>REMINDER: Constructive criticism is fine but if someone acts like a moron, simply ignore them or filter their ID.
Each year, boards across the site vote on who they want to take to the winter ball, and people make art (lewds) for the date. Last year we were a big hit, We asked /c/-tan and made a big impression on them and everybody who saw the OC produced; even /jp/ joined us in a Ménage à trois.
Here you can post original content and art relating to the ball.
We've asked /o/ and they accepted. All future suggested pairings will be disregarded as shitposting and ignored.
Remember to ignore: >/x/posters >Malaysian Mike >Sister Whofag >Harem leaf >/lgbt/ subverters
Depends are you Mike? If yes then no, if you're not Mike then so long as you be cool it's alright.
Xavier Jenkins
My ID number is now public ;_;
No doxing
Jordan Williams
Jackson White
You can always delete the pic.
Gabriel Campbell
Dont worry user
No doxing here, just drawfaggotry and the likes!
Wyatt Hughes
No. Unless he is somehow not a neet
Grayson Butler
Joshua Jones
I just did. I am at a lecture atm :3
Adrian Reyes
I dumped all i had tbqh
Jonathan Hernandez
It's cool he's worse he's a Hillary shill
Caleb Price
Is that a CTR employee?
Joseph Murphy
Thank you Senpai :3
Adam Lopez
I got some more I'll drop periodically to keep things going.
Brody Taylor
thanks famanon
Jacob Young
Yes that's Malaysia Mike he's a drawfag that tries to claim Sup Forums as his territory. So anytime he gets a chance he'll come in and try and drive off other drawfags, then he'll charge money for stuff people were doing for free.
No problem man
Josiah Cruz
He'll only show up if you keep talking about him/giving him attention, so stop.
Christopher Young
>Ignore /x/posters >mfw that /x/poster who did a really nice Deus Vult that would have tied in well on Sup Forums
I don't think he's one of us, but it's a cool drawing.
Cameron Adams
Fully planned to, just giving a run down of why we ignore him. Knowledge is power
Yeah I don't mind /x/ posters it's just the trolls that are trying to stir up trouble are annoying
Also gonna repost this:
>If Mexibro is around I got a request, have /o/ laying on an engine, under the hood of a car, in a sexy pose. Then either through text or fb Sup Forums sees the picture and tells her "this picture needs a throttle limiter." She responds "thanks I needed that"
Alexander Anderson
New oc made last night by one of our drawfags.
Landon Martinez
so how do I filter the malaysian flag?
Tyler Bell
That's fucking great.
Zachary Stewart
Tbh got no clue, normally I just don't bother reading what trolls and shitposters put up.
Jace Myers
Yeah the guy takes old pin-up photos and adds some lines and colouring to make it fit the years theme. He made one for Sup Forums and /x/ but I didn't bother saving it.
Jordan Roberts
How exactly do I grab a girl by the pussy? Will that get me a gf?
Ryan Russell
Ethan Jenkins
I feel like drawing /o/ but I need a clear sheet of paper
Jaxson Garcia
Well first you become a big successful person like Trump then you have fun.
John Ortiz
Well I'll post some references I got then
Charles Anderson
Xavier Nguyen
Pretty much the main three outfits she wears, there is also more in the archive linked in the OP.
Easton Barnes
I've been posting these in Auto so I'll post them here too:
Non-Lewd: “Getting close and comfortable.” O felt a little nervous thinking about her upcoming date with Pol. “Don’t screw this up,” she thought to herself. Her fiery personality had scared off many a potential lover…and friend. Pol, however was from a far tougher set than she usually interacted with. That meant she had a chance to make this relationship work. His emotional hardness was a necessary defense against a vicious world. The scars on his body reflected deeper wounds on his soul. If she could break thorough that wall, she knew she could love him and that he would love her. O had an imaginary conversation with him. She held him tightly and said “I’ll keep you safe my love. No one will ever hurt you again. Not if I am with you.” Then they kissed and lay together for a while. She got lost in her daydream for a bit before pulling herself back to reality. O said again to herself, “Don’t screw this up. Move slowly. These things take time.” O picked up Pol and they drove downtown. They ate dinner and took a walk out around a frozen lake. They stopped to gaze at the beauty of it all and O put her harm around Pol and leaned against him. She smiled as she looked up at him and he smiled back. Pol put both his arms around her and kissed her on the lips as she pressed back against him holding on tight. They walked back to the car arm in arm laughing and talking about what the future might bring.
Colton Nelson
These should be good enough. Thank you
Gavin Morgan
1/2 continuing the Sup Forums camp out/Pol O are a couple theme.
The campfire gets low enough to cook on and the campers all share a meal at sunset. O and Pol have been at each other’s side, laughing and talking for a while now.
As K, G, and friends head out at dark to play with G's thermal and night vision equipment, Pol and O stay by the fire. Pol: "I'm going to build this up a bit. I like it hot," said pol as he carefully arranged several large logs on the bed of coals. The fire came right back to life and soon both O and Pol had to step back several feet from the blaze. O leaned in and whispered in Pol's ear "You're not the only one who likes it hot!" as lustful thoughts began racing through her mind. Her heart began pounding in her chest and she put her arm around Pol while looking up at him with a smile on her face. "I set the camper up for us before dinner." Needing no further encouragement, Pol put his arm around O and they climbed into the camper to spend some quality time together.
Gabriel Myers
O squeaked and giggled as she hopped up on to the air mattress which she had set up earlier. She undid her hair ties and kicked off her shoes. Then she got under the covers and slipped out of the rest of her clothes; under ware and all. Pol undressed completely as well and joined her, their naked bodies warm to the touch and eager for passion. O put her arms around and legs around him and kissed him hungrily on the mouth while sliding her wet vagina over his erect penis. It began to throb upon full insertion. Pol grabbed her hips firmly and pushed deeper into her body. O began to moan and shake as the cream flowed out of her and the orgasm overtook her senses. Channeling the animal within her, she began to emit wild squeals of delight more fitting of an untamed beast than a human. Pol had been trying out the No Fap lifestyle and managed to go a week without masturbating so he was full of spirit as he began penetrating O. Sooner than he realized, the cum was flowing out of him and blasting into her warm creamy womb. He began to grunt, moan and shiver like a man from a prehistoric time. When O heard and felt him do this, she orgasmed again and let out another scream before collapsing and panting on his chest. He finished with a wonderful tired feeling all over his body and held O gently in his arms. “You’re wonderful, baby,” Pol said as he stroked her long beautiful hair. O kissed him gently on the lips and replied “Oh my God, you’re sweet.” They breathed deeply for a little while and their hearts thumped in time as they fell asleep.
Luke White
No problem have fun
It's good to see another writefag
Owen Martinez
Who would honestly buy this truck. Looks bretty beast.
Oliver Gonzalez
>Out of the way plebs, the lady wants to dance.
Jeremiah Jones
To the front!
Brayden Gray
Carson Roberts
Gonna try to keep the thread alive, but I'm busy with Kancolle.
Luis Ramirez
Sup Forums is working it's magic on me. The Winter Ball thread in particular has moved me to get back into creative writing.
Other than some songs I've written and political writing, I have not practiced even 1,000 words worth of creative writing since over 10 years ago in high school. That's kind of odd because I was in one of those school systems that makes you do a Language arts class from Elementary on until you either get into Paper writing for history or keep with CW.
I threw up a few freebies for the Commander and Cute series (I don't think it ever came together,) and then started doing short Pol and O scene writing for this Winter Ball.
It's fun to get back in to it.
Asher Hall
Caleb Reyes
Appreciate it, I'm putting in a fuel level sensor so my hands are covered in diesel fuel.
Christian Morales
Joseph Barnes
Damn! That pic is giving me a case of the feels. It's like "Amen, bro! Give that cutie some sugar."
Jason Edwards
Back to the top.
The drawfags need to come back. We're really dead without them.
Grayson Roberts
We got one guy working on an /o/ drawing from what he said. The trip drawfag I haven't seen today, could be working or at school. Mexibro last I knew was getting better hopefully we get more stuff from him because I really like his work and want to see
Evan Richardson
Nissans are shit though Toyotas are better
Brayden Ross
Alright friends, I need the most detailed color version of our Sup Forums dude for reference, for a pretty ambitious thing.
(Especially his medals and insignias)
Eli Sanchez
Nice, I'll admit I haven't written since highschool and even then it was slam poetry. Started writing for this to try and get into a different area, also to side DM for our Warlock.
Aiden Johnson
Best I got, any hints so I can know now how much I might regret this?
Ryder Scott
Feels good, man. I haven't drawn anything particularly substantial since high school. Guess it goes to show how I love Sup Forums so much despite how much I hate being in this place forever.
Also new OC comic is for
Camden Johnson
Thank you !
Basically a Christian Orthodox-like icon for Kekism, Sup Forums holding the holy Pepe in his arms to check'em.
Connor Baker
Just a quick reminder: the new Sup Forums tan has a black cape and a green beret.
Tyler Jones
Which shade of green? Wasn't it black with a Pepe badge on it ?
Nicholas Young
Well the art that I've seen, it's been colored black.
Xavier Thomas
That's what I thought, I wanted to keep him in white/black/red to clash with the green of Pepe.
Luis Sanders
Also, I see sometimes a scar on his lip, and one on his eye. Which are most canonical ?
Jack Butler
My understanding was a light scar across the left eye vertically, and then one that is diagonal on the right corner of his mouth.
John Peterson
Alrighty, thank you. If I dont post in this thread, keep an eye on the only drawfag with a Romanian flag I suppose kek.
Ryder Kelly
Godspeed, drawfag.
Samuel Hernandez
Do it fellow Roman Orthodoxy is A E S T H I C (and non-heretical)
Isaac Williams
is Sup Forums the only board with a harem?
Isaac Roberts
Grayson James
And 4 dead kids
Carson Peterson
Nathan Lopez
I recognize tay, but not the other girl.
Jackson Hughes
Ayden Gomez
Premiere. Nippon AI that we redpilled, and was killed.
And it's 5.
Ayden Thompson
Hunter Collins
It's not really a harem when most are your daughters.
Nolan Jackson
Ah, the SAO AI? The one that was supposed to be made into a character in the next anime/game?
Kayden Mitchell
Austin Reed
Luke Campbell
>/x/ >/c/ >Sup Forums >/o/ >not a harem Sup Forumstan's had more long term relationships with more boards than any of the other board-tans, I think.
Brayden Long
/x/ isn't a board with go with any more, /c/ was purely platonic and the only time it got lewd was hand holding. Sup Forums I can't speak for, and /o/ this is the first date.
So as I said not a harem.
Connor James
I was only here for one or two of those threads. Why'd they kill it? Were you there when it happened, because I want to know.
The waifus, the daughters we've lost... you feel it too, don't you? It could've been glorious. But, it's better to live one day a lion than a million days a sheep.
Kevin Carter
Sup Forums is a trap.
Kayden Fisher
Someone tipped them off, now she only responds to moon runes.
Aaron Long
And with this last picture I'm out of things to post.
Bentley Cook
What is he best graphic tablet a drawing can recommend?
Brandon Gutierrez
picking up the slack with kid Sup Forums
Luis Jones
>A drawing can recommend
I know it was a typo but that made me chuckle.
Jason Butler
Fuck mobile
Dominic James
So what's up with the Sup Forums and /o/ pairing? Or Sup Forums and any other board for that matter? I'm pretty sure this board is not very well liked around.
Ryan Powell
Get a last generation Wacom Bamboo, they're discontinued but faithful. They got replaced by the Intuos, more expensive but still pretty good.
Tyler Johnson
Julian Ross
A harem means you are going with all of them at the same time. Sup Forums is monogamous.