Kanye's 'psychiatric emergency'

>in cuffs
Shit lads, what do you think it is?
Legit exhaustion from redpill grumpiness or did Jay Z get illuminati after him?
Is it MK ultra traumatizing him?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Kanye admits he would have voted for trump
>(((they))) throw him into a psychiatry to reeducate him

bump, why aren't there more threads about this? reminder he's /ourcoon/

Kanye and Mel Gibson buddy cop comedy when?

Kek, i don't have to get my rake


He was probably going to name the Jew at his next show. Like the man's been eating nothing but redpills these past few days, his mind must have been straining to maintain sanity.

He's going to get the Jaden Smith "treatment"

Hope he gets introduced to Sup Forums while laying in hospital

I'm seriously worried about kanye, I love that nigger.
I am really freaked out by what happened to him in under 72 hours after he went on his rant.
Don't forget, Jay Z is in with Marina Abromavic the spirit cooker, and he is also close with the Clintons. Kanye fell out with him, and when he says don't send your killas, I'm thinking there was something to it.

This same sort of shit happened to his wife in Paris, she was robbed and possibly abused after Caitlyn Jenner redpilled her on the Clintons.

Notice how many times Kanye brings up how his is risking his wellbeing in the rant - I think he might be in danger.
If they aren't literally killing him, I think they are going to kill his career.

And this move of putting him in rehab is to make people disregard what he was saying before, "Oh yeah he was just having a breakdown, he didn't mean what he said."


Why is it the black ones always?


>On June 25, 2009, singer Michael Jackson suffered cardiac arrest and was rushed to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center where he died soon after.
>Kanye West was hospitalized for stress and exhaustion Monday at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center

What did (((they))) mean by this?

Good post. I'm not really sure about all those illuminati/ some industry cult cloning rumors of celebrities, but if he acts any weirdly after getting out of "treatment" i'm sure as hell i will

Pretty sure kanye browses Sup Forums from time to time.
Dude is an autist too, really weird guy, we gotta look out for our own.

This sounds a lot like drug abuse to me.

he obviously browses Sup Forums who the fuck else preaches truths this hard

Prince died this year and he has spoken out against Illuminati too.
Fentanyl overdose would not be hard to induce, the LD50 is about 30mg.

Kanye smokes weed once in awhile, and barely drinks that much. He doesn't do any other drugs.

I kek at the idea of Kanye making threads of himself on mu, but i think if he lurked, he's just discovered pol

in best case scenario yes, might be his mild autism too

his whole trump rant thing was a publicity stunt, obvious from the start


He's fighting back lads

>Marina Abramovic

that fucking hack pseudo-artist bitch i swear

>trainer Harley Pasternak


>During his time at UofT, Pasternak served as a Nutrition and Exercise Scientist at Department of National Defence's DCIEM (Defence and Civil Institute for Environmental Medicine) from 2005-2007.


>DRDC Toronto is a major Canadian military research station located at the former site of CFB Downsview in Toronto, Ontario. It is one of several centres making up Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC).

Kanye has never been too big into drugs, especially this past year, I would sooner say he was having a legit breakdown.
He is a weird guy, has been for years, he has synesthesia (he sees sounds).
I have a feeling that this is not just that though, I think (((they))) are sending a message.


(((They))) sent him the 'freezing' signals yesterday at 12:48. He's being 'treated' right now at a black site outside of Riverside.

That woman is a fucking freak. Rumoured satanist high priestess
Produces very disturbing """performance art""", which she says her that it is not art if performed in private, instead it is spiritual ritual.
Doesn't matter if the spiritual shit is real, this woman is dangerous and well connected to high officials and celebs, something is suspicious here.


If it was, it was still heard by his uneducated fans who look up to him and consume anything he says, don't you get it?

He was breaking his conditioning

(((Theyre))) "fixing" him

holy fuck (((they))) are rutheless

unfortunately she "thinks" she is serbian. but the whole voodoo hippie new age bullshit is so goddamn annoying. we're not fucking hindus or whatever.

crazy cunt. also, someone is clearly forcing her bullshit performance art shtick.

>When you swallow too many red pills too quickly

This is considered news... Fuck this gay earth.

It's actually really really obvious that Kanye is being detained for going against the narrative right now. That much is certain.

The question is, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to sit by and watch as yet another man is branded an antisemite or killed for speaking the truth. Remember Michael and Prince! The moment they tried to do somethjng other than sing, one became a """"""""pedo"""""""" and the other died. We need to meme Kanye to safety. So rev up those twutter accounts, because the war isn't over yet.

yeah he just discovered it for sure unless someone on the inside redpilled him like lets say for instance his weed dealer and him got real high and just preached to him every conspiracy story and he took that to heart

Nah this doesn't feel like something kanye would do for attention.
I'm not denying it, it's possible it was just a stunt, but if you look at the sort of shit he says in interviews, it's clear he thinks differently to other people.
Ye is borderline/full-on sperg, if anyone is going to break the mould and talk about this shit honestly, it's gonna be him.
And if it is just for publicity, why cancel the rest of his tours the day after? More likely a mental episode than an attention grab.

>it's just art, silly bois

He did say he was putting his life and career on the line.
When a black man speaks out, goes against the grain, they do everything they can to discredit him so he doesn't influence the others.
See Clarence Thomas and Bill Cosby.


Gonna have to put up our most powerful meme magic barriers.

If they lobotomise ye or kill him, I'll really miss him.
Dude is fucking crazy but he's fun to watch and i get the feeling he genuinely wants to culturally help people with his music/art/fashion.

>celebrity rants something against narrative
>hospitalized days after
nothing shady to you?
this, /Yeneral/s need to be started

Was Cosby not really a rapist?
Is there a redpill on that?



more like he realizes speaking his mind has aliened him from his fan base/income.


>Harley Pasternak

what the fuck

I don't have proof but I would say no. Rape is a silver bullet and Cosby had a history of getting into trouble for saying real shit about the black community on stage. My theory is that they didn't want a volitile element with a clean reputation like him out in the wild while they were race baiting everyone and trying to get blacks to blame whites for everything.

poor kanye, he had a massive redpill overdose

Probably a hardcore meltdown from whatever programming he had in him.

Remember pic related? That was one hell of a meltdown.

Yeah they were much quicker this time. Got Kanye into the shop before he went that far.

Sounds like mental illness.

The scary shit is, I think her and her wacko friends in high places believe in that garbage.
It's so fucking degenerate, anyone calling it art in any way is a complete retard.
Drinking sperm mixed with blood and throwing congealed blood on effigies of children to represent child sacrifice is fucking disgusting.

youre an idiot if you think coke wasnt prevalent in his life during the MBDTF era. there's a video with him and pusha freestyling and you can tell ye is dripping at one point

A different political message is mental illness?

personally i blame the fucking french.

since sartre they are THE armchair socialist of the world - derida, foucaulte, lakan... it became fashionable to "deconstruct narratives" and make shitty art.

Nigga really needs a break. Hope they don't chemically lobotomize him or give him AIDS.
Jews and (((Jay-z))) are flexing at him.

Cosby since I would say the late 80s into the 90s was super outspoken against the wave of violence, materialism, and ignorance in the black community. They tired many time to accuse him of sexual misconduct to discredit his views and it didn't work. It was a slow build of passing the lie around that Cosby was a predator and it didn't stick until they convinced hoodrat negros to join in on the Cosby bashing that it worked.
It's suspicious that all these women waited decades to all come out at once. Why didn't they come out when other women falsely accused him in the 90s?
Because the people behind the smearing wanted to wait until Cosby was old and his clout in the black community had dwindled to strike and strike hard.
There are people who benefit financially from niggers being niggerly. And they didn't like that Bill Cosby was using his fame to scold that behavior and champion bettering one's self and accountability in blacks.
Niggers who like being dumb thugs and not being told what to do bashed him too and aided in taking him down.
It's all one big screw job.


Do you even leftists?

What are the laws on Psychiatric internment anyway?

Like, could a bunch of anons challenge his committal in court? Force an independent medical assessment of his mental health? Or maybe challenge his legal representation/get him an appearance in court?

hes probably already dead.

who will crack next?


It's a publicity stunt, you dumb fucking cunts. Perhaps not fully orchestrated but one nonetheless.
It wouldn't surprise me if it turns out he stayed up for 48 hours purely for the reason that he knows it will get out via a leak from staff or whatever. He's probably smiling to himself thinking about all the white sheltered hipsters and other plebs that are calling him a genius right now, knowing that they're screaming "He's just, like, tortured, his mom died you know!!!", and posting endlessly on social media about it.

At best, Kanye knows it will only enhance his "tortured genius" image that he tries desperately to push to the dumb cunts who listen to his shit music. I mean, he has a song that has lyrics "name one genius that ain't crazy"... he wants the image of tortured genius so bad.

WOW! He gets sectioned for staying awake for 48 hours and being depressed?
Big fucking deal.

You're all morons if you buy this shit and should fuck off this board t b h

He overdosed on redpills.

Link to the rant he made?

He probably did something his MK handlers didn't approve of. (voting for trump perhaps)


>in cuffs

The Kardashians finally got to him.

inb4 he comes out as transgender like his creepy creature in law

He's definitely done them all (probably not heroin).
>No more drugs for me
>Pussy and Religion is all I need
He's probably cleaner than most other celebrities these days though. Probably just weed and reluctantly taking SSRIs.

It might that I am just naive but I don't really think this is just a publicity stunt.
Why would he cancel the rest of his shows for a rumoured $10 million loss just for some publicity?
Celebs have a habit of getting their careers killed (or actually being killed) after bringing up redpill material.
And I never got the sense that Kanye does shit just for publicity, he has more than enough now that he is at the top of the game.
He is a very weird dude and I would not be surprised if he had been sitting on this info for a while and just couldn't stand to stay quiet.

That would be top kek

> the look on Oprah's face
Either he's caught her completely off guard, or she's been thinking about this for a while.

shoo shoo jew


Did Kanye overdose on redpills or something?
I'm out of the loop on this.

The mad man.
It's like he doesn't care there's a target on his back.


they will probably make him come out as trans now even though he isnt

Kanye basically tried to redpill his entire Sacramento audience on (((them))) constantly lying in the media.
Less than 72 hours later, Kanye is hospitalized against his will.
It's looking less like a freakout and more like reporgramming or they are using possible mental illness to disregard his message.

Uh, fentanyl takes a LOT less than 30mg to kill you. More like 100 micrograms for someone with no tolerance.

inspired me to make pic related
seeBut the creature is republican, not a globalist shill

>Endorses Trump

>Is redpilled when ISIS tries to rape and kill Kim K

>Hollywood's Sinagogue of Satan locks him up for brainwash and (((rehab))))

Seems plausible to me

I hope Based Kanye will be ok.

Back in those days being fat was a sight, a spectacle, side show entertainment.
Today it's normal.

What you looking at, is a rare case of self substantiation.


Kanye has the worlds largest ego so when people dont agree with him outright he flips his shit. The booing he heard probably made something snap in his brain because its the first time he has ever been told he is not the greatest or been adored by fans.

Black radio shows are trying to say its from his mom passing away. Who told them alll that

every music "artist" claims to have synsethesia

>about 10yr career
>no booing at his shows until now
Sorry, doesn't seem too legit

That was 9 fucking years ago. I get mourning a love one. I dealt with this too but they're reaching really hard with that one.

You are a sap. I hate to break it to you. I don't understand how people are so stupid. You're like a normie watching CNN just sucking in any information your eyes see.
>Why would he cancel his show for 10 mil
Why wouldn't he? It's just money. As I said, he's been trying to push the "I'm a tortured genius, hence I shout at radio hosts and do dumb shit because, I'm like a genius, man", it's fucking contrived as shit and anyone with a brain can see this.
>Redpill material
Mate, he mentioned Trump a few times, big fucking deal? I watched the rant and it sounded like he was saying "sometimes things might seem bad (Trump being elected), but they're necessary to get to the good."... This could be interpreted in literally any fucking way you want. He said he would have voted for Trump, again this means fucking nothing. Zizek said he would have voted for Trump too, but still rips him apart whenever he speaks about him.
>Hes a very weird dude
He's weird if you're a fucking pleb.
Look at the shit hes put out recently. Look at everything he's done recently.
It's all aimed at making him look like he's some hard done by genius that the "system" is holding down... It's a fucking joke.

I'm telling you, without a doubt, it's all a stunt to come across as a "tortured genius"
Believe whatever you wanna believe, though.

You're the only jew, you fat fuck.
Kanye was made famous by record exec jews. Look at who produces his albums.
He has hundreds of people helping him produce and record yet people still claim he's some kind of master producer? Good one!

He's been booed at shows before.

Ah yeah, my bad I misread the figure I was looking at.
I checked another source, it is listed as 2mg.
>The estimated lethal dose of fentanyl in humans is 2 mg

It would be especially easy to overdose on fentanyl (poisoning or accident) if combined with another depressant, like xans or alcohol.

Isn't he still $50 million in debt or some shit? He gon' get fucked like the rest of us good goyim.


>guy says he's 50 million in debt
>during album release
>believe him just because he said so
>it definitely wasn't just part of marketing campaign

kill yourself you mug