Now that the dust has settled and Hillary Clinton has won the presidental election, how are we going to celebrate it, my hildawgs?
Drumpfkins E T E R N A L L Y B T F O
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Heh, serves these children right.
Get the weed out bruda
Wrong timeline you have to jump to the other one
>Hillaryfags will retain this delusion for the next EIGHT years
so much this.
To be honest, I told my American friend to vote for Hillary just to get reactions and he actually did it!
No they won't, Trump's inauguration will crush it out of them.
I promise you that it is impossible to wake a liberal up.
How does this make you feel?
Its okay
>New Hampshire
>Being blue ever again
Sage in all fields
Fucking fayget cucked ""''Aryan"""" aka a Turkroach
So close, yet so so far
Did you get that from FOX news? You do realize many polls are unreliable, right..?
That's why she has won, lol!
Also this: You drumpfkins are really vulnerable when exposed to the truth.
One would hope..but these aren't normal people we are dealing with...
Literally a costal party
lul trolling with the same ID
Racist here, and I have to say one thing: If you think that this nigger-loving Donald Trump who sold her daughter to the jews, is a better choice than Hillary Clinton then off yourself.
Go back to Turkey you fayget...
Sage again
Thread theme for the drumpfkins, let us rejoice, Hildawgs!
Imagine how terrible Sup Forums and this country would have been if Hillary had actually won
>How does this make you feel?
Like I should post the real map.
The glass ceiling has finally been shattered. Just as President Obama proved a person of color can achieve the highest, President-Elect Clinton has now given our daughters the same inspiration.
We overcame the racist, bigoted, sexist, misogynistic, biased, prejudiced, xenophobic, fear mongering, womanizing, lying, cheating, rapist, failure candidate Donald Trump, who preached the dated ways of the previous millennium that President Obama fought so hard for and successfully abolished.
This is not just a win for women, but for anyone aspiring to be anything they want, no matter the obstacles.
>Imagine how terrible Sup Forums and this country would have been if Hillary had actually won
Sup Forums might suck, but America would be no worse off than we were under Bill.
Meanwhile, Trump is the new Reagan, but even older and more senile.
This is literal next level autistic bantz
For the next eight years we will have to put up with this.
>wanting satanic illuminati freemason child molester and cannibal to lead your country
edgy af
>For the next eight years we will have to put up with this.
>implying Drumph won't either destroy America in less than 8 years, or declare himself emperor for life ,and discontinue all elections.
Better than putting up with the alternative
Didnt know opposite day came
>Didnt know opposite day came
>opposite day
>Didnt know you DID know?
Election night was glorious, Trump got BTFO so hard!
So now that Hilldawg won, what do you xersons think of her 100 day plan? I'm so glad that the rich white men will finally pay their #FairShare.
I actually like how delusional liberals are. It means they'll be completely impotent and useless for years to come.
Don't become stronger. Stay weak. Doesn't hurt us that's for sure
Man that meme is so forced
You're in for one HELL of a truth when Merkel exits the stage.
CTR spambots still living the dream I see
No, he *didn't* know. It's *not* opposite day, remember?
>CTR bots were never disabled
Told ya!
Holy fuck the gov sucks at making memes, look at the colours look at the inconsistency. I cant stand to look at em.
It's just sad at this point look at the eyes of the hill pepe... Almost crying. The demoshit party lies in tatters and Trump is about to declare the new world order and colonize Mars. You had a good run liberals bye bye
>CTR shillbots still firing
I feel sorry for them in a way.
Did anyone save the shimmy with her gif?
That was the worst cancer of a meme ever.
Please stop op
These memes are just torture
Always the same scapegoat, Drumpfkin. Can't come up with anything more creative, huh?
Now that madame president has won, maybe it's time to stop with the cognitive dissonance
and accept her as the POTUS?
They were made by a leaf.
>a republican once did bad things so all republicans are now evil forever
>nobody pay attention to how we democrats fought tooth and nail to keep our slaves
KEK feels sorry for CTR
stop larping faggot
Wtf I thought this was about Obama at first.
I'll have to admit this is fucking hilarious
oh Hello fellow leaf.