You can build the wall, but we will not pay for it.
You can build the wall, but we will not pay for it
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Get a job then so you can.
Fuck off seppo
Lol, nah I'm not an illegal immigrant
>first mexican dies falling off 500ft wall
Your opinion is irrelevant, all Trump needs to do is to tax the money going outbound to Mexico.
What are they gonna do ? Leave the USA ?
>Beaners think they can fuck over white people
It's okay Paco, you don't need to pay for the wall. Good ole USA will just have to cut off your goodboy points until the debt is finished :^)
Your economy is entirely reliant on US goodwill. We don't need you, whereas you need us more than words can express.
You may not directly cut a check for the wall, but you'll certainly pay for it indirectly. You have absolutely no backbone whatsoever.
Things are going to get very bad for your country if you try to play hardball with America.
Clean up your country, taco-nigger
Fuck off leaf
You can't do that
Yes you will. You'll pay in trade sanctions, easily. Your country's been leeching off ours bigly in the legal business sphere too, with uneven trade deals. No more NAFTA faggot. You're already gonna pay.
1. Nobody asked your permission
2. Fine, say goodbye to the Mexican trade economy
It just got 10ft higher, with a better view thanks to you
Your not going to have a fucking choice pablo
Keep telling yourself that Paco, we all know what is going to happen
You can't legally do that tyrone
What you said
>You can build the wall, but we will not pay for it.
What I heard
> the wall,...we for it.
Didn't you ever hear of white privilege?
We can, and are.
Can't do what? Take the cost of a wall out of the 'charity for mexico' budget?
>he can't win primaries
>he can't win general vote
>we won't pay for wall
you know what comes here wetback
stfu juan. Youll do what we tell you to do.
>You can't do that
according to whom?
Shut up genghis
Trump already backed off clinton. He is breaking his promises.
No real rebuttal, just like your mexican intellectuals. How does it make you feel to know your currency lost over 10% of its value almost instantly since Trump was elected?
How does it make you feel to know your leeching behavior is finally being curved? It's fun to watch you squirm.
You literally get $40 billion in subsidies from the USA. You don't have to pay anything, all Trump has to do is give you less gibs. Your economy will tank and your people will hopefully start political violence so that private companies pull out and return to the USA.
The mighty Mexican Empire with its armies and huge market.
>Tfw trump is going to renovate NAFTA
>Tfw trump will require Mexico's financing of the wall in exchange for Mexican jobs.
>Tfw Mexico has no choice
Say it with me Paco, Señor presidente
Oh that empire? The one which we have constantly violated over the years? LOL
We can't legally set the terms and conditions under which international trade involving our nation is conducted? Newsflash, Paco: we can, always have, and always every other nation. Your government can also respond with tariffs, taxes, or embargoes on our exports, which they won't, and which would hurt our economy very little anyways.
How does it feel knowing we'd rather trade with
>a fucking leaf
than your cartel-infested faggot country?
that kid didn't write that
parents who exploit their children for political statements should be sterilized and the kids sent put for adoption
Eat shit faggot.
You're going to pay for the wall and you will take back ALL the wetbacks
That's where you're wrong, Pedro. Trump can't even build it.
Their -current- economy is entirely reliant on US goodwill.
Incidentally, it was that goodwill(NAFTA) that caused their corn-farming economy to implode, which caused so many disenfranchised farmers to illegally immigrate to the USA.
Watch us
What's stopping him?
Lack of workers? Lack of materials? Lack of popular opinion? Lack of party influence in Congress?
No really, why can't it be done, other than "haha so barbaric like wow so extreme wow like all that way, a wall rly? wow"
We built the interstate system, hell of a lot more work and expense.
Helpless caucasian syndrome is your fallacy.
>Mexicunt thinking his nation will even have a choice
You'll do it and diligently so, to ward off the consequences from President Trump.
We'll just have to make sure you never grow up then.....
This beaner thinks trumps initial transition statements aren't pump fakes to get the snakes in the grass to come out so he can cut their heads off
Wrong a tax on remittance will pay for it.
That shit is not happening here in California. There will be thousands willing to go interfere in the construction to stop it if that's what it comes to.
If you want a tangible reason I'd lack of money is the main reason. I mean he could just borrow it from China but didn't he promise to not do that?
Anyway, the real reason and the only reason that matters in the end is that he simply can't.
>You can build the wall, but we will not pay for it.
FBIAnon said Mexico actively undermines the United States.
Therefore, Mexico will pay for the wall. At the end of the day, we will have a wall and you will have $10 billion less.
no one gives a fuck about prosecuting clinton, we just didn't want her to be president
Read the thread dipshit, the money is already there
lack of mexican construction workers
the greatest irony of alls
pure kekery
Oh yes you will Pablo.
Mexico will pay in lost economic opportunity in the trade wars.
>lack of money
So if he stops the $40 billion yearly charity payment to Mexico while they leech us to death, what then? Is that not enough to build one wall, really? How much more could it possibly cost?
>he simply can't
Ebin maymay, does Bernie still have a way to win? I'll donate my fucking pocket lint, match me.
If he wanted, he could get enough people to VOLUNTEER to build it from Arizona alone, and a lot of them would be legal hispanic immigrants at that.
I see you are on the bargaining stage of grief
If Mexico is footing the bill, then we should spend top dollar on it.
The wall will destroy 90% of the cartels income which came from selling coke and heroine to Americans. Why aren't you happy to see the cartels go?
Hey buddy no need to get so defensive. I have nothing to prove I just want to help my pals out here. He can't build a wall.
Who else here gonna make a trek to the Great Wall of America? Do you think border guard will let me draw on the wall? I'd like to make a little sharpie Pepe.
Stop using words like "defensive" and "passive-aggressive" when someone directly calls you out on your bullshit.
You are wrong.
You are ignorant of my country's culture and finances.
You will always have some sort of "haha can't handle the banter" any time anyone from the US corrects you on mindlessly repeated disinfo, you will always still curl up and shriek about ignorant Americans when someone gives you a dose of your own medicine, and you will always be a typical eurocuck. Your cultural double standards and proud ignorance will never make your country respected or relevant, and we will build a giant wall as both a way to stem the endless leeches and a method to show our power.
i hope they have a volunteer program. i live in texas so i'd love to drive down for one weekend and and help build it for free. i'm also hispanic so i hope they don't have me laying bricks on the other side and accidentally 'forget' about me.
Artillery is a hell of an incentive
statistics say 70% chance the girl will grow up and be on welfare
I didn't call you passive aggressive, dear. But now that you mention it maybe you are. Or perhaps just plain aggressive.
See, this is why he can't build a wall.
you should try to fix your country instead of ruin another one
For someone who has never had a country you sure sound uppity, fucking errands jews will always be homeless.
He'll build two walls.
See, now THAT is passive-aggressive.
>just plain aggressive
Yes. Yes, that is what I am. I am aggressively attacking your ignorance and double standards.
I know that in Europe you've been taught that aggression is so last century and everyone should be snarky and lie a lot, but the US simply isn't interested in your cannibalistic culture.
mexicans dont understand how tarriffs work
But Trump lied to you about the wall. Not only will he not build it he also never intended to.
Let it be a learning experience, Joe.
I'll grow up and get killed by a drug cartel member*
>implying that Mexico ever had a choice, Pablo
Tell you feel in charge.
>I'll grow up
No you won't.
God I hope Trump goes to war with your shithole.
I thought he lied to us about the campaign which he would never have won and was just going to set up a TV network? You're getting the lines confused. Does it trigger you that we're not going to take in more immigrants, or something?
>implying that Mexico ever had a choice, Pablo
Tell you feel in charge.
fuck bordars and shiet
Cartel yourself mexico
Nope. But it worries me that you'll have your little Trumplet hearts broken while fighting for such a pathetic cause.
There's no need, we pull the feeding tube by building the wall, their cartels dry up along with the corruption, either they build a new worthwhile government or they eat each other alive trying to occupy their former positions of power and wealth.
That's even if we don't stop giving them charity.
>You can build the wall, but we will not pay for it.
You indirectly will, since your international help money will be cut off, you leech ;)
The wall just got ten feet higher.
>Leave the USA ?
that's the plan
this kid fucking godzilla junior or something?
Digits say you will, Paco The Taco
third world cartel country talking shit about the most powerful nation in the world.
you don't anger us, we pity you, headless habanero.
Youre a seppo too, from Spain numbnuts.
>illegal immigrant who avoids paying taxes showing violent agressive behaviour in public
i hope she ends up in one of those narco videos :^) they really do some fun stuff with a machete
Nobody is asking you, Taco. The decision has already been made.
>tfw my son says when he gets older he will kill the government
You should maybe consider applying the same methods to your sand nigger problems.
checked hard
First off... He did not write that poster
2nd- it's not "a" wall it's "the" wall
3rd... I'll b waiting, don't u lie to me u lil kids who didn't write that poster let alone b able to read it... Good luck..
If he doesn't build the wall everyone who voted for him will be pissed as well, so what difference are you making posting here? Just twiddle your thumbs till Trump gets impeached
so the wall that Bush built is an hologram???
500 ft tall
100 ft wide
Wind turbines on the top
Trains running back and forth
The rio grand runs through the center.
Water cannons for the lower levels
He isn't building a wall. There's no discussion about that. Point is I'm trying to help anons preparing for the letdown.
No Financial aid to Mexico
50%import tax
You will indirectly pay for the Wall©