So how many of you faggots were at this thing...?
>there are people on Sup Forums who actually think and act like this
Why are trump supporters such cringey retards?
All those people look like they forgot their fedora at home
Well, at least we know now you faggots who keep posting this shit are from reddit because no one on Sup Forums gives a shit
I dont get why people want to be nazi. It makes no sense, if you believe in nationalism I get it. But why you want to be a nazi? You can even be a plain nationalsocialist. But why a nazi?
Seriously who the fuck is this Richard Spenser cuck, what hole did he crawl out from, and why does everyone seem to believe he speaks for a movement with no definite leadership, ideology, or internal communication?
>being this upset
Not gonna lie that was cringey.
He tried to sound badass by yelling "Heil victory", the fuck is that? Why translate it? Anyways, he didn't have the enthusiasm and strength when he shouted it out. It was weak.
Because the nazis had really spiffy uniforms.
"leader of the alt-right"
we should destroy him and anyone who uses the term "alt-right"
>Seriously who the fuck is this Richard Spenser cuck, what hole did he crawl out from, and why does everyone seem to believe he speaks for a movement with no definite leadership, ideology, or internal communication?
Claiming to be an "alt-right" leader is about as genuine as claiming to be a leader of Anonymouse.
The alt right is a bunch of spackers on image boards with little to know organisation going on, we don't have leaders, we just meme things until they catch on and get reflected in politics.
it was a setup, that whole Hiel Trump thing...a setup to make us look bad and scary.
You wouldn't be crying if it was some right wing youtuber or someone posting here, fucking faggots
But the media says be ashamed, and we must listen?
Mentally stunted manchildren
Cant argue with that!
This faggot and his group doesn't represent us.
The alt-right is a movement of peace.
You can't judge an entire movement from a few bad eggs.
Top fucking lel.
This is some top tier comedy gold.
>some retard sees Sup Forums
>hey these guys are popular
>proclaims himself the leader
>makes cringe speeches
Fucking autists man.
He runs NPI and coined the term alt-right.
>alt right leader
This is like a whole new, weird "I am Spartacus" thing. Or like that kid that went on BBC News pretending he represented "Anonymous" and Sup Forums kicked the fuck off because he was just some random dumbfuck kid.
Retards will do anything to seem important, ignore him
We need to have IQ tests before people can join these groups. It's clear that stormfront ruins everything
>m-muh controlled opposition!
>I-Its just a few bad apples, r-really!
The reliance on No True Scottsman is pathetic. Eventually you'll all have to realize that your "shitposting" has consequences and can convince gullible morons to join your alt-right cult.
Maybe one day you'll do some more thinking and realize the superiority of classic liberalism.
lol, that pic looks like the predator from the alien movie
nothing spencer did or said seemed all that bad, it was the spergs in the audience who fucked up with the nazi salute
Reposting to fight the shills and blackpillers.
Tell that to mcinnes, cuck
This is the most obvious false flag I've ever seen. They're not even trying
Reminder that (((they))) are trying to discredit this movement.
We where formless. Then they gave us a name.
Unified, then they insisted we had a leader.
They are trying to give us an identity, a face and through retards or straight up controlled opposition dismantle and discredit us. They are dying and lashing out.
Ignore them, for they feed on attention.
But they're going to use the stereotypes against us, even though they claim they're always bad
I was, I then went out and gassed 3 jews. Don't believe me I got the lampshades to prove it.
>alt-right leader
Literally false flag