I'm currently at college in Texas.
My friend's roommate is a kid from China who is studying abroad here. I found his notepad and he has been taking notes on what he thinks of Americans.
Is this chink a spy or what?
I'm currently at college in Texas.
My friend's roommate is a kid from China who is studying abroad here. I found his notepad and he has been taking notes on what he thinks of Americans.
Is this chink a spy or what?
He's obviously a Communist spy. You should report him
That's all more or less common knowledge, no spying required.
>only white man can be counted as American
really made me think
>Only white man can be counted as American
Well shit
Why does that loose leaf have tabs??
it's a digital notepad
Atleast write in Chinese with your shitty bait, retard.
>only white man can be counted as American
Chinese are so smart you guys.
link? that sounds cool.
not a troll bud just thought it was interesting what this Chinese kid thinks of americans
also he probably wants to practice his English. he doesn't speak it super well.
>I'm a Chinese spy
>better write all my notes in English so the enemy can understand
Not really. I also write down my ramblings like that.
the spy thing was a joke dipshit
So your thread is basically "hey look what this chink wrote" and is uninteresting bullshit. Fuck off to /x/ with your RP shit. Commit suicide.
Make him feel more welcome, man! The people here and in China have always been friendly with me.
give this to me
take it and mail it to me I want it whatever it is
leave him a bag of rice and a dog's leg, he'll be satisfied with the trade I'm sure
He's not wrong
>people here and in China
>here and in China
mfw you are part of China.
why would he not write it in Chinese?
You're an idiot if you think China and Taiwan are the same thing.
t. lived in Asia for years, read and speak moonrunes better than you, even though you're Chinese.
Gtfo shitposter
Fuck off you colossal faggot. I enjoyed it.
I never said they were the same thing. I just believe that China will, at some point, force you guys to assume that you're not independent. There's a lot of controversy about your de facto independence, brah. I just want to see you mad.
>Only white man can be counted as American
Is he /ourguy/?
Goddammit Japan, made me laugh out loud.
Take this Joost as a sign of my gratitude.
>waiting at dmv
>read zipperhead comment
>laugh out loud
>fat black bitch with 3 kids gives me a nasty look
You made my morning. lels.
He's a Chinese spy. Report him to your local police department now.
Why would he leave his notes in English though
I mean, there's a lot of people on the mainland who want Taiwan, but it's not going to happen. The KMT (the group spouting that Taiwan is the RoC) has transitioned out of power to the DPP. With less spouting that we're the RoC, things will only become easier for Taiwan.
Hey Rabbi... whatcha doing?