wtf i love muslims now?
Wtf i love muslims now?
>Be Muslim
>realize that other sects are shit
>vote for a ban on anymore of those sects coming in
>be Muslim
>escape from radical Islam and see the dangers of literal interpretations and sharia
>go to America and realize it's awesome
>see a man who is willing to prevent those who believe in those two things from entering
>vote for him
The latter is my friend and the former is his grandpa
Daily reminder that the muzzy problem pales in comparison to the invasion of illegal Mexicans
Get your priorities straight. This isn't Europe
Bumping your thread because I want to know the thoughts of Sup Forums
>loves Muslims
>on pol
Muslims know more about the problems in their religion/world than twitter libs do.
It is the reason i find more muslims and immigrants who like the sweden democrats.
While all cucked swedes believe SD is racists because to them anything except drinking somali semen off the tap is racist.
A large number of US Muslims are actually pretty secular and modern. A fair few fled the Extremism in Iran after 1974 and others such as Lebanon and Egypt all throughout the Cold War.
These people don't want literal dog-shit brained retards from Somalia and Pakistan infesting the US like they have done here and in Europe. So no surprise they'd vote to not let them in.
Wait democrats?
Even muslims don't like muslims
They're a lot like Christians when it comes to that aspect
Sunnis hate Shiites like Catholics hate Baptists
when can Trump move the muslims that obama brought here to san fransisco?
Bumping again
>any notion as to why?
Oh jeez I don't know maybe the fact that Islam is completely against all the degeneracy liberals are for like gay marriage, feminism, and abortion. Fucking brain dead morons I swear.
>any notion as to why?
alot of dumb ppl.
All 17 of my cousins and I voted for him
90% are converts who basically only just joined because it is exotic.
This we gotta get rid of the bean niggers first
They're all snakes lying in the grass waiting to strike. Even the moderate ones Sup Forums loves to nuthug.
>Be female mudslime
>Escape Rapeistan
>Safe country starts importing rapefugies.
He wants to know about the 13% not the 87%.
>one candidate wants to help ISIS, has shady deals with banks and skeletons in her closet
>the other candidate wants durkas out
It a no brainer
Equal importance
>ever trusting CAIR
These people work with Hezbollah, my dude.