Brit/pol/ - The Union Jack Edition

>UKIP faces UK probe into EU funding allegations

>David Davis to meet EU Negotiator

>Right-wing Donald Trump supporter Milo Yiannopoulos banned from speaking at former school in Kent by extremism unit

>Diane James, former UKIP leader, quits party

>PM faces fury after hinting at 'transitional' Brexit deal to appease City firms that could see us tied to the EU for YEARS

>What is a 'transitional' Brexit deal and what would it involve?

>How euroscepticism is RIPPING the EU APART: Shock poll shows unstoppable populist surge

>Donald Trump state visit to UK being considered

>Theresa May backtracks on putting workers on company boards

>DUDE WEED LMAO, say MPs including Nick Clegg

>Royal Navy 'woefully low' on warships

>Nigel Farage makes new comeback bid: Acting Ukip leader rips up pledge to quit frontline politics as he vows to forge new alliance with Donald Trump and fight for a Commons seat

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not on call last night
>Person who is on call texts me about some trivial matter
>Don't get his text till way later because didn't have my phone on me as i wasn't on call
>Get told by the boss I should have responded to the text
>Said I didn't have my phone near me as I wasn't on call
>He said what if there was a massive accident and emergency
>Said if come in then
>Boss says how would I know unless I answer my phone

So why even have an on call rota? Clearly I am on call all the fucking time.

fuck anime



nth for based jews

God I love our flag.


nth for fuck the SNP
Numbers on the eternal haggis
>SNP currently holds 56 seats in the commons (Out of 650)
>They only campaigned in Scotland
>In Scotland there is 59 seats up for grabs
>This means they won 94.9% of the Scottish Seats

But is there something more going on?

Although we're talking percent in Scotland and Scottish seats this was a general election for the United Kingdom and Scotland is no more relevant in the end result than any other county on top of that knowing the number vote is important.

>The SNP won their 56 seats with 1.45 million votes,
>This translates to only 50% of the Scottish votes
>This also translates to only 4.7% of the entire United Kingdom vote.

So the SNP holds 9% of the Commons, with 5% of the vote, brought into power by 50% of the people of Scotland who turned out (which was 71%
This means that anything the SNP says, is only supported by half the population of the people of Scotland.
Which is important when you consider that in the independence referendum.
>2.1 million people vote to stay British (55.6% of the turn out)
>1.6 million voted to go independent (44.5% of the turn out)

Fuck the SNP, they have zero mandate to say that the shit they're stirring right now with the Brexit vote is on behalf of the people of Scotland and they have even less of a foot to stand on when they are holding the will of 17 million British citizens hostage when they themselves only got voted in by 1.45 million Scotcucks

Does anyone have the comfy Royal Navy webm/gif?


why do white women burn the coal?

I laugh every time I see a white single mother

Lads does vaping have no side affects if I get the non-nicotine shit?

Owt on't telly tonight lads?

Daily reminder we did this to ourselves




manlet cuck

Both Nicotine and non-Nicotine e-cigarettes have the unfortunate side effect of making you look like a faggot.

We don't know yet desu, however the warmth and moisture provide a great environment for Bacteria so you may get lung infections. Also you look like a massive faggot.



>got arrested last week
>woman police officer starts vaping in my house

fucking disgusting



You are breathing water vapour into your lungs. Your body can deal with it, but it would be better not to breathe water vapour into your lungs.

But in this day and age everything harms you so it's just about minimizing harm and reducing risk.

I doubt vaping is any more bad for you then drinking alcohol or eating processed food.

>it's just vapour bro
>it's just strawberry cush flavour bro

>Said if come in then


you are either on call or not. tell him to fuck off m8

Why does this "420 one love" culture dominate vaping? It's the one thing putting me on the fence here.

>three British traditions destroyed by immigrants
They have literally destroyed all our traditions on a national scale.

Why the fuck would you vape if you didn't smoke before hand you crettin.

t. former smoker.

Paper came out recently that suggests the liquid vapour in your mouth has similar effects to smoke. Doesn't fuck up your lungs as much as smoke, but could still give you mouth cancer.

Also you look like a twat sucking on a robot cock.



um atchually you little englander prick thats the union flag its only a jack if its a SQUARE god i hate this country

I want out of this shithole of a country.

if you start vaping, please do it inside

smokers in public should be punched

Obviously because like said I love sucking on robot cock, ever since I was a kid I had a fetish for metal. Wanted to stick my dick in Jenny Wakeman for years.

>Why does this "420 one love" culture dominate vaping?

u wot m8? Vaping has a weird culture but it's certainly not the same as weed culture.

It seems like it's made up of the same people that 10 years ago would be called skateboarders.


Don't do it.

I like how we get 20 mins of /comfiness everyday at 5pm when everyone's eating

>the ability of top clubs in the UK to attract the best players

Does anyone actually care?

I mean, I know they do, but I can't get my head around giving a flying fuck about some football club when it's full of foreigners.

The fuck is wrong with you

>telegraphing your attacks to your enemy

How basic are these people?

>Paper came out recently that suggests the liquid vapour in your mouth has similar effects to smoke. Doesn't fuck up your lungs as much as smoke, but could still give you mouth cancer.

How does steam give you cancer?

Maybe because it's not just water?







Spag-Bog again for tea, kill me know. Fucking hate this muck.

I wish i had some where else to go back too, unfortunately i was born in a police state and will be stuck here for a few years.




there is a bomb in the car outside the billy boys pub


Spag-Bol you mong

Run out of coal lads.

Getting cold.

looks like we have to slaughter your family again

Make your own deep fried food then Mc Haggis


I fucking love maths. (when i'm not doing it)


got you covered



Is it time to make Britain great again?



Is that when you eat a can of Heinz spaghetti on the toilet

spaghetti bolognese


Both are used through out the UK actually.

We are in too deep i think. The general public don't care that their freedoms (not that we had too many anyway) are being taken away one by one. Nothing will change with such a high level of apathy.




ma family is fine there are down in Sup Forums while i fight against the anglo on pol

LIterally the smoking equivilent of being a faggot.


Smoking is the Smoking equivalent of being a faggot, Vaping is like a scat fettishist.



This Vaping lark is big business in UK dunno how long it'll last though.

It's even got its own Vaping Expo in Birmingham.


Sturgeonposters will be the first to hang.

Holidays became less Christian in case we offend retards who voluntarily moved here, all our entertainment + media culture is being wrecked with brown "diversity", everything from politics to personal freedom is badly affected by the millions of non Euros here and their millions of offspring, and yes we're too tolerant and soft, but the whole establishment is against us, look at the rape gang cover ups and Milo's cancelled talks for example.


Government are restricting it because people being hooked on fags is actually good for them.

True, there are plenty of mongs in the UK, mustn't forget that

karenposters will be shot and raped on site

>Vaping Expo

Going to the shops lads, want anything?

>lefty socialist yahoos


I get that shit, I tell them you want me on call, you pay me to be on call. It's you that needs me.

>As the results came through I experienced that Brexit feeling all over again.

>It was a great surprise and pleasure when the President-elect made time to meet me. I was with Arron Banks and some close friends including Breitbart’s own Raheem Kassam.

>We found a thoughtful, reflective Trump who was already working on ideas to make the lives of ordinary Americans better.

>His energy and indomitable spirit are beyond doubt and I do believe he has all of the qualities needed to be a great President.

>Nothing could have prepared me though for what came next. Like a bolt from the blue Trump tweeted out that I would do a great job as the UK’s Ambassador to Washington.
