Trump got 14,2% in Boston

Trump got 14,2% in Boston.







When did you realize that pretty much all of Trump's votes came from rural toothless hillbillies with no running water living in a shack?

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A fucking leaf

>When did you realize that pretty much all of Trump's votes came from rural toothless hillbillies with no running water living in a shack?
When did you realize that pretty much all of Trump's votes came from rural Americans sick of being demonized as dumb rednecks by the left?

then how did the fake facebook news swing the election?

It was pretty obvious a year ago, user. No one in their right mind votes for a reality show TV star, real estate billionaire tycoon, confirmed con man and obvious bully to be their president to fight against the 'elites'. It just doesnt even pass the sniff test.

Because all hitlery's votes came from higly esteemed americans and not from spics, nignogs and sjw

What site is that?

I knew that from the beginning.

Kthnx leaf

As opposed to helpless city dwellers that will all start killing each other about 15 seconds after the lights go out?

Country boy can survive.

Boston = niggers.

pretty much this

Trump's win was because liberals are douche bags

Boston is basically this:

>Muh Kennedy's
>Muh Kennedy's

Without realizing that the Democrat of yesterday is not the Democrat of today. They gave us Barney Frank, so, do not expect much from Boston.

Boston is full of liberals. I still voted Trump.

stop being dumb rednecks then

But the "dumb redneck" won :)

We will if you stop being a child-raping suicide bomber, Habib.

as soon as you fix your teeth you crumpet eating ugly fuck

Fuck thoese potato niggers

>When did you realize that clinton got most of her votes from liberal arts college kids, elitists, and inner city gibs?

Keep this up leaf this is why trump won

>MIT, Harvard
>started the American revolution
>New England Patriots football, Red Sox baseball
>strongly against autocratic douchebag con man Trump

how can one city have so much heart and epicness?

Proving the point. Truth is not based on votes

youre exacly correct, as hillary won the pop vote

why is all this leddit cancer still here, what are you doing on Sup Forums? you got btfo, leave pls.

Tell that to the people that think it must be all rigged as Trump must have won everything because he can't be wrong.

So then how do you explain him getting less votes than 2004 Bush?

>Trumps voters are poor and uneducated.
>Trumps voters need to check their privilage

pick one faggot



That's the nice thing about the US.

Even impoverished people with little hope in life still get a vote.

Also, you've clearly never been to Boston. People there are absolutely fucking insufferable. They make pretentious Los Angelites look like God-fearing folk.

Not like there's not cheap food from Mexico and Canada, retard. Even 3rd world retards can farm...

Might want to also remember who subsidises their farms.


Stop embarrassing yourself, OP.

>blue collared GED garbage from Christ Fucker piss poor red states and ugly alt right shut ins love trump

Shocker. Every fucking rally looked like a monster truck show

Gee, that's kinda harsh.

Whatever happened to LOVE TRUMPS HATE, you disingenuous little faggot?

Liberals now siding with the big companies they once rallied against

Fuck yourself dude there's 11 million illegals, it's not hard to imagine 2-3 million voted for Hillary
T. Judicial watch

The best part of the election results is that it exposed leftists for the hate filled worms that they are

Nah, the Republicans in the HOR/Senate surely didn't want to give up the executive branch regardless of their candidate.

I mean just hours before the deadline in Florida, Marco Rubio won his spot along with some other repubs.

a votes a vote

Jesus you retards are clueless no wonder you guys lost the election.

They can't seem to help it. The left is obsessed with identity politics. Many of those on the left are actual racists.

Austin, texas here. My half black half Guatemalan friend and I (Germanic white) both voted Trump. We have running water.

>Tfw your town voted Trump
Feels good man

Look at DC's polling. Trump got about 5% there.

Fuck off cityfag
