>my state just barely went Clinton despite a ton of counties flipping for Trump
Aaron Martin
>eating oreos
Aaron Cruz
>Gets to fuck Ivanka >Meme'd her Dad into the presidency >Probably has huge jewish cut dick
Sebastian Martinez
I'll tell you when they're not produced in Mexico anymore
Dominic Kelly
Eli Rodriguez
I can't wait for A Trump administration Syria.
Tyler Gutierrez
Trump wouldn't dare have a meltdown in a city where less than 20% voted for him. The cheeto would get his shit pushed in so fast, he'd think he was in a time warp
Sebastian Bell
> Data mining Sup Forums to devise superior oreo/anti oreo tactics Go away psyoperative.
Lucas Edwards
>Trump's popularity is higher than ever >Transition going smoothly, much more appointments so far than Obama >Trump is forging great relationships with everyone, even neocons (romney) and democrats >Dow Jones at an all-time high >relationships with Russia and Phillippines set to improve >Mexico and Canada want to renegotiate NAFTA >Ford production line to stay in USA >Apple considering to return their plants to the USA
Yet MSM and retarded college liberals believe that Trump is doing a bad job so far.
Ayden Torres
i find it funny that people still post anti trump bait here thinking anyone falls for it. we've withstood 15 months of this so far, please keep on proving our point that you're all miserable cucks and we'll keep on laughing at you.
Cameron Bennett
This is the kind of awoo~ I can get behind.
P... Please don't indict song
Nathaniel Watson
>hurr Trump won't hire a special prosecutor
Kellyanne said, not even he said, that he doesn't WANT to. If the FBI indicts her (which they will), he can't anyway.
Mason Jones
Please provide proofs.
Chase Clark
what is this about
Juan Jenkins
Hey, I know that building! 666 Park Avenue South!
Ryder Foster
Fuck you and other people who keep calling trump orange
I actually just bought a bag of cheetos just now because you made me hungry
Jayden White
Sure, man
Parker Flores
what is this and why should i care?
Evan Sanders
You can't deny that he'll probably never build the wall
Nathaniel Taylor
Ryder Ward
>BROKEN PROMISE: Kellyanne Conway Confirms Trump ‘Doesn’t Wish to Pursue’ Hillary Charges by Jeff PoorU Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway confirmed the show’s earlier report that the incoming Trump administration will not pursue charges against his general election opponent Hillary Clinton for her use of an unauthorized email server while secretary of state and on any of the alleged wrongdoing involving her and her family’s charitable organization the Clinton Foundation.
According to Conway, Clinton still faces a challenge in rebuilding her own image and suggested this was part of Trump helping the former first lady “heal.”
“I think when the President-elect, who’s also the head of your party, tells you before he’s even inaugurated that he doesn’t wish to pursue these charges, it sends a very strong message, tone, and content to the members,” Conway said. “And I think Hillary Clinton still has to face the fact that the majority of Americans don’t find her to be honest and trustworthy. But if Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that is a good thing. Look, I think he’s thinking of many different things as he is preparing to become president of the United States, and things that sound like the campaign aren’t among them.”
>I have to admit...that was not something I wanted to hear !! >>You have to read between the Lines ! >>>Exactly! The FBI will prosecute her as Ashcroft has confirmed. Chill Out People Let Trump Have Some Space! He's Not Stupid! >>>>We can only hope this is a ploy so that O'Zero doesn't pardon her before he leaves office. >>>>There needs to be justice for BENGHAZI. >>>>This is total BULLSHlT. Trump keep your fuqing word.What all you people replying don't like me saying Trump keep your fuqing word.
SNEK out in progress at breitbart lol
Christopher Fisher
Some Canadian said that a Trump supported said something mean to a muslim woman, how can I change my vote to Hillary?
Samuel Morgan
It's just the narrative. They've lost everything and yet won't go away.
Christian Williams
get your custom Pence name, enter MyMike in the name field
Wyatt Nguyen
The ultimate cuck: Trump will pardon Clinton, not Obama Trump will build a fence not a wall Trump will probably ban assault weapons like he wanted to years ago
Good night white pride
Blake Gonzalez
/o-our guy/
Gabriel Johnson
They literally already have the plans drafted under the patriot act
They literally have the budget for it because congress passed it over a decade ago
It is going to happen.
Owen Hill
Why is there suddenly so much shilling here?
Sebastian Wright
>dindu nuffin
Angel Johnson
trump is a jewish cuck, i agree my american friends
as fellow Sup Forumsonis we have to stand up to trump's racism and divisive rethoric
Landon Lopez
Andrew Long
Trump wants to end the EPA, right? What should I tell people who ask me about this? Mostly I was thinking "They have been largely subverted and if they're still around he's going to be stalled in terms of building The Wall because its some fucking tortoise sanctuary in the way or what not."
Or should I just say "it is what it is?" and leave it at that?
Aiden White
Trump foundation did some shit, which has to pay fine for it This (((Wapo))) journo claims Trump committed perjury.
Carter Roberts
You can't deny that he'll probably never win the nomination
Ryder Barnes
Which state? >tfw Trump lost MN by about 1 percent
Hudson Parker
>However, it’s Spencer’s deft packaging of this hate speech that made him the informal head of the self-styled “alt-right,” a movement of quasi- to full-blown fascist writers, listless brown shirts and disgruntled meme creators. He feints at multiculturalism, expressing his respect for “Native Americans,” the “spirituality” of African-Americans and the aforementioned “allies of color.” His white nationalist spouting is filed with academic jargon ― founding an organization with the distinctly bland name “National Policy Institute” and calling one’s movement “alt-right” is no small part of that strategy. All this is not a new approach, but one Spencer is chillingly good at.
>Even though he’s nearing 40, Spencer is so good at playing wonky millennial it makes you want to vomit. Think of him as an Ezra Klein for people who wouldn’t mind putting people named Ezra Klein on a train. He’s active on social media ― that is, until he’s kicked off of it for hate speech ― and loves calling mainstream Republicans “basic bitch conservatives.”
Think of David Duke as an Ezra Klein for people who wouldn’t mind putting people named Ezra Klein on a train.
Adam Reyes
It says President there when in 2012 he wasn't even president! DRUMPFTARDS BTFO. He's going to jail!
Christian Barnes
Brody Wright
David Cook
/leftypol/ or Reddit raid, probably.
Connor Martin
>Obama gives medal of freedoms to a bunch of Liberals that endorsed Hillary
this is fucking disgusting
Robert Perez
What happened to Katrina Pierson? I was hoping Trump would give her a spokesman post in his transition team.
Mason Mitchell
Fucking idiot, Sessions will prosecute her not Trump.
Carson Price
lock him up
Henry Martinez
We are going to build a wall...
Liam Turner
Trump is simply their super shabbas goy. The gentile zombies have been duped again.
Gabriel Morales
That guy is disgusting, he just keeps doing retarded hit-pieces on Trump.
Jace Brown
Although I absolutely love and trust Dear Leader, I do chuckle whenever I think of that one Hillary Pepe poster on the eve of the election talking about how the RAGE MANGO will soon be BTFO.
Isaiah Peterson
There's been virtually no shilling here after Trump won compared to before the election. Now it's back to pre-victory levels of shilling.
Liam Powell
>mfw lefties try something violent soon and we get to see ferguson tier levels of chimpouts again, with pepper spray, tear gas and vio,ent beating
Lucas Reyes
Sessions won't do anything but go after states that legalized pot because he's a fucking dinosaur.
Joseph Phillips
Given that you've been at it for 5 threads:
Aiden Phillips
>reply to an anti-bait post with bait >get 3 (you)s
Nathaniel Morales
If Nige is doing this well just by leaving the EU, how will we do with Trump?
Daniel Gutierrez
The land of 10,000 cucks.
Jayden Miller
>Washington Post
Oh thank god, for a second there I thought this might have been a real journalist :^)
Jonathan Mitchell
Fake and gay
Aaron Martin
Anti-semitism is a weaponized tool of zionism.
Kayden Morris
Fuck off you nigger lover, Sessions will prosecute Hillary and ban weed.
Brody Turner
You got me, here's another (You).
Angel Jenkins
Nah, there have been a few nights last week when the thread was pure garbage.
Ryder Nelson
Me too she BTFO the MSM like nobody else
Owen Carter
it's over.... america will never be great again....
Liam Wood
Trump has already said he will direct him to leave it up to the states.
What is this new meme about Trump and his foundation?
Should I give a fuck or is this another hatchet job brought to you by hysterical kikes?
Nathan Rogers
don't even want to read the breitbart comments desu
can't handle the cancer this early in the morning
Gavin Lee
Henry Jenkins
I doubt there are many shills here but I always respond to anyone who you may think is a shill, because if they are, then it pays their bills, and most importantly, it makes shills come and stay here and waste their time instead of going to Normiebook etc.
Connor Young
bubble, big fat bubble
Jayden Brown
Wtf I'm #Cruzmissile now
Christopher Phillips
reported to merkel
Michael Cook
wow it worked
Evan Hill
It is, unlike in Britain we can use the word nigger as long as we don't say "kill them all" in the same sentence.
Jordan Murphy
Ask them what positive changes for Americans have come from the EPA. What good has it done? Environmentalists are claiming that the climate is worse than it has ever been, why hasn't the EPA slowed or stopped that trend? etc
Nicholas Lee
He lost by the amount of votes Mcmuffin had. If we could knock the libertarians and nevertrump cucks down a peg we could have won fucking Minnesota. That is huge.
Austin Scott
Given that you have been at it for 5 threads: A FUCKING SHIT FOR BRAINS RETARD
Go pop your cystic acne and take some more selfies with your cool and trendy camo maga hat faggmaster flex. A 5 dollar Trump Tower gift card has been deposited in your mailbox. You goofy cunts are just as bad as Clinton cunts.
Eli Powell
This is what counts as a journalist these days.
Kayden Roberts
This. Obama and Hillary are frightened animals. If you want to catch them, no sudden movements. Otherwise they dart away and are gone forever.
Trump only gets one chance at this. He's gotta play it nice and smooth, him and his cabinet.
Michael Edwards
Its grade A bullshit of the most retarded variety ("oh well there's a Trump foundation too and they're sketchy too! vote
Ayden Flores
Luke Williams
be carerul, I heard they do raids in the islamic caliphate you live in if they catch you using "hate speech" websites
Adrian Phillips
>trump promises something >literally doesn't do it
The actual good result would be for Obama to pardon Clinton, this way - she is admited guilty - Trump and Sessions can leave that stuff behind and do better things
Obama won't pardon her unless Trump is threatening her
Joshua Cooper
James Miller
I wonder how big Bills Trump shrine in his house is