movies ruined by liberals

dont (((they))) make all the movies?

Do they? Dead pool was especially cringey with its references to international women's day and Hollywood misogyny


why hans?

>black people in space

Captain America 3 - Black Widow wasn't a slut

>muh stronk independent female MC who's a total mary sue
>imperials are literally depicted as white evil nazi empire
>secondary MC is a nigger who escaped from da evil white nazis
>villain is a whiney white male

autist loser, god knows how much you've fixated on that film to even recall that, wow

it was ok, and i don't see how you could expect better today

>Literally every white person is a Nazi
>Main bitch learn to use the force out of nowhere
>Literally everything is a Deus Ex Machina
>Literally a reboot of Episode IV

Are you ready Sup Forums?

star wars was always gay to me even the old ones.

Star wars is bluepilled all in general.

I thought the black dude clearly liked the girl in the movie.

Fucking liberal fake news

Dead Pool was way too "2016" for me.
I also find Ryan Reynolds to be way too much of a pussy. From his voice to his gayness, he's just a total pood.

That's BS, they can't fuck it up and make it more pc then it is

If they make the black guy gay everyone will say the movie is racist. cap this

Same, I've only seen a fraction of the first one. Stupid nonsense

>That's BS, they can't fuck it up and make it more pc then it is
Just wait until the third movie where rey gets a sex change

Black people are still pretty anti-gay, they're gonna be pissed

but til episode 7 it were good entertaining movies
now its disgusting propaganda
some eu stuff was redpilled af like the republic commando novels

I fucking love how defensive Deadpool fans get about people saying that the shit about feminism was out of place and cringey even if it was only two jokes. You guys are such delusionally insecure nerds, it's hysterical.

harder would be movies not ruined by commies
(liberals are capitalists like me and would make awesome bikini zombie films)

>hispanic and black are gay
don't really care desu. biggest disappointment was that the movie was pure copy+paste

And fucking this and niw the death star is back. Fuck I should just go watch the new hope instead

Seriously? I took it as a shot at women's day...

who fuckin watched that scene and said "oh boy I'm gonna be a feminist now"??

>waaaah deadpool totally wasn't written with stupid girl power tripe in mind. y-you're a stupid fat virgin loser. n-not me
i liked the movie but even I thought that shit was forced lmao

watching anything made by Marvel in the first place
le quips every minute

Marvel faggots need to stop making opinions on DC movies. They singlehandedly ruined Suicide Squad by bitching that BvS was "too dark"