Pretty much confirms this entire board not only has mental ilness but that your hatred for trannies because of
>muh mental ilness
Is completely hypocritical as you are now just as bad as them mentally.
Pretty much confirms this entire board not only has mental ilness but that your hatred for trannies because of
>muh mental ilness
Is completely hypocritical as you are now just as bad as them mentally.
Other urls found in this thread:
psychology has become pseudoscience
>trannies have a mental ilness becase psychology says so
>psychology suddenly doesnt matter when it says something bad about you
There's only one mental illness: degeneracy.
it's a spiritual problem
Soooo, 90+% of the men in the 50's and 60's were mentally ill? Does this actually sound correct to you, leaf? The extreme vast majority of men who EVER EXISTED throughout history were mentally ill? Are you sure about that buddy?
>has become
>being this new
Doesn't know Sup Forums is containment board
a fucking leaf
editor: Terence J. G. Tracey
>dating violence
thanks, leaf. we've found a [target] there. I'd say we have a gay pedophile there, at least my guts tell me so.
And speaking of hypocrisy, shouldn't you have compassion for those with "mental illnesses" being a prog/libtard? wewlad
>criticizing radical feminism
>gender studies professor
Eh define sexism what are the characteristics of a sexist because most people on here aren't true sexists.
>Pink ID
Go home, Justin.
You are not welcome here.
"Conformity to masculine norms was more strongly correlated with negative social functioning than with psychological indicators of negative mental health. Conformity to the specific masculine norms of self-reliance, power over women, and playboy were unfavorably, robustly, and consistently related to mental health-related outcomes, whereas conformity to the masculine norm of primacy of work was not significantly related to any mental health-related outcome."
Just by reading this you can tell the study is bullshit and hinges on the definition of "masculine norm"
fael gnikcuf a
Hey leaf, you know stupid people (i.e. liberals) have a chronic projection problem. They take their faults and push them off onto the next person. Kind of like all the mass murderers are all liberals that want to ban guns and stuff.
The more you know.
"Studies" are only reliable sources for people with mental illness according to most studies
Looks like Podesta Da Molesta.
>50's and 60's
you mean since adam and eve
>>trannies have a mental ilness becase
they have body dismorphia and their (((psychologist/therapist))) said it was better to pretend they were a woman than to look for a medical treatment for their bullshit.
(((psychologists))) say that racists and sexists are (((mental illnesses))) even though it is because of evolution that women and men are different and that different races have differences.
But I thought it was evil toxic masculine culture that breeded Sexism? Make up your minds. Is it a social abstract or not? Are you also saying all non western countries are mentally ill?
Ya know what's funny? The most sexist human beings on the planet right now are 3rd wave feminists.
Ah interesting logically not trusting women because they are often retarded is mental illness.
Not knowing what gender I am =science
Got it
Pretty much..
99% of psychologists say trans women are women trapped in man's body, and the solution is the advanced surgical technique developed by dr.Shekelstein called extended circumcision. Suicide is common side effect.
Except that's not at all what the dsm classify gender dysmorphia as
>No-no your sexism just means you're mentally ill. I know a place you can get help.
This is the catalyst for re-education camps.
Mental illness is something that causes suffering or poor function in life, how does sexism does that?
>because someone studies children it makes them a pedo
Do you have any idea how unintelligent you are?
> Last year, Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, admitted that “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.” In his words, “science has taken a turn toward darkness.”
> Medical research, psychology, and economics are all in the grip of a ‘reproducibility crisis.’ A pharmaceutical company attempting to confirm the findings of 53 landmark cancer studies was successful in only six instances, a failure rate of 89pc. In 2012, a psychology journal devoted an entire issue to reliability problems in that discipline, with one essay titled “Why science is not necessarily self-correcting.”
It's ideologically driven pseudoscience.
Take the topic from the opposite angle...
50 years of hormonal contraception- time to find out how it fucks up the female brain causing extremist feminism and the sjw movement.
>said it was better to pretend they were a woman than to look for a medical treatment for their bullshit.
Underage b& detected
You do know that psycholgists tried like hundreds of different things for decades to try to cure trannies , including electro shock thereapy, before finally realizing the only treatment that makes them stop killing themselves is hormonal replacement therapy right
>but muh surgery
the surgery is a farce, the hormones however do have a a pretty good chance of reducing their symptoms.
There are very few actual PHD psychologists saying that trannies are actual women, you know that right?
This was either really bad bait or you really are just underage.
Mental illnesses are largely socially defined. This has been well known for a while, and since then psychology, like the other social sciences, has largely been a method of controlling society rather than studying it.
why does it always have to be a leaf ?
Citation required. Most actually say that gender dysphoria is a mental ilness.
It literally calls it a condition and mental health problem. Are you retarded?
>its pseudoscience because they keep saying things that hurt my fee fees
I get it now, normal people are low IQ, primitive retards, normal people have been and are manipulated by women, so if you are high IQ superior master race man and you resist their manipulation and don't tell them that they are equal because of your instincts for reproduction, then you are mentally ill. that's why smarter people also more likely to be mentally ill, what is considered mentally ill is actually more evolved behavior.... or I'm just autistic.
Disagreeing with someone isn't a mental illness.
>high IQ superior master race man and you resist their manipulation and don't tell them that they are equal because of your instincts
You know just because you are so ugly and repulsive that no woman would ever want anything to do with you doesnt make you "smart". You didnt choose not to be with women, they chose not to be with you. Now you are pretending after the fact that its what you wanted all along. Your damage control is beyond pathetic.
It's pseudoscience because the majority of the published material could not be replicated.
I can go and test Ohm's law with a battery and a resistor. So can anybody else in the world, or on Mars, or in hell - and get the same results. Nobody can reproduce the results in the majority of this material. If you're a psychologist, you've wasted your life and no real scientist will ever take you seriously.
>it cant be replicated because i said so
>literally hundreds of studies done one trannies
Great LARPing as a leftist, but come up with something new, leaf. I didn't choose to not be with women, I'm just recognizing that women are inferior on average, not everything is about sex.
For a clue to why that is see
>I didn't choose to not be with women,
That was literally my point sherlock. YOU didnt choose, they chose for you.
You are like that butthurt kid who says every video game he loses to is terrible and never wants to play it again. Your arguments come from rejection and being jaded, they are not rooted in any kind of logic.
>implying pointing out differences between sexes is sexist (Sup Forums is not sexist)
>implying hating on trannies is sexist
>implying the study you posted had anything to do with either sexism or trannies
Honestly I'm surprised that you're this incapable of reading or having any semblance of critical thinking.
Or maybe you're just a leaf bait posting. Who knows.
> triggered
Hundreds of studies worth of wasted time. Psychology is the alchemy of the 21st century. In fact you'd probably be more useful to society trying to figure out how to transmute wood into gold.
This just proves that this wave of feminism is a movement consisting of mentally ill people
Again, I never said that I chose not to be with women or mentioned relationships at all. if you life revolves about sex so much and can't stop thinking about it, then know that smartest people are way more likely to be virgins than normies, so no being a virgin doesn't make you smart, but being smart makes you virgin.
Still no argument of how women are not inferior.
>hundreds of studies on mentally unstable individuals provide conclusive results about the mental stability of the average person
S C I E N C E !
Wow, the psychology industry is overrun with kikes and women.
> Over half of psychology studies fail reproducibility test
> Largest replication study to date casts doubt on many published positive results.
Well that explains feminism then, doesn't it? All leftists are sexists and all leftists are mentally ill. Shit I could have told you that before this leafpost.
>im literally just pulling shit out of my ass: the post
keep up with that damage control cuck i almost believed it
>meaning half are true