Fuck this paid shilling. Let's have a natsoc thread.
Fuck this paid shilling. Let's have a natsoc thread
For fuck's sake
Hitler was a mentally deranged man who was abused as a child so much he went into a coma! He was so delusional that he made a plane that was clearly designed to be a bomber to instead be a fighter plane. He was so arrogant he decided to fight Russia during the winter (that went well the last time didn't it) and rather than ally with China they allied with fucking Japan
Hitler was an evil idiot who people on Sup Forums worship because it is edgy
is there better sight then a pure white woman getting defiled by huge black dick? she struggles and tries to hate it but her body loves it and knows there is no way that man of her race can fill her up like a black man can do.
too much vodka
Natsoc is for commie fags. Pure capitalism is the only way
Hitler was a terrible person. He is to blame for all of this white guilt and hatred.
Hitler was a fool
JIDF spotted
>tfw natsoc is going mainstream
>tfw shills are this bootyblasted
>hahahahahahahhahahaaha Jews So funny :DD
Face it your leader is retarded
fuck the cucks
Not an argument you piece of shit
what is there to argue with if you're being serious you're just regurgitating jewish lies. Hitler also had a piss fetish and was addicted to meth right?
>in this thread
>a complete lack of arguments
>just knee-jerk OMG NAZIS DDDD:
Hitler is perhaps the most misunderstood and lied about man in modern day history. The German people saw his true colors, and that's why they loved him.
The man was a hero who fought for the preservation of his people.
this is what stormweenies actually believe
Fuck it, I'll bump anything that is not a shill thread right now
>Jewish lies
Isn't that the equivalent as black people claiming the white man is suppressing history?
>too cucked to say fag
You have to go back.
t. Ahmed
this is what redditors actually talk like
No, it's the equivalent of someone lying about something.
Your logic is on this level:
>Some people lie about having been in the army
>Therefore no one has been in the army
>your leader
>A man who wanted to be an architect or an artist, but instead had to settle for making Germany a living, breathing example of how great a nation can be, and doesn't need to rely on the menace of (((central banks))), is a huge failure because he wasn't an aeronautical engineer
>t. Dr Shlomo Shekelstein
Thank you good doctor.
What was their problem?
is there better sight then a pure Asian woman getting defiled by huge white dick? she struggles and tries to hate it but her body loves it and knows there is no way that man of her race can fill her up like a white man can do.
That post was not directed at you, but thanks anyway.
Jiří, please...
>your country was so utterly clusterfucked post ww1 you were allied with the germans but neutral to the ussr until the latter invaded and cucked you sending disarmed soldiers as cannon fodder against your former allies
Not sure if embarrassing or tragic.
>My leader
I hate him and so does Israel
I came back to witness this shitshow for myself. What happened to you Sup Forums?
>2015 & '16 Ledditors and other assorted miscreants have taken over the site and roleplay as oldfags when the mood strikes them - uttering phrases such as "le Sup Forums was never natsoc! deal with it bigot! xD" with a complete lack of irony.
Oh no he responded with a ugly caricature of a Jew whatever shall I do
It's really sad how Englishmen and Americans fought against their Germanic brethren in WW2, who only wanted to save their people and secure their future existence.
What's even more sad is how these same people constantly shit on Germany and the German people.
You put them in this situation. If you're not going to help them physically, at least have the decency to support them emotionally.
Doesn't matter, he's still your leader and he is ruining the world so don't be butthurt if people support Hitler.
>national socialism
I'm not butthurt or triggered, I just think you're stupid for supporting an idiot
Wow, JIDF ruined this thread fast.
From all the people of the world, jews are most likely to be brainwashed about Hitler so yeah.
What was their problem?
"I will say this, national socialism, is the inevitable end product, logically, of evolution. If you believe in evolution, you've gotta be a nazi if you think about it long enough. You can't help it."
- George Lincoln Rockwell
Fair enough, but you would help your case greatly if you didn't rattle off the usual load of shite people spout about Hitler.
>He was a scat fetishists!
>Closet homosexual!
>Drug addict!
>His family was actually Jewish!
That's nice and all, until you realize that he almost destroyed Germany by declaring war
Careful, I have 879 merchants at my disposal
Germany isn't responsible for starting the war.
>he almost destroyed Germany by declaring war
It was inevitable. We was rocking the financial boat too much. A lot of powerful people wanted him gone - Most of all the (((Bankers))).
dont forget he had one testicle, a micropenis, and ending getting shat on his chest
He failed out of art school becaue he lacked talent.
True or false.
He served in the army in a minor role far behind the front
True or false
He mismanaged the assault on Stalingrad and every other military operation he participated in
True or false
He financed the state budget by confiscating private property of citizens and occupied countries
True or false
He authorized Manstein to round up civilians in occupied territories and send them to Germany as slave labor
True or false
>0.1 sheckels have been drawn from your account
You know what?
I give up
All you guys will do is excuse me of being a Jew JIDF or believer of Jooish Li3s Omg
Israel is not our ally you fucktard
this. i am a libertarian nationalist, but i dont get why people cant differentiate between natsoc and hitler cocksuckery
>one guy
>inb4 a handful of people are Jewish therefore all Jews are in on it
You first
>He failed out of art school because he lacked talent.
False. His art was not perfect, sure, but it was a hell of a lot better that the crap coming from some of his contemporaries. He failed because it was traditional, not edgy enough.
>He served in the army in a minor role far behind the front
False. He earned the Iron Cross, First Class, among other things.
>He mismanaged the assault on Stalingrad and every other military operation he participated in.
True enough. He shouldn't have overruled his generals as much as he did.
>He financed the state budget by confiscating private property of citizens and occupied countries
False. He did that by essentially getting rid of money and replacing it with a sort of currency based on work.
>He authorized Manstein to round up civilians in occupied territories and send them to Germany as slave labor
You're right, I hate white people now. Jews are God's chosen people. Goys are peasants.
But did you know that according to their faith, Israel shouldn't exist before Messiah comes back and declares it God's chosen people? Israeli Jews are sinners!
is there at least a 1920x1080 version of this?
> with a sort of currency based on work.
It's called rationing and the other participants in the war had it too. The Russians had it even until the 90's. I see you think he made some sort of economic miracle. That's very easy to achieve when you tax the shit out of people and steal their shit.
> Iron cross
> second class
For extra kek.
> Hitler's First Class Iron Cross was recommended by Hugo Gutmann, a Jewish List adjutant
He was a jewish plant all along.
> He failed because it was traditional, not edgy enough.
You mean boring. Uninspired. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the shrill shit out of the time period either, but to call his "work" "art" is really over the top.
> send them to Germany as slave labor
What makes you think you will be spared you cuck.
Lmao Hitler's art was decent and far superior to the other (((people))) at the artschool who spearheaded what has culminated in menstrual art.
You seem triggered
>It's called rationing and the other participants in the war had it too. The Russians had it even until the 90's. I see you think he made some sort of economic miracle. That's very easy to achieve when you tax the shit out of people and steal their shit.
Hitler's economic miracle happened before the war faggot.
> Iron cross
> second class
>For extra kek.
He won both.
>You mean boring. Uninspired. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the shrill shit out of the time period either, but to call his "work" "art" is really over the top.
Pic related is one of his. Looks like art to me. Unless to you "art" is only "art" if it's a canvas smeared in shit with some contrived backstory to it about how "this represents the artist's suffering"...
>What makes you think you will be spared you cuck.
Because it is not done randomly. I am not one of their targets.
What about the slave labor part? I'm seriously interested in how non German anons think they would have fared under German occupation. I think it's no coincidence there are few French and Russian natsocs on the board compared to Americans and Brits. I wonder why.
ITT; faggots who believe WW2 started when Hitler invaded Poland
If you acted like a fucking nigger you got to go to the fucking camp sweet lord, who the fuck cares? I'd gladly be die, if I knew I'd get to have kids who would grow up in Grossedeutschland or Germania or the Northern Union or whatever it might be called. It was the high-point of humanity, ship my ass to the camp and turn up the gas.
>russian and french
Plenty of french, plenty of polish, less Russians but russians are bro-tier retards who do not know jack fucking shit so whatever.
What do you think the reason is?
Yes. It's boring, Just because you can draw something that looks like the thing you saw doesn't mean the picture you draw is interesting. It lacks any meaning or point of interest. If people want meaningless landscapes, they can get a colored photography. I bet its composition will be better. Pic related, a colorized photo with better composition.
> I'm not one of their targets
Why. Because you're not a slav or french? You are still a a subservient race to the Aryan race, and nothing more than cheap labor for the factories. Your sister and mother will be used to pleasure German soldiers, your land distributed among ethnic German settlers. Pathetic really to support such a thing.
Btw. It doesn't surprise me anglos don't understand the ethnic dimension of the conflict. You don't live on the continent, ethnic cleansing as a popular sport here. It's only recently its frowned upon, mainly since someone seriously thought about doing it to you, the winners of the war.
What does national socialism have to do with german ethnocentrism
Two reasons really:
First, none of you lost any family members that were not soldiers. If gramps got shot by a sniper, so what, he was a soldier, it was to be expected. However, if your grandmother got raped by a German or some uncle was made to disappear for some obscure reason, you think about it differently. You never want your loved ones get put in a position like this again. The experience gets transmitted to future generations.
Second, you don't live on the continent. Ethnic cleansing is commonplace here, it always was for the entire history of the European continent. You just don't get the dimension of what it means to loose your language, customs etc. I doubt you ever will get it, because its never threatened in any way. Sure, the occasional nigger you meed on the street may concern you, but imagine you were all made to learn German by force.
>Yes. It's boring, Just because you can draw something that looks like the thing you saw doesn't mean the picture you draw is interesting. It lacks any meaning or point of interest. If people want meaningless landscapes, they can get a colored photography. I bet its composition will be better. Pic related, a colorized photo with better composition.
There are plenty of successful painters that are just painting "boring" everyday landscapes.
>Why. Because you're not a slav or french? You are still a a subservient race to the Aryan race, and nothing more than cheap labor for the factories. Your sister and mother will be used to pleasure German soldiers, your land distributed among ethnic German settlers. Pathetic really to support such a thing.
>Btw. It doesn't surprise me anglos don't understand the ethnic dimension of the conflict. You don't live on the continent, ethnic cleansing as a popular sport here. It's only recently its frowned upon, mainly since someone seriously thought about doing it to you, the winners of the war.
I see you misunderstand what Aryan is. protip: it does not mean blue eyed, blonde haired Germans. It's referring to what is now known as "indo-european".
Not knowing the UK had it's own version of national socialism with funding from both Italy and Germany.
Not knowing Germany had no plans for French annexation or genocide conquest hence why the Vichy regime was set up.
Aryan ≠ only Germany
What do you think this was all about? The German version of the Irish pride parade you have over there?
The whole thing was geared around ethnocentrism. That and expanding state power.
> If I get to have children
You don't you moron. You go to the labor division for being a nigger, not because you act like one. "Your" children living in the German Reich will be fathered by some SS officer. What do you think would have happened? You really think you'd have fared better than the Norwegians, Russians, Poles, French, Czecks and Belgians just because you live to the north of them? Are you naive or what is going on.
> not knowing Mussolini was a rougue British agent
> believing the aryan = all Europeans post war lie
Sure thing buddy. You know, Hitler didn't call the Swiss a mongrelized aryan race for fun.
>yfw no (you)'s because this image hits too close to home for degenerate fascists
>taking the bait
From what I understand the thread is about national socialism
How could Germany be Aryan while following Cucktianity? All Abrahamic religions are semitic and cancerous. Germany is about as Aryan as Israel.