everything gets passed eventually.
i fucking hate this country
everything gets passed eventually.
i fucking hate this country
underage fag detected.
What's wrong with anti-degeneracy laws?
Good. Serves you cucks right.
you guys will just make your own site called 4chav and will congregate there, it will be alright
It's moderately serious but won't stop us posting. You'll see.
Feel free to screenshot this and shitpost about it if it makes you feel better.
they can sneak forums and image boards under the umbrella of porn. this mean Sup Forums
you already can't browse it in certain places in the UK
do they really want to break the containment?
are they ready for what will be unleashed?
This is what happens when you vote for Tory scum.
Except for the BREXIT, looks like they are going back on their word
Haha UK-cucks, enjoy your nanny state.
implying all the main parties aren't controlled by kike donations
Dumb shit detected
You know this is an out right block on all porn sites that don't implement age verification (like credit card) ? no opt out-in site..
>Can't own guns.
>Can't own knives.
>Now they can't look at porn without asking for permission first.
So, how are British people different from children now?
do you even internet bro?
Violent revolution is literally the only way to save and restore your country.
Nature always finds a way and the internet is no different
If it becomes a problem, a detour around it will be found. It happens every time, but those in power keep putting their finger in the dyke and announcing they've solved the problem.
They have to justify their position to all the inattentive parents they have created
In all honesty, Labour wont object to it, like they didn't object to the snoopers charter that just passed. also labour put CCTV all over the country.
Two main parties are out to turn us into 1984, there needs to be a civil war..
labour and conservative are the same thing.
different but completely the same thing.
i realise that sounds retarded but its true
I feel bad for them man
We dodged a globalist bullet with Trump nut are far from safe, every liberal in our country wants shit like this.
fucking kek at the browser in that picture though
We just need to educate the population on how to use the deep web and become truly anonymous and untraceable on the web. Its nice that the government found such an effective way of incintivising people to make the transition. Also the UK us literally Orwellian nightmare on steroids run by Saudi Arabia, what did you expect. The British internet space is now officially a Sharia controlled zone.
Good. GTFO with y our brit/pol/ bullshit.
can't forget about daddy watching all the time with CCTV and the whole 'you need to be a good boy if you wanna watch tv and pay it from your allowance' thing.
this. all neoliberal, Blairite cucks
Don't be so quick to assume that this can't happen here. This is an all out attack on everybody in the free world. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't our current leader of the free world recently willingly hand over the internet to the EU?
Which puppet do you want, the one on the left hand or the one on the right
No, I want the puppetmaster's head on a pike
Some NZ nigger literally gave me $800 in BitCoin and I've been spending it on Sup Forums passes for years.
You're never getting rid of me.
we have no guns though user
bongs btfo
what do you lads think of JRE for UKIP?
seems like a top bloke IMO but Ive only just found out about him.
Guy Fawkes did nothing wrong.
>B-but we voted for Brexit
You're still all cucks,
Eat shit.
Is this somehow a problem?
This is my only concern about a Trump presidency.
I'm sorry, allies. You will be missed. It is regrettable that more attention was not put into making your people come to understand the importance of freedom of speech. We could have memed your country out of this.
One of the only good threads on pol
Whilst every other thread is bait by a Canadian or Australian or an autistic trump thread
he was referring to Islamic extremists and how they use jewbook to recruit openly and he's right.
Still gonna bang Spanish birds abroad mate
I used to hate brit pol because of all the karen posting but i have come to love it now.
its definitely one of the best boards when no major happenings are happening.
also one of the most autistic but you can't win em all
However you will make a great example for other western nations where this liberty is threatened, mine included. I will use your loss as a scare tactic. It will not be in vain.
>implying that Trump will stop with only that
Look at his choice for NSA director.
In Russia they already blocked, but you can use proxy to avoid it. Dunno will it work in UK
>implying that mudslimes are just going to get up and leave on their own
May will probably make proxies/VPNs illegal next.
It's actually amazing how britain always portayed in media like freedomland on par with murrica and being orwellian shithole in reality.
>make proxies/VPNs illegal next.
Problem is not to make it illegal, problem is to make it not working.
>what is intranet.
It just means we need to be more subversive. Like talking to people in Best Korea.
>no more Anglo's on Sup Forums
Sweet. Now we can begin spreading our anti-anglo propaganda without some Anglo autist ignoring it because 'muh empire'
They're simply making it so that people have to tick a box with their ISPs to view these sites.
That's some fucking GOOD NEWS tbqh
Long as it only effects the current system, then we're cool. But blocking sites when the filter is off. shits gonna go down.
When will Britain die and allow the Irish to take over the land they leave behind?
I was here first the Irish can sod off.
I vaguely remember when I first started coming here, around 2006, there were some boards I couldn't get into, and then over time it started to open up a bit and then suddenly I could access all of the boards. It seemed to be to be a block of the more adult boards, but my memory of it is too fucking hazy to say that for certain, or for that matter what came up in place of the boards I couldn't access. It was a decade ago.
Any oldfags remember anything like this? My ISP was BT.
The irish can only survive in Ireland because they get given billions of EU shekels every year. How do you think they'd possibly manage to hold down the entirety of Britain?
Oh wait, now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure I was getting some sort of Sup Forums "banned" screen, so it must've been Sup Forums doing it, blocking particular ISPs from particular boards (or the whole country) for whatever reason...
In more recent years I get a particular page when I try to go on torrent sites or illegal streaming sites that are blocked. It wasn't like that.
Yeah BT was doing that shit years ago. ameribros, its like time warner for the uk.
Had BT internet since forever, don't remember anything of that kind. Maybe it was your parents who put on a filter that blocked adult content.
By "age verification" do they mean literally just clicking yes i am 18+? If so this is some retarded shit.
Yup. A blessing in disguise. More nodes for tor and i2p is only a good thing in the long run.
This is an opportunity to educate for the greater good of freedom of speech. Perhaps it's time for an OP targeting the UK. Flood twatter and kikebook with memes on this law along with guides to using tor i2p vpns and proxies in general. Also we can inject education on why anonimity is crucial to free societies in the 'digital' age.
>Maybe it was your parents who put on a filter that blocked adult content.
No, it definitely wasn't that, I had the only computer in the house for a long time. It was me who set up our internet account in the 90s, it was even in my name.
it starts with porn
then it moves on to "radical propaganda" websites (Sup Forums will be one of the first to go)
then it becomes harder to opt out, maybe you'll need some sort of a background check before you're cleared access
that's how it begins
Probably credit card verification. Lots of scope for harvesting cc info. If I was a cunt I would br thinking of opening a porn site right now...
>Porn sites start putting on their age verification
>Are you over the age of 18?
>Yes or no
Wow, you sure protected those young chilluns from seeing the naughty pictures online
Guys what the fuck are we gonna do? We've got fuck all to fight back with. No guns, no knives, no political parties. We're done for!
brit/pol/ is full of cucks and faggots tbqh
>Whilst every other thread is bait by a Canadian or Australian or an autistic trump thread
and i see you're one of them
What they're saying is that "literally just clicking yes i am 18+" is not satisfactory age verification, since it's obviously useless. The proposal is that sites like that would be included in the block. It'll only allow sites that require a credit card or something for access.
This is what happens when we have more women in parliament.
>The new approach, which was first hinted at last month after Claire Perry MP tabled several directly related amendments
>n a statement explaining the move, Culture Secretary Karen Bradley said: "The government is committed to keeping children safe from harmful pornographic content online and that is exactly what we are doing."
This is probably all taking us one step closer to the sort of "internet ID card" then want for all internet activity to put a stop to online trolling and harassment.
What I sometimes get when I'm looking to watch old movies online.
This age verification is on most porn sites, however anyone can tick yes, the UK government wants porn sites to verify by credit card details...
Well fuck we all knew it was going to happen as soon as Theresa fucking May got in. Been a pleasure gents
Hi GCHQ this is a satirical post on a satirical Mongolian Basket Weaving imageboard. I love Theresa May really
there really wasn't anything embarrassing in those bookmarks user
stil using jewgle huh, nice screencappy
Wait, so you gotta verify your age by putting in your credit card details into the porn site? No sir, I don't like this at all.
I am looking at housing prices in Australia, they are looking for people who work in IT. I love my country but i refuse to live the rest of my life in this prison. Our government do not want us here, that is blatantly obvious. Migrants can rape children and get away with it while the average Joe can't view "adult content" or make a mean comment about immigration. I'm out lads, it's only going to get worse.
whats wrong with your children england?
Pretty sure Labour would not have a problem doing the same.
britpol is ok but they made fun of me when i said ed sheeran is a talented musician
also why does one poster post pictures of kristen stweart in every thread?
>you'll only hear about the UK through MSM sources and rumors
>can't trust the word of people on sites like facebook and reddit because they're so heavily censored.
fucking wild! that does suck however.
It was nice chatting to you lads. best of luck to you all when that digital wall goes up.
Don't want to be the one to break it to you bud, but australia is even further down the police state route.
Porn is too accessible for kids these days something needs to be done, sadly a proposed block on porn will do little to keep it away from kids, it's a blight.
Pandoras Box was opened long ago.
This is how they take control of the internet.
In tiny, bite size steps that no one notices.
Everyone has noticed it, the internet has become gay as hell.
>not stockpiling terabytes of data
>books, film, music, art, software
if you haven't started yet, you probably should.
5 years ago I would have been against it but there's an actual epidemic of kids with erectile dysfunction. Something needs to be done about it. I'm also pretty sure porn is turning kids gay. Common Filth always talks about a British poll of kids where the majority of them admit to being at least a little gay and when I loot at how internet forums have changed over the years and I believe it. 10 years ago Sup Forums wasn't filled with trap porn and pictures telling them to eat their own cum.
Newer generations are emotionally stunted and even less likely to have kids than the previous generations of whites. It's time to do away with porn.
Really, how can it get worse then here?
People notice they just don't care.
Then only right news on facebook.
War is peace. Peace is war. Freedom is slavery. Slavery is freedom. Rip normal people.
>no more brit posters
One can only dream, you fucking cucks are the true roaches of the world. Good riddance you United Khaliphate fucks.
>thinks tabs are bookmarks
Never change italy, never.
Stay a 3rd world country
>Implying porn is the only thing they will block
I'll take a scone eating faggot over a leaf any day.
the tabs are the same but he deleted the first pic and removed the bookmarks bar you Somalian retard