Attendee at off-the-record Trump-news media meeting: 'F--k him'

"I have to tell you, I am emotionally fucking pissed," said one of the attendees, according to Remnick's report. "How can this not influence coverage? I am being totally honest with you. Toward the end of the campaign, it got to a point where I thought that the coverage was all about [Trump's] flaws and problems. And that's legit. But, I thought, OK, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. After the meeting today, though — and I am being human with you here — I think, fuck him. I know I am being emotional about it. And I know I will get over it in a couple of days after Thanksgiving. But I really am offended. This was unprecedented. Outrageous."

This is hilarious, who do you think this was? My guess is Chuck Todd. He's going to drive them so insane with rage that they can't help but be unbiased.

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these fucking scum got what they deserved,

honestly corporal punishment is the only answer for the media engaging in actively deceiving the american people

Sounds like a made-up quote for Trump fans



Part of me hopes Trump just spends his entire fucking campaign fucking with the media.

No direct interviews, no direct press conferences, everything done through online videos or alternative media.

After four years of that the media's hatred will be so rich and thick you could drizzle it over pancakes.

>how can this not influence coverage?
that's the point, you sensitive nu-males will take bolder and bolder steps at using your positions to undermine Trump without realizing that he wants you to do that. they're going to completely delegitimize themselves to millions of Americans

Fuck the dying mainstream media.

They are irrelevant, and becoming even more irrelevant as time marches on.

The citizen media dominated this election and helped to expose just how corrupt the mainstream media is.

The 4th estate has been dead for decades.

It's been reborn through the internet and social media now.

Trump knows this, and get ready for 8 years of autistic screaming from these dying faggots as Trump continues to ignore them and abuse them.

Everyone kick the dead horse while it lies in the gutter.

>emotionally fucking pissed
Are you literally shaking as well

Karma is a nasty mistress.

Based leaf.

The traditional media is in its death throes. NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC have all stopped being journalists and are now simple propagandists. Candy Crowley, Anderson Cooper, and Martha Raditz should never have been able to host a debate since they are incapable of being objective.

Trump will be the Nintendo of politicians.
Ignores the corrupt crybaby press and gives news directly to everyone at the same time

>But I really am offended. This was unprecedented. Outrageous.

Ohhh muh gawddd I'm literally shaking right now, Trump is literally Hitler!

Do these people not realize how fucking retarded they sound? People like Chuck Turd and Wolf Kikezer need to gas themselves.

This, noone gives a fuck about the Lügenpresse anymore.

Even the left has started to despise them because of the smear-campaign they pulled and are still pulling against Bernie.

"New media" has already been competing hard with MSM for quite some time now, TYT and Infowars were already watched almost as much as these channels. Now it's gonna get even worse for them. Everyone can see their fallig ratings. They are DYING.

Lol does Nintendo really do that?

>Trump wins
>the media gets ready to play nice
>he summons them to piss on their face and shit down their shirt
>they get riled up real good
>they attack him like it's the last thing they'll ever do
>people hate them more than ever for being so inexplicably biased
>no one complains when the media get purged
10 moves ahead folks

It was a woman.

Bless their hearts.

with these faggots it's hard to even take a guess

>checks date
>11 April 2007

Wtf even happened that would warrent such a response?

Or were Chris' hormones just acting up?

this will be fun.
Trump's interdimensional time traveling chess strategy

Not entirely but they've abandoned the old marketing model of competing for attention at big trade shows (E3, TGS, Gamescom, etc) in favor of just putting videos on their youtube channel to announce shit whenever they want. Last month they announced their new console with a 3 minute youtube video and 12 hours warning.

>f--k him
Fork him?

He could also make regulations to fuck with the news

like a tax on paper for all "general" journalism

It was his first tweet, who knows why.

fank him for everyfing

all this butt hurt is glorious.

sounds like a damage control blowing in the air like a leaf.

They hate him lol good.

>I think, fuck him. I know I am being emotional about it
sounds like a woman

>he cries out in pain as he strikes you

Trump is the one actively deceiving the american people. He is a con man that has no respect for the truth at all.

yeah my thoughts exactly, this reads like a tumblr post

Sounds like a woman or a fag.Todd, Raddatz maybe, maybe Katy Tur.

This. I really hope this was a woman writing. Otherwise he's a complete FAGGOT.

Wolf Blitzer

They only took every unproven story about him and reported it as 100% the truth without any fact-checking, readily labeling him as a rapist, child sex offender, and anything else they possibly could. WHY WON'T HE BE THEIR FRIEND?!

When I heard about these summit meetings I thought he was meeting with studio heads to talk about their campaign coverage. But then I saw the video of the likes of Wolf Blitzer and Charlie Rose waiting for the elevator in Trump's lobby.

>he literally called a bunch of TV personalities up to his office so he could shout at them

>b-but we promised to be nice as soon as we're done talking shit

7d chess, Trump needs a hostile media to joust with it feeds his cred as an 'outsider'.

Tucker Carslon actually used "Legacy Media" last night.

That's going to be one of many rocks that takes them to the bottom.

Legacy platform, legacy media.

Was he literally shaking as well?

>media is blatantly and openly biased throughout the election
>don't even attempt to report on anything negative about shillary
>think that Trump is just going to forgive them, not call them out on it and just act like things are normal
>Get their asses handed to them
>cry some more saying they're going to be even MORE biased to spite him

Leftists are so predictable.

They deserve it.

Fuck these scum of the Earth who constantly attacked him and were biased against him.

Give them nothing.

This I watched a milo bit called how to defend trump in five minutes. A liberal asked some good legitimate questions about trump. The audience cheered. One was does it concern you what trump said about going after media that lies. Mills first answer was as liberals and conservatives we can all agree the media lies. They immediately shut up and you could hear agreement in the audience. They are done.

Judging by the language used. This was definitely a woman

Thank you for your insight, Wolf Blitzer. Anderson Cooper, back to you!

>shit on trump with obviously biased hit pieces and stories
>be surprised you don't have a seat at the table when he wins

bunch of idiots.

The worst part is the left is spinning this to mean Trump is making a state controlled media organization, silencing free speech.

>bringing emotions into journalism
What a fucking faggot. Fire his pansy ass since he can't be objective. Or more likely she.

careful. They finally realized this and are trying to kill the internet via "Fake News".

you should shake after pissing for the last drops

>The citizen media dominated this election and helped to expose just how corrupt the mainstream media is.

>The 4th estate has been dead for decades.

>It's been reborn through the internet and social media now.

Back in the Web 2.0 days, we called that the 5th Estate. Kinda got subverted along the way.


these babies just got scolded, thats what happens when you only report a one sided view

stupid media should have met a real firing squad imo

>Toward the end of the campaign, it got to a point where I thought that the coverage was all about [Trump's] flaws and problems.
>But, I thought, OK, let's give them the benefit of the doubt
He literally admits the media was biased against Trump, but somehow they give HIM the benefit of the doubt?
I really want to know how living in his head feels like. Is he always right, or is everyone else just wrong from his perspective?

Nobody is falling for their shit though.

based anti-establishment nintendo

If this is real, my guess would it's Chris Matthews (if he was in attendance)

Martha Radditz
Proved she was overly emotional by crying when Hillary lost and like said the statement sounds like something a woman would say

Ahahahhahah they are all terrified their gravy train is leaving the station!

Oh man rhis makes me happy. The msm are the lowest fucks in america.

They can all die for all i care.


Why the hell should we let a small number of owners selectively choose what 'news' is suitable for us -- pushing their favoured candidates and causes. They'll teach kids about this era: it'll be like when Martin Luther opened the eyes of Christians by asking them simply to read the Bible themselves, rather than relying on Priests.

>not archive
What the fuck

do the people need to fall for it? If Google, FB, and twitter insta-ban "Fake News" sites, how will anything get shared?

George steph

I bet

They know they are becoming irrelevant and will take paycuts!

All because of the 'clown'


Google and FB get blown into a million pieces in an anti trust suit that goes to a Trump stacked Supreme Court.

There are already new platforms popping up. What we need to be careful of is not falling into the same information bubble.

>comment was sponsored by pic related

no matter how much you repeat it it'll never be true

Chuck Todd.

he looks like someone who is easily butthurt.

"off the record"



Wanting the Washington examiner to go out
Fuck you nupol fgt go back to plebbit

Are you guys kidding me?

Nobody gives a shit that daddy Trump is mad at them, they are just going to keep doing what they are doing.

Are they seriously still paying you?

agreed. the edgelords on this site will try to deflect, but it's obviously true and troubling. trump does nearly everything he criticizes others for. it's his strength. while i agree the msm is fucked, his approach is unprecedented.

>throw buckets of shit at trump
>get mad when he wins and treats back like garbage


Anti-media thing worked for trump. He will continue to fuck with the media.