We celebrate our country being cleansed of armenians and greeks.
We are proud of our glorious ancestors.
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Disgusting roaches. Where's the mortein guys
Gallipoli ?
but your ancestors are armenians and greeks
Many different cultures have thought they could conquer the White Man.
The Persians thought it in 500BC.
The Punics in 250BC.
The various Moors and Muslims throughout late antiquity and the middle ages.
East Asians in our new, modern Era.
Countless other fools have tried, and we have conquered you all. Then? We set you free. The only force that could ever bring us to our knees was our own.
You think a brief moment is a sign of our downfall? Our blood was forged in the frost of mother Europe, tempered like the extremophiles which became the archetype of all true life.
We suffered the plagues, the famines, the fires, the wars, and the ruinous ideologies which sent us into darkness countless times. And every time we fell, we found a way to rise again.
Do not mistake our cuts for mortal wounds or our slumber for a lifeless corpse, unless you want to make the same mistake that all the other opportunistic hordes lost throughout the ages have made.
So by all means continue with your heckling, continue with your defilement of our legacy, continue with your delusions of victory. The sooner you wake the sleeping giant, the better.
It doesn’t matter how many of us remain when it happens, we have turned the tide against greater calamities before. Mother Earth will once again feel our marching feet on her surface, perhaps this time in true unity and perhaps this time, to your lament, with less mercy.
say to my eyes.
i am mongolian
hajra turan, greetings from south mongolia.
Rage and sorrow are seated in my heart...so firmly that I scarce dare to stay alive. It seems that God wishes to support the Turks to our loss...ah, lord God...alas, the realm of the East has lost so much that it will never be able to rise up again. They will make a Mosque of Holy Mary's convent, and since the theft pleases her Son, who should weep at this, we are forced to comply as well...Anyone who wishes to fight the Turks is mad, for Jesus Christ does not fight them any more. They have conquered, they will conquer. For every day they drive us down, knowing that God, who was awake, sleeps now, and Muhammad waxes powerful.
how many crusades need to understand god wanted Turkish victory you cristfag ? lol.
Walahi this is the best chicken I've ever had, you guys want some?
I smell Australians...
are you implying that these eyes are chink eyes? because you are deadwrong
I'll let the K*rds live for 4 more days and that's it.
Roach king discovers chicken
Sure it's not mortein?
we are not chinks you moron.
Excellent our cloning technology is advancing rapidly
You're a fucking mongol mongol
are you now implying that mongols arent chinks? same shit tb h
Dirty Mongoriann
What did you call this again? Sayed Kareem?
What's Erdogan's final solution for the one million rapefugees and Kurds he imported from Syria?
I have a suspicion that's the whole point on joining the EU just so he can push them to go live in Germany
SHOO SHOO t*rkroach!
we are residual asian in the main
Eat up, you dumb camel
He wanna deport them all to europe and form ottoman empire western europe ver
Did Erdogan think he's a kid and give him a toy car? Surprise Koksal didn't rage and require Turk secret service agents to deploy broom
wtf happened last night???
there are tons of study that prove the little asian heritage turks have and that is only from central anatolia mostly lmao
You just leave ISIS to me
>tfw when the gook is the best looking
wtf Turkey?
lol dat captcha
Unless you look like this, then you're just a self hating Anatolian descendants of defeated people, forced to embrace a foreign identity by your Turkcroach and Arab masters. Armenians and Greeks were the last links Turkcroaches had to their ancestors culture, and Turkcroach self hate and inferiority complex led to them genociding the last true natives of Asian minor.
Fuck anatolian zombies, thanks god i have no connection with anatolia.
also your theory is just funny. :Ddd
>when you deny the genocide then celebrate it
Turkish soldiers forced Kurds to literary eat their own shit
Awful manly women..
What disgusting bastards. They all need the cockroach spray I say!
>its another "cringy autists from tigir:er" episode
>9 to 12 percent.
>We wuz Turk
the majority of Turks are still more Anatolian than Turkic. This is the equivalent of Egyptians claiming they're Greek just because most Egyptians have 15 percent Greek ancestry as a result of Greek migration.
But hey, keep being proud rape babies of Turkcroaches.
You turks have yet to pay for all the pain and sorrow you and your ancestors have brought to Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and many more. Rivers of blood spilled, but your revenge has been delayed, for now. But dont you worry, the holy land of Anatolia shall be cleansed of these cockroaches, that have boldened themselves to think they are human...
What a idiot omfg.
Turks are caucasoid in the main from the beginning, go and search pamirid type.
real central asian not chinks thereforce turks are not too
you mean like toharians you turkroaches genocided first?
We Just Started!
Dumb, this types older than nations.
Soon the descendants of Vlad The Impaler will show their true colors
Recent genetic studies have pointed out that Turkish people are genetically identical to Armenian. So there's ongoing debates about whether the trace chink genes found in modern Turks have could have been as a result of genetic drift or earlier migrations that preceded the Turkic invasions.
which vlad ? who raped by our sultan and head cut off by janissaries ?
so deplorable.
go and learn anthropology.