Do any of you feel any guilt?

For months you guys picked on and bullied this humble elderly grandmother. Hope you feel good about yourselves Sup Forums.

Do you feel anything? Anything at all when you look at her face?

For how much years she killed civilians in the middle east and eastern europe?

Do you feel anything? Do you know anything, what lebowitz show and young genocide deniers do not show?



i feel great.

>save America
>feel guilt
I regret there is no punishment. Go guilt trip some liberal.


die already

Another staged photo.

fuck off underage faggot, there's worse thing on this planet then an old corrupt cunt losing the power for more corruption.

She probably had that peasant killed for touching her.

No one has ever deserved to lose more.

>Do you feel anything? Anything at all when you look at her face?
"Pathetic fool"

The only regret americans should feel is that their president elect turned out to be a lying politician as well who won't press for prosecution as promised.

No. She was too corrupt to my eyes.

Only feel I have is the desire to see her and her serial sexual predator husband in prison.

I wonder which one of her Facebook friends this is

Nope, gtfo old bitch.

That's how her campaign and the media pushed her, as some sweet old experienced and tough grandma that was going to be the first female POTUS. Oh no she isn't the cold-blooded war criminal that takes blood money from everyone that is willing to give and a Washington-establishment politician.

I feel like laughing when I see that loser puppet's face. I feel nostalgia from The Great Meme War and all the hilarious salvos in many threads. But mostly I feel like laughing.

Corrupt cunt got taken down a few pegs and made null and void in politics. May her next stroke be merciful and send her back to the sewage pit she slithered out from.

>Hope you feel good about yourselves Sup Forums.

Yes, we feel the need to put bars in between her face and the camera.

To be honest I never really took him serious on that because he can't do that since it will make America and the office of the president look bad.
Hillary is still under investigation by the FBI for her foundation I believe. I personally don't even care anymore about her since Trump won.

Humble... Good one

I never took him seriously either. As much as people would like to think otherwise, he's a politician and politicians lie with every word that comes out of their mouths.

You're a retard if you thought Trump personally would lead some sort of crusade against her after winning. That would be a PR disaster. She will get indicted if the evidence calls for it regardless of Trumps non-involvement.

Og du er en tilbakestående tomsing som ikke kan lese andre poster.

I don't know why people are pushing that the GMW is over, we won the battle, but the war is still raging.

Complacency will be the death of us, we must keep fighting.

I see a satanist. Someone who spent decades in lesbian orgies. Someone who probably did unthinkable things with animals at their crazy sex parties. Someone who probably had sex with children. Someone who tortured children. Someone who killed children. Someone who ate human flesh and child flesh.

I see someone with severe mental illness, and then I ignore her and go about my day content to know she's probably going to be dead soon from her Parkinson's Disease.

Raw hatred for an enemy of mankind.

>lul kill muzzies xdd
>fucking gas the jews
>lul slavs arent human xdd!

you can stop pretending to be an angel now. everyone knows pol doesnt give a shit about human life except when that human is white skinned and from western europe.

I do, she should have been euthanized years ago.


that subtle spirit cooking band aid

top kek