Are you faggots really gonna go as low as insulting an 8 year old because of his autism? Fuck off CTR.
what a fat pig cunt rosie is. ugly on the outside and on the inside.
autists are the next evolution of humanity, a higher evolution a superior evolution.
>you will never be a fat sad fuck like rosie o'donnell
How's rostie's daughter?
What a pig. He's a 10 year old boy. Fucking slime that Rosie is, of course she will probably be dead from a heart attack within 2 years anyway, so who cares.
from a pid woman who mocked retardation by doing a goofy job acting retarded in a terrible movie.
>autism epidemic
The only epidemic is of greedy psychologists calling everything autism.
What a disgusting pig
"Someone" should tweet her and tell her about how bad of a mother she was, with her daughter OD'ing on drugs and all- and not even telling her mom she got married. If Rosie was my mom, I wouldn't tell her either, I would want her out of my life! Pathetic!
Pro-tip: He doesn't have autism, it was made up by people on Sup Forums for lulz.
Yes, this is our fault.
what's sad is that she used to be one of us
Rosie in 2007:
skip to 5:55:
"I do believe it is the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel. I do believe that it defies physics for the world trade center tower 7, building 7, which collapsed in on itself... it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved... world trade center 1 and 2 got hit by planes; 7 miraculously, for the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. it is physically impossible... to say that it wasn't an implosion and a demolition is beyond ignorant."
Let me guess. Donald blames it on vaccines?
Is THIS why Trump wants to blame vaccines for autism?
very realistic
I can confirm that Barron is indeed autistic.
This is why Trump is so sensitive about vaccines. He can't wrap his head around the fact that he produced a defective kid, so he blames vaccines on causing Barron's autism.
She really is a disgusting fat pig.
To attack a child because you got BTFO years ago.
She already had one.
She claims that she should be dead, but magically survived, and now tries to spread the word of what a female heart attack looks like.
Wow what a horrid person. Why would someone openly bring THAT MUCH negative attention to a child?? What the hell is wrong with libs, is there no line they won't cross?????
I want to go back to a world where mental retardation isn't celebrated.
I got it from Alex Jones not 4 chan.
>You know Trump has a child that is never in the media? Never makes appearances? Why is that? Why does Trump rail against vaccines and say they cause autism? Maybe he has a child that was damaged by Vaccines.
Alex claimed he got it from Trump insiders, and in my opinion his insider was Eric or Trump himself.
holy shit.
He's just a kid who doesn't want to be at a stupid fucking rally and be home playing video games and eating pizza rolls.
To a kid politics is boring as fuck.
He's broken her
It's mentally draining on him pulling the strings on at least the 5th dimension level.
What a shame. Truly nasty woman. She can't handle how bigly Trump is winning.
You whores ._.
You can still believe conspiracy theories while being a retarded cunt.
>You can't tell I'm unhealthy just by looking at me
But you can tell this kid is autistic just by looking at him?
>being autistic is a bad thing now
Why do they have to label every introverted person as autistic?
Is it because they realize their own E-based neurotype is utter pleb tier?
How can you guys read Twitter and not have a rage-induced stroke?
Is barron Sup Forums ?
>rosie o'donnell
>autists are the next evolution of humanity, a higher evolution a superior evolution
first of all, you sound retarded by the way you worded
second of all, as a medically diagnosed autist, autism is a terrible genetic plague, and not a "superior evolution"
autism is anything but superior
Kids are basically retarded until they are in their 20s anyway.
Trump's family on Sup Forums:
Trump - /asp/
Melania - /fa/
Ivanka - /s/
Tiff - Sup Forums
Don Jr - /k/
Eric - /biz/
Barron - Sup Forums
he's 10 fucking years old, cut him some slack
lol every time he isnt even touching his hands together
>Why do they have to label every introverted person as autistic?
Cash, money, dosh, rubles, yen, rupees, galactic credits, shekels.
While it is possible that Barron is autistic, especially given Donald's age at time of conception, the fact that he is extremely awkward is not much evidence.
I think people tend to assume he is older than he is due to his size, and don't understand that he's a ten year old the size of a grown man. That's an awkward age even if you aren't already almost six feet tall, a genius level IQ, and the son of the most powerful man alive.
>tfw HFA but am extroverted
it's fucking strange
Kek, while Rosie has to settle with ugly bulldykes, Barron gets to tap this!
So who's really btfo?
Fred - /x/
Hey, you need us to get shit done.
me in church
I am a fat sad fuck, but at least I'm not Rosie
wow so Rosie bullies his son as autistic and his dead brother for being dead of alcohol overdose
What a total bitch
Me anytime I'm "told" to clap at an event
It's like fuck you don't tell me to clap
Not your personal army, Barron
i've seen this webm a hundred times and never noticed that he doesn't touch his hands... good grief, lad
That's low.
Even for a bloated mud-wallowing pig like Rosie.
>fat washed up pig gets tired of bullying her own daughter
>decides to bully Trump's son instead
Very classes move by Rosie. It really shouldn't surprise anyone, she's an ugly person inside and out. I would say that she should pick on somebody her own size, but we all know that there is nobody who is as fat as Rosie.
see, no matter what on any issue Trump will be seen as an evil person in these folks eyes
>Trump doesn't bring up Barron's autism
Trump is ashamed of his autistic son and is trying to hide it, thinking autism is something to be kept in silence!!!
>Trump brings up Barron's autism
Trump is exploiting his son's autism for political gain, autism is no laughing matter and for Trump to somehow use a serious disorder to advance his political notoriety must be shunned -- what a disgusting man!!
First the dead brother and now his son. It's time to bully her into another heart attack.
No, blasting poison into your body is good for you. Your liver especially loves it!
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> 5. Leave the console open for a while
If you've already voted, it'll automatically clear out your session and start voting again.
>RESULTS (can be different for those using adblockers. - not sure why):
But he does, his fingertips touch his palm.
And if not he's even more based for not giving in to the americlap stereotype
He IS the greatest form of weaponized autism, bending reality to his whim.
Any time that I wonder if I'm a horrible person who the world would be better without, I think about her.
At least I'm nowhere near this bad.
At least I am far and above a better human being than that thing.
Don't bully Barron-kun
found the autist
I thought memeing Trump into office was the greatest form of weapons grade autism
>attacking a 10-year-old to make her point, whatever the fuck her point is supposed to be
This fat shit will stoop to any level to attack Trump, won't she
Do you guys think Barron is allowed to watch the walking dead? Do you think he can eat while he's watching it? :3
That was Barron pulling our strings and guiding the timelines.
She needs to be destroyed.
Round up Sup Forums let the autist defend the autist.
>adult woman attack child because of autism
maybe muslims were right about the american devil
>10 years old
>gets nervous when hundreds of millions of people are watching him
That post is a fake.
>10 yr old kid who stayed up til 3 AM and is obviously very tired
jesus christ liberals are fucking retarded.
Not to mention the unimaginable stress and happenings all around him that night.
>kid looks sleepy at a political event at 4 in the morning
good work Rosie
Rosie is a disgusting waste of a human. I hope someone spits in her face. Fat sack of shit going after an eight year old. I hope she leaves the planet even though she is one already.
>8yr olds
his head: "it's cool and all my dad is going to be president, but i really just want to fuck my sisters, seriously, why the fuck am i here and not 3 inches deep in ivanka?"
>extroverted and slightly autistic
I feel like shit when I'm alone and had to get over the anxiety of missing social cues when I'm around people.
It was a struggle, especially during my teens.
Thankfully the anxiety part is less prevalent now and i learned to read people.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was, Trump was like 60 when he had him. The father being that old increases the chances of that a fair bit
That said she's dumb cunt for attacking his son and dead brother
Fucking lying cunts on twitter
GOT DAMN, she really went there.
What a shallow cunt. What a fucking shallow worthless cunt.
I just hope that Trump remembers that sometimes the best response is no response.
Already did it, just spamming all of her posts from now on to make sure she sees it
Good work lad, good work.
I'll hit it up too fammm making a fakie right now ya dig
>ID: 9gy
That's pretty brutal m8
>implying they weren't autistic before they started browsing Sup Forums
Lol...Rosie's adopted teenage
Decided to runaway and smoke meth as a more relaxing alternative to the gay cesspool O'Donnell inhabits.
What a great opportunity to bring light to the horrible parent gay narcissist crisis in America...
The reason some idiots think that is because he stands out so much from the others beside him that do this shit for a living.
His behaviour is perfectly normal.
Yesterday she attacked his dead alcoholic brother, now his 10 yr old son? Goddamn she really has no shame.