Give me ONE good reason I shouldn't go vegan. Meat is murder.
Give me ONE good reason I shouldn't go vegan. Meat is murder
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Murder implies the victim was also a human.
Because hunted meat kills even less animals than veganism.
People need acids and other nutrients that are most easily found in meat. Sure you can get vitamins and stuff to help this but it's easier to just eat the dead cow. Plus everything that lives dies, eating animals once they're dead is better than them rotting in the wilderness or being eaten by something else.
What is so bad about murder?
>implying murder isn't fun
What if u hunt your own meat faggot
You shouldn't go began because the body actually does need this specific B vitamin found in animal products. You should go vegetarian( and not even a really strict one for that matter) because is its a bit better and you can get all of the same nutrients if not a cleaner version. I eat meat on holidays or just if I'm in the mood once in a blue. I usually eat fish also seldom and sometimes like once of twice a week will eat an egg. Cheese is fair game. Being a vegan is fucking terrible for you
Slaughtering animals by the millions is really humane. That which has no concept of death can not suffer from it. A human dying and "never knew what hit him" is the geatest blessing, and it's much easier to do give that to animals.
Sure, treatment could be more humane than it is in a lot of places, I understand going vegetarian for those reasons as well as environmental reasons, but there's nothing inherently wrong with eating meat.
nutrition density
you want to save earth manage a chicken coop instead of importing organic quinoa half across the world (guess which one leaves less of a carbon footprint you faggot)
> hurr durr who cares if we hunt anima--
Certan meat improves hormone functionality, but the true red pill is pescatarnianism
A dog isn't a very good example for whatever u r trying to say
go for it
yikes. I bet he voted for Trump.... jesus. It's 2016... I know trump... really? wow.
Reminded me of this comedy gold
>That which has no concept of death can not suffer from it.
this is how ignorant meat eaters are.
>animals with powerful survival instincts don't understand death
"For instance, herbivores, because they are plant eaters, have strong and flat molars that are made for grinding leaves and small or non-existent canine teeth. Carnivores, the meat eaters of the animal world, have very defined canine teeth for tearing at meat, combined with a sometimes limited number of molars."
Because it's a soft form of nihilism
>uses countless products made from animals or animal by-products on a daily basis.
>EXTRA HYPOCRISY EDITION: own a pet dog or cat, so you have an animal as a literal piece of property. To keep it alive, you buy pet food which is made from animals.
Veganism doesn't make any sense.
I want to murder who thinks meat is murder. (except if they're redpilled and pro-white ofc).
Because all life on earth is just a part of a greater interconnected organism with the sole purpose to explore space. Species unable to contribute in our technological evolution must contribute through nutrition!
there aren't any good reasons. join us and go vegan (I'm being serious)
Fucking hungry now
Why should I care about you? Eat what you want.
> dude we need to eat mea--
So even though we live in a post-scarcity environment, are you arguing that it is still necessary to kill animals for consumption, which trumps the ethical argument for eating meat?
> hurr durr animals don't have feelings
not Sup Forums
fuck off and eat shit or whatever you want you gay ass motherfucker
Yes, but it's the most delicious form of murder.
1. Meat is delicious
2. Veganism is unnatural
3. Vegans
I would legitimately be okay with eating vegans.