Trump will NOT be investigating Clinton
>She ran away with it
>Trump's part of the establishment
>Trumptards BTFO
Reminder that trump just paid a fine of 25$ million dollars because of his fraud university
>trusting the MSM
I'll leave it in the air until he's inaugurated. He needs to hold a lot of punches.
>most untrustworthy candidate ever elected president by calling his opponent the most untrustworthy politician
>inb4 the alt-right acts like they knew all along
Who really got played this election? The left or the right? The American people that's who.
Nigga, that link is CLEARLY RT you fucking retard. Please neck yourself.
So much for draining the swamp eh?
A settlement isn't a fine.
If he attacks clinton now, Obama will just have her pardoned. He needs to wait until he is inaugurated to do anything.
Of course not. The Justice Department investigates crimes, not the president.
It's practically a fine because if he wasn't guilty he wouldn't settle
>implying Congress won't impeach her
18 trillion dollar dimensional chess
People settle out of court all the time. It's to avoid hassle.
That's why people sue companies all the time. It's cheaper to pay them off than to go to trial.
Day one of Trump going back on his word
Man you Trumptards are dumb. He thanks you rubes for your votes!
who cares, Trump destroyed the Clinton and Bush dynasties in 1 election cycle. Hillary staying out of the white house was the real prize, her going to prison was the cherry on top
She needs to be indicted first to be pardoned
but its ok, I trust lord Trump to come through on his other campaign promises. Surely he is not lying piece of shit just like every other politician...thats what he said, right guis?
It's a ruse so Obama won't pardon her.
Trump takes every single little thing to the court.
So don't tell me he did it to avoid hassle.
He did it because he knew he was guilty.
Who the fuck pays 25 million dollars when he isn't guilty?
Trump doesn't "pursue charges"...this is up Chaffetz, Gowdy and the FBI and others.
There isn't some magical on/off button a President has in these matters.
As a point of political theater/strategy, it's brilliant...he can stand back and say "hey look, I don't control congressional investigators and the FBI" should congress/FBI/Justice Dept. keep it up.
Also, for the next 4 years he controls narrative of "hey, I could have had her locked up...the evidence was yuge, but I feel sorry for her and I want to bring country together"
He keeps her on the guilty chair forever without having to expend the political capital to prosecute her. She becomes his punching bag whenever he wants for free.
Hopefully, this is only true in the strictest sense.
The president doesn’t actually investigate anything.
Trump won't start a new investigation, but won't interfere with an ongoing one.
They won't investigate the email server, but use the information to charge other crimes.
Clinton and her corrupt minions should hold up on the celebration.
IDK 4D chess or something, hopefully.
and here I thought all the CTR faggots had killed themselves
This thread is evidence to the contrary
literally 99% success rate, based
People from these other countries keep thinking that a settlement means anything.
I don't think they know much about America.
there's a ruse but you're the victim
> This just in politician lies to public
Oh fuck! Say it isn't so! Something like this has NEVER happened before.
I knew he was a pussy from the beginning, what will we do now ?
The public has a right to know what was done and is being done !
>Who the fuck pays 25 million dollars when he isn't guilty?
A billionaire who just got elected president. Also, as a lawyer, you should know guilt is for criminal cases.
>getting mad at me pretending to be retarted
nigga he is president now, I don't think he cared. These guys probably thought they could ask for a lot of money now to settle and he just was like "meh, whatever"
He's a billionaire and has better things to do now.
She's going to die of Kuru anyways
If he didn't think he would be found guilty why did he settle?
>Congress can impeach Hillary Clinton
Please leave this board, you are making us burgers look bad
After years of everyone here saying otherwise, Trump is just another rich politician spewing bullshit to get the uneducated vote. And people still defend him! Sad!
This. Grow a brain you fucking morans.
>inb4 the alt-right acts like they knew all along
This is Sup Forums senpai, if you're looking for the "alt-right" you better head back over to reddit.
can someone please post that Hillary maymay with the math equations and the joke about her deleting the email with the master plan to win the election
wtf i like progressives now
Guys what should I do I played this hilarious prank on Sup Forums and got elected president but now I actually have to be president lol. I said all of this random bullshit to get in but now people are going to know if I don't do it. What do?
>civil lawsuit
>public education
wtf I laughed at this joke this time
So much for that shit, huh?
I feel like I'm around a bunch of middle schoolers who don't understand Trumps end plan.
1. Trump is only saying this to prevent Obama from pardoning her.
2. If Obama pardons her it would look weird and everyone would know she's actually guilty and more conspiracies would float around because Trump basically said he's not going to investigating her.
3. Once Trump is in office Hillary is going to jail. Pizzagate is real.
If he wants to actually archive something he'll go after Chelsea Clinton and annihilate any hope for a political career she might have.
He can still be guilty of defrauding people in a civil case user. Just because he didnt defraud the state bu rather he defrauded provate citizens doesnt mean he's not guilty of being a fraud.
>trump not revealing his power level quite yet
at what point do you realize you are just posting unfounded possibilities to attempt to contradict something that makes way more sense
then why did he just spend months bragging that he would win and had no reason to settle?
holy fuck, kek is it you?
>G-guys T-Trump is g-gonna get her right
Would have liked this, but she is politically dead now, and would just be a distraction. I guess there's more important things to do.
>he meant everything he said before the election
>he means nothing he says after the election
sheep are you faggots who believe news stories that the authors have admitted to making up on multiple occassions
The terms of the settlement admit no fault.
>gets no (you)s
You're fucking thick if you ever thought he was going to.
All that was was an easy chord to strum at his rallies, she's history anyway, let her live out the rest of her days knowing she lost a presidential election to Donald J Trump. That's punishment enough for her. I bet she actually wants to die.
He's not gonna build the wall either.
t. Increasingly Nervous Man
$25 million would say otherwise
Mods please ban these threads
>trump does something
>look trumptards btfo
>his previous decision comes to bear fruit
>47 dimensional underwater chess basket weaving
This shit happens with every decision he makes. He just wrecked the fucking media, let the man do his work.
He wont pursue her - the FBI will.
This is the least of my issues.
As a matter of fact I'm a bit relieved that he might not do it, because if he arrests her the opposition will paint him as a dictator that arrests political enemies.
Hillary is finished. She probably will die soon as her health is in the shitter. And in the end she's nothing but a pawn for Soros and the other globalists. They are the ones that need to go to prison.
Besides, right now Trump has a fuck ton of shit to do and arresting people is his last priority. Plus, if he starts arresting people it'll be a surprise.
have you already forgotten the whole "we'll abandon NATO" thing?
This can't be as fun for you as gloating over Hillary winning.
Focus on 2020 and 2018.
TRUMP: I don't wish to pursue charges against Hillary
OBAMA: OH OK Hillary your good, (No Pardon)
JAN 21
How does it feel that Trump is scaling back on everything he has said?
>Some parts will be a concrete wall others fence
>Keeping main parts in Obamacare
>Not purusing Clinton
>Not completely draining the swamp
The only thing he's said he'll do is destroy the TPP.
>children here actually believe this
does nobody see the obvious issue with a president pursuing criminal charges against their opponent when they lose?
she was never doing time for funny money unless they found actual evidence of murder conspiracy, which isn't there
If bulgaria could be used as example of something good, it is that if you don't persecute read exterminate corrupt shits they come back later to ruin everything, forever.
You are doing grave mistake, murrica.
I thought this as well. But the slow unravelling of Sup Forumss faith in the Donald will also be very tasty to watch.
>The only thing he's said he'll do is destroy the TPP
Already a million times better than Clinton.
The good candidate won. I'm pleased.
Except it won't stick.
She's been found innocent TWICE, and that's already Double Jeopardy.
That opens the FBI Director up to charges of violating a constitutional right.
>As a matter of fact I'm a bit relieved that he might not do it, because if he arrests her the opposition will paint him as a dictator that arrests political enemies.
Whoa did I miss something, are we back to giving a fuck about the corrupt opposition?
No that's not double jeopardy. Being investigated more than once is not double jeopardy. Being put on trial twice for the same crime is.
>found innocent
The charges were thrown out and there was no trial.
She wasn't "found innocent" in a court of law.
>gets away with all her crimes unpunished
>he lied out of his fucking ass
>'draining the swamp' LMAO
He's going to be worse than Merkel, screenshot this
Can tell if you're trolling or legitimately retarded
tfw I hate Drumpf now
This, you fucking morons.
In the wider picture, there is currently still an egomaniac in charge of the White House who seems to be rather unstable. I believe that Trump has been sending widely variable signals of what he will do and who he will appoint to paint a confusing as not to arouse the paranoia of Obama and cause him to do something drastic, such as starting WWIII. The prosecution of Hillary and the Clinton Crime Foundation will bring down many of the Washington elite, including Obama, and completely destroy Obama's 'legacy', and the latter is what is totally preoccupying Obama's mind at this stage of his Presidency. Wait until after the Inauguration before leveling the field.