How do we make El Salvador greatest and better than ever before?
>inb4 kill all shitskins We can't do that But I've considering importing at least 1M Boer refugees from South Africa >inb4 El Salvador has never been great We had an agrarian economy akin the confederate south pre-80's when all the marxist indoctrination began
Can't when the country has grown lazy from getting money from people in the US . It'll have to fix itself over the next generations when they realize people born here don't have as strong ties to relatives there .
A death squad or two against the gangs would be nice too but human right groups defend criminals instead of victims
James Gonzalez
>the country has grown lazy from getting money I think this problem is more common in the capital rather than in the countryside. I say this, because in my region, the few families that sent relatives to the states (it's expensive, so the whole family has to give money to send a few) have been investing the money buying more lands and cattle. So it's not like they just sit on a hammock the whole day waiting for their monthly check.
Sebastian Morgan
Bump people El Salvador is the greatest country in Central America
Caleb Flores
me and 3 other Salvadorians work here (we are all here legally) and share ideas about how to fix the country.
The oldest of us is 44 and he is comtenplating going back to sonsonate and change a few things.
1. We all agree that before anything happens, the economy MUST come first. what good does jailing all criminals first do if there are still no jobs? more criminals will be made out of necessity. So we were talking about so many products El Salvador imports that instead should be nationalized (not the product itself but instead make one similar) and impose Tariff or ban said product to help new emerging business . This should be done for many products, El Salvador has the labor force and resources to do it; think products like Deodorant, clothing, plastics, window screens etc.. that are heavily imported from other countries.
Jaxon Ross
Bump because El Salvador will re-unify Central America again one day
Carson Price
I think we should do the same as Martinez did in the 30's: Use the criminals as slave-work-force to build cheap infrastructure that we so desperately need.
Also, what you mention on heavy tariffs on certain products are also a great point. I would also add processed food as snacks, noodles, canned food, etc. that comes from Guatemala in industrial quantities every month, and other products that are importer from neighbor countries that could easily be produced here.
2. This should create a small but significant movement to get the Salvadorian people working and thinking in new ideas. El Salvador has the ability to developed Geothermal power plants. Many people don't know this but it is such a great idea that it is finally being looked at and i am glad. Think of the possibilities for bigger industrial plants with cheaper energy consumption and already cheap labor. Plus we save on importing electricity from Guatemala
You and the rest of us think very much alike holy shit! this was my next point.
Security 3. All those criminals and all that money being spent on prisons and maintenance should be put to use exactly as you say. I think an allowance of $4-7 dollars a day for any prisoner willing to work (i wish it was slave work but we just cannot do that). We do not have the luxury of Sweden or U.S to have prisoners fattening up in jails.
At this time Salvadorian Employment should have been greatly increase and the priority now shifts to Security. People want to keep their goods and belongings safe no more "rentas" since there is work this criminal gangs do nat have any legitimacy anymore as they do now "we cant find jobs so ms13".
A presidential mandate should be created at this point that any criminal involved in "rentas" or gang violence, drug trafficking will receive severe consequences, the death penalty as there is no excuse to be a criminal anymore.
Leo Roberts
I am honestly happy to see that there are fellow salvadorans that share the same ideals and can see the same solutions to the problems we have.
Specially the point about the geothermal energy, this is something that truly could be developed and we'd start seeing benefits relatively quickly.I don't believe in all the "eolic and solar energy farms" bullshit that has been going mainstream among the "new brains" in the salvadoran politics. buying giant plots of lands to have solar panels It's not worth it, since we have such little space.
Regarding the security and the treatment of prisoners, I think we should establish the bare minimum conditions for each one of them: tortillas and salt as the base meal, and if they want to improve this they'll have to earn money working for the state.
I agree with you regarding death penalties but only for gang leaders, so the rest get scared to take this position, thus breaking the group's morale.
Justin Baker
To sum it all up
1.Economy 2.Energy 3.Security
as the economy grows, more energy will be needed and as more wealth is created security will be needed.
i have seen so many documentaries were a lady puts a clothing business and employs 3 or 4 people, only to have gangs impose a $1,000 a month ''renta'' on them and so they close shop and get out of there for fear of persecution by gangs. It is such a loss, so many such cases!
after this 3 steps the last step comes into play.
Last. We should use the knowledge gathered of the people living abroad and have a home coming of nationals going back to El Salvador. Get citizens living abroad to bring back what they know and promise them a better life in the country. i know so many business people here that are salvadorians, they have their own company and are so smart that it makes me sad that a "brain drain" has occurred in El Salvador
Justin Miller
>"we cant find jobs so ms13". By the way, there are jobs, plenty of jobs everywhere, even in the countryside. The problem is that these jobs offer a shitty pay. Enough not to starve, but not enough to have a blast every weekend. But there are family men and women willing to take them, for the sake of their families. These are the very men and women, that often suffer in the hands of the gangmembers who can't "find jobs so ms13". But international "pro-human rights" NGO's will shill for them 24/7.
Mason Price
Loosen gun laws and increase immigration from Europe.
Hunter Jones
>We should use the knowledge gathered of the people living abroad and have a home coming of nationals going back to El Salvador. Get citizens living abroad to bring back what they know and promise them a better life in the country This is the point that truly takes a special room in my heart, because I see in our salvadoran diaspora, in a somewhat romantic way. I see them as people who didn't want to leave, but had to, for the sake of a better life for their families, during hard times. But once the hard times are gone, we can always welcome them with open arms, because this home our home forever. And in the same way jews living in different corners of the world took knowledge from their to bring to Israel, Salvadorans living in different corners of the world, can bring new skills and ideas to build a stronger El Salvador.
Benjamin Myers
Yes, killers, rapist wont get the benefit and should have a bare minimum all others may be giving the option to work for the sate at a bare minimum as well if they choose to.
oh btw this transformation would probably take 6-10 years
Now i wanna hear what your ideas are to Make El Salvador Great Again.
Cameron Gonzalez
We had this law until 1980's i believe. it was, No Arabs, Blacks, Gypsis and jews iirc could immigrate to El Salvador, so pretty much only whites.
Luis Thompson
I think the literal eradication of the normalized "criminal class" that currently exist in El Salvador, wouldn't take even a year. I say this because your average Salvadoran is thirsty for gangblood, they hate them more than you can imagine, but nobody dares to throw the first rock because they know that 1 rock won't be enough.
Not sure if you've already noticed, but the political class is happy with the current criminal-ruled streets, because it keeps people focused on survival mode. "Oh well, yes the public health and education are shit, but at least I made it alive another day so I'm happy". That's why you won't see the political dinosaurs and puppets pushing for real solutions to the criminal problem.
Wyatt Murphy
>No negros, no gitanos y no malayos Blacks, gypsies and Malay
Daniel Long
tell me more about the new Director de la fiscalia, the one that arrested Saca and was after Funes, is he based or a puppet? i've read different reports.
Oliver Miller
>Now i wanna hear what your ideas are to Make El Salvador Great Again. I think the key to all of this is a new civic movement. Both political parties (fmln, arena) are ruled by families that sit and dine at the same table (Did you know that Shafick Handal was godfather to Tony Saca?), but on the other hand you'll see on street their followers insulting each other while waiting for the bus.
What we need is to break this, end this and push for brand new start with people who truly want to see a better El Salvador, instead of globalist merchants that don't give a fuck because their bank accounts are abroad and they can leave whenever the ship starts sinking.
Henry Hill
>is he based or a puppet Both But this is great since it creates chaos Some reports say that is Arena trying to take revenge on Saca for what they did. Other reports say that he is independent. Something else that was recently revealed is that some of the people working for the Fiscal are people involved with gangs and drug trafficking. But doesn't specify if he is involved too.
We don't really have "Independent media" or "alternative news" here so is hard to get fresh news, since everything has a bias
David Rodriguez
so pretty much pic related
Benjamin Parker
kick out all the salvadorans
Nolan Foster
If the government cannot impose rule of law then you only have anarchy. From what i heard the situation is so bad you might aswell just have sokdiers patrolling the street in martial law. I would like to say fuck the UN but i know small countries cannot afford to offend it.
Ensure all people with clean records can conceal carry with stand your ground type laws if they are not already in place. Criminals dying this way means less work for police and no UN anti death penalty whining.
I suspect most people are afraid of gang retaliation though if they kill criminals in defence. This is the main security problem.
Gavin Gonzalez
>soldiers patrolling
This is exaclty what they have been doing for the last 12 years i believe just not in official martial law.
also the politicians are all part of the same group. you need a complete drain of the swamp.
Ayden Ramirez
Owen Bailey
>If the government cannot impose rule of law then you only have anarchy. The problem is that this "unruly-rule-of-law" is actually beneficial to the political class who are in control of the government. Because people naturally prioritize their safety over everything. As I mentioned in a previous comment, when you reach the point where making it alive through the day is your bigger concern, the state of public health and education, and the unfair deals that the government make, aren't really relevant to you. This is why you won't see big political parties worried about fixing the security situation.
Hudson Williams
>how to fix costa rica Import the sperm of highly intelligent donors and set up a sperm bank and subsidize it so costa ricans can afford to use the sperm.
Tell the costa ricans that their children will be tall, white and have blue eyes and become lawyers and scientists and doctors when they grow up.
Carson Brown
>Ensure all people with clean records can conceal carry with stand your ground type laws if they are not already in place. This is actually a great point and lately I've been fantasizing about it (still not sure how it would work in reality). But if we could experiment forming some "civil guard" in a few neighborhoods, with the purpose to identify gangmembers trying to do "business" there (gangs usually operate outside their home neighborhoods, so it's easy to spot them as outsiders).
I wouldn't suggest giving them an independent role, but more of a police-supporting role. Where they identify these outsiders with criminal intentions and report it to the authorities. Also they would be allowed to carry guns for self-defence, but always as a last resource, in case they consider the need of force can't wait for the police to arrive.