What your opinion of future president Natalia Poklonskaya is?
Question for Russians of pole
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>Russians of pole
turn off your proxy russia
The more power and publicity she gets the more insane she becomes.
She will never be president.
>me 12 years old playing lego in my room
>mummy knocks on door and says bedtime
>tidy up lego and climb into bed
>mummy comes over and tucks me in
>tell mummy i need to speak to her about something very private
>mummy reassure me i can talk to her about anything
>tell mummy about problem where peepee go big and stiff very irritating
>mummy says is normal but needs tickle from time to time
>ask whats that
>mummy says she will show me how to
>take off pyjama bottoms and sit on mummys lap
>mummy gently stroke peepee and it go hard again
>kiss mummy and touch her boobies
>mummy unbutton her dress and let me suckle
>suddenly feel rush and peepee start pulsing
>hold on to mummy tight and yogurt comes out
>start to cry
>mummy ask whats wrong but just tell her i love her lots
>mummy says she loves me too and very proud of her big boy
mummy is insane?
insane how
A woman in charge of Russia... lol
Holy shit
>who is Catherine the Great
She compared Lenin (not Stalin) to Hitler and she sucks Nicholas II's dick, though he was a massive pussy and a faggot.
Ur pussy faggot
She will be the new czarina of Russia.
My digits confirm it.
well I mean, Lenin in the end was a bit more successful with his ideas
>and she sucks Nicholas II's dick
I thought the hate for aristocracy had died out?
There was also a massive event to remember victims (soldiers and civilians) of WW2 called Immortal Regiment, and she fucking brought a picture of Nicholas II to it.
She will be president.
I mean elected, but yeah you got me there.
>well I mean, Lenin in the end was a bit more successful with his ideas
Compared in a bad way, user. Meaning he was a monster.
Shes gotten old
This is new mummy :3
Haha scared already, bolshevik? There'll come the day when Empress will crucify your red ass on a cross!
>Meaning he was a monster.
no one's perfect
Mummy has Nicolas fetish dont discriminate
Also has dolfin fethish but we dont talk about taht
>Crimea starts seceding
>nobody fucking knows anything
>will Russia intervene or not?
>filthy tartars roar on the streets for blood
>nazis roar in Kiev for blood
>all local male leaders hide under their beds
>this girl jumps opportunity and becomes procurator of Crimea
And pol says women are inferior.
I hate the human nature argument so much. We're not fucking animals who are ruled by our instincts. Saying so would put us no better than the mudslimes where men are excused for raping women that aren't in full body armour, because "she showed too much, how could he resist"
>12 Years Old
>Not having fapped before
nice pasta
Someone post the vocaroo
Putin or nothin faggots
>We're not fucking animals who are ruled by our instincts.
yes we are
but we are also more than that, our nature shouldn't be the thing that holds us back as we are better than animals or at least more conscious
but to forget where we come from is as much of a mistake
My mummy
In her defense they tried to assassinate her numerous times in Ukraine too before she went to Crimea, pretty ballsy chick even if she has a weird Czar fetish, but she hates Bolshevik scum so is still waifu.
In times when men become pussies pussy must become a man to stop men from becoming pussies
no shes no
i wrot this >:(
this is me to btw
>female president
hahaha not going to happen
>even if she has a weird Czar fetish
I actually respect that. Here in Russia everyone in politics is a conformist, we don't have big political debates because ruling party has no opinion on anything, we pro-Putin, we do not think ourselves. But she got up there by chance and really saying what she thinks. it's refreshing.
Fuck off this is my thred, find another
You can stay if you play nice
>the anti-constitutional mayhem has led to a massive bloodshed...we have no moral right to step aside from our people...our task is to get the work of the prosecutor’s office back on track in this country.
honestly, Nicholas II was shit but compared to the fucking blood bath that Lennon and his communist pipe dream led to... yeah he looks pretty damn sweet in comparison. Then again all the crazy fucking Czars of Russia combined are still better than what communism was.
rare mummy
oooo mama so prety
yes mummy veru smart and lovly
im big boy so i get to stey
willy gone STIFF!!
What do average Russians think about Chechnyan Muslim scum?
Isn't she also an MP now and no longer prosecutie? Political capital rises fast in Russia goes from meme to MP
Post hihg quality
No way she can become president.
Like none, duude.
That's...that's deep.
happy hat mummy
want to suck mummy legss
Lol you putkins are delusional
>There was also a massive event to remember victims (soldiers and civilians) of WW2 called Immortal Regiment, and she fucking brought a picture of Nicholas II to it.
Mummy is a #based monarchist, is that your point?
holy shit mommy is based af
Yes, ruling party can always use some face people know. Guy who presumably killed that traitor with polonium was made MP too. And some sportsmen from Olympics. I don't know if we're dictatorship or democracy but they certainly work on getting more votes.
Whoever Putin wants to be president will be president, Ivan.
mummy get me exicted :3
like willy go sticky uppy
>No way the Brexit will happen.
>Like none, duude.
>No way Trump will win
>Like none, duude.
>No way MUMMY can become President.
>Like none, duude.
All is possible, through QEK.
Wow mummy petite PETITE
Be honest here, would you not enjoy watching richest people of RF and their families being executed before kremlin's wall? it might look a bit like holocaust though
want to touch and put my willy
Chechens literally cucking the whole country, so most Russians are pretty pissed about it.
Crimea belongs to Ukraine
Maybe she is Anastasia?
se this is y mum dont luv u
Anyone got any feet pics of Natalia?
You wish
You do not know nothing about her, neither you know how shit she allready said applies to populace.
Monarchism in modern russia is something on par with cosmic sommunism or anarchocapitalism. Ridiculous.
She was litteral who 2 years ago, only thing that made you love her is her cuteness.
So please stop. I get youre all edgy and stuff but no. She will not apply.
Natalia literally named her daughter Anastasia fyi. Shes fully committed to monarchism.
Good one pal
Brig mummy poster got ban
Isn't Putin a cryptoimperialist too? They should marry each other and start a new dynasty.
She'll never be empress with her shit blood. We need one of those three Romanov girls that live in America right now.
Post more plz
Putin himself compared Lenin to Hitler
Let's all laugh at the brit mummy poster
>anywhere as based as the big H
I like casual Mummy.
She's fine in my book
>Isn't Putin a cryptoimperialist too?
No it is all lies
She's beautiful, but completely crazy.
But it would be interesting to have the anime president.
Delet this
>Female president