone with your 'movements' and 'alt-rightism', we are a board of peace
Wyatt Russell
Its being posted every 5 seconds because he made international news giving a speech that 'heiled trump' and talked about kek at the same time.
Carson Fisher
This, shadilay.
Might be, he also might just spent too much time in his echo chamber and therefore went overboard. I would reserve judgement.
Just look at how this mental illness has triggered the MSM. It's not even funny anymore.
Angel Collins
Both 'alt-right' and Richard Spencer are jew creations. Spencer doesn't even know the difference between a US president and a natsoc Fuhrer, that's how you know he's a shill
Jack White
With or without the "Alt-Right" and its "Leader", ideas are out there. Movements and people, e-celebs included, are nothing more than a vehicle for those ideas.
Either way you feel about it, Spencer needs to tone it down a notch because he ain't leading shit.
Daniel Brooks
I'm on the shitter opening Sup Forums for the first time today.
Literally who?
Wyatt Thompson
This. Can we please bring Kek back and stop sperging out as neo-Nazis for a while?
Thomas Taylor
Yeah, no one gave a shit about this faggot.
Maybe I missed the posts. But I'm no fucking newfag and suddenly, this dude's douchy haircut in in my feed? I have no leader, faggots. That's why I am here. I don't need someone to speak for me.
Divide and conquer doesn't work for Sup Forums. Many fags have come and gone trying to pull this shit. And it doesn't matter. They'll get tired and frustrated and strangle themselves long before Sup Forums will collapse to this shit. They'll be masturbating with their own frozen shit long before anyone will follow "muh movement."
Again, we're being used for the typical clickbait faggotry. We don't care. CNN and Reddit are down the corridor to the right, and fall down 3 flights of stairs.
Benjamin White
also >nazi graffiti wave >in nyc How do we fight sabotage like this and why are libtards dumb enough to fall for it?
Bentley Jenkins
I guess he might learn from this shitshow he caused.
Please observe the catalog, toothpaste.
Benjamin Butler
The guy who coined the term alt right a gorillion years ago, gave a live streamed speech, where he said Heil Trump. Sup Forums and the MSM are mad at him because Nazis are evil.
Christopher Cox
Guess you are right. I was mostly surprised to notice normies I know link this shit on zuccbook.
>not painting "kill all white men" everywhere already..
Ayden Scott
I've tried spamming nazi memes to scare them off and they still won't go away. I'm afraid we've been overrun
Jayden Nguyen
Keep trying, user.
Lucas Allen
It's not reddit it's TRS spergs.
Henry Sullivan
yep, Im out for a bit.
anti newfag OP gets banned, kanye timeline thrad gets baleeted, major shilling in pizzagate threads, threads everywhere on Trumps non pursuit od Shillary emails
you guys are better than this, godspeed anons
Dylan Thompson
No, this is no merchant talk, it's a serious issue. We are witnessing how an elite ideology that merely existed on certain internet sites suddenly materializes in the real world and becomes watered-down. You have people calling themselves leaders and inventors of our ideology, you have people trying to make a platform out of it - in short, the alt-right undergoes the typical cycle of any ideology ever: it is currently being filtered and sips through our hands down into the lower realm.
You might say that this is good. You might say that finally something happens. Perhaps this is true. But the alt-right at its core is a counter-weight to international Judaism. We are international anti-Judaism and operate under the same parameters. We remain invisible, unspeakable and act only indirectly. This approach is being threatened right now. If steps are not taken, then the alt-right will experience a similar growth as SJWism. Learn from our enemies and see what happened when the ideas of the few were absorbed by the many.
Ryder Barnes
Who the fuck is spencer?
Ive been here for fucking 4 years and this is the first I have heard of this faggot
Ryan Thompson
The only fashy internet personality I really enjoy is latsbrah. Spencer is alright in his views but he dances around the JQ too much for my tastes and his videos are incredibly dry and boring. I don't like to counter-signal other people on board with saving the white race too much but Sup Forums is not the place for Spencer. It is its own thing and should stay that way. Decentralization is always best.
Brayden Adams
why the fuck is everyone worried about Sup Forums of all places being labeled as something? the truth is this place is a system where there can't ever be a leader, the most you can have is tripfaggots or attention whores that quickly get dethroned stop fucking worrying this is all psyops to divide and distract us
Dominic Gonzalez
This Kraut knows what's up.
If we get infested with more and more rednecks and actual Nazi faggots then we're just the inversion of SJWism.
I don't want to give the lefties ammo, but I also want to see degeneracy of the west halted and revered.
What I don't want to see is some bullshit "movement" be created, co-opted and destroyed as fast as the tea party was just to have our work blow up in our face.
This nigger Spencer is controlled opposition and if you call yourself alt-right then you're a useful idiot.
Nationalism and culture is what matters. We can't build support with literally Nazis on our heels.
Robert Gray
to defeat or replace the jew, we must become the jew and that doesn't mean making these shitty low-brow speeches like Spencer
Wyatt Anderson
This. See
8ch .net /trs
Ethan Thomas
You are absolutely right. It is an undercurrent, not a visible wave.
Blake Bailey
He didn't actually coin the term.
Easton Ortiz
"Alt-write"? What is that, a book store?
Luke Anderson
>The key thing to remember is that "we" are not limited to any specific opinions, "we" are not a party or a group. And therefore "we" can't be a target for (((them))) to hit. Anyone trying to push certain opinions as orthodox on Sup Forums or alt-right or anything else is a fucking retard. This. I don't care about this Spencer guy and whatever he is doing. Who the fuck is he btw ?