>there is a 99.99% chance I'll wake up tomorrow. still alive, still a wagecuck >there is a 90% I'll be wagecucking for the next 50 years of my life >there is a 10% I'll lose my virginity or get married during that time >but there is a 1 in 14 million chance I'll win $10,000,000 in the lottery
Why is life like this Sup Forums?
>inb4 life is hard get used to it hurrrrr
Yeah but that doesn't answer the fundamental question why there is a higher probability of us living and enduring life whatever the circumstances, than winning at life by getting lucky.
Ayden Martin
Get a side hustle, ya fuck.
Landon Hernandez
bozz i has no social connections wat do
Nathan Jackson
>90% chance you'll be wagecucking for the next 50 years
with that cuck attitude, yeah, sure
Joseph Bell
Money doesn't buy happiness.
Jordan Wilson
>Yeah but that doesn't answer the fundamental question why there is a higher probability of us living and enduring life whatever the circumstances, than winning at life by getting lucky.
Joseph Turner
This, I dont have the best job but it pays for my bills and me working on my car. Find happiness in the little things.
Cooper Diaz
Buy a whore for a night and lose your virginity. Lift. Stop being a faggot. Its not that hard
Samuel Reyes
become a NEET
It is the ultimate redpill.
I make almost the same wagecucks make because I get subsidized housing, 1000/month and 3500 grant every year for a TFSA.
Wagecucks can't even compete.
Josiah Garcia
I see no problem with this, goy. Now get back to work!
Oliver King
I'm gonna need instructions on how to set this up, fellow leaf.
When you win at life you are also removed from life struggles and then you are Sting praising the God of your mortal enemies at the sight of a massacre they committed,
Hudson Morgan
wtf kind of question is that? Why can't we all be rich Jews? Because that's not how society works, dumbass.
Jeremiah Parker
i like this pepe
Jaxon Perez
Hardcore mode: be a poor kike
Jeremiah Jones
Lincoln Bell
Praise Kek and roll yourself some digits You will feel like a million bucks.
Easton Rodriguez
Go to the doctor, say you have a disability(autism, social anxiety and a drug problem. It's not too difficult.
Some Doctors are dicks though, you have to find the right one. The muslim ones are more likely to give you what you want.
Evan Powell
"Why is life so hard" is actually a perfectly reasonable question to ask yourself when things arent going great. I mean, if we are doomed to live on this earth as humans, why couldnt it be at least easy/enjoyable? What Is It that makes life hard, exactly?
Nicholas Allen
Stop bitching and get some descent qualifications. It's hard work but it beats flipping burgers at McDonalds any day.
Angel Parker
We coexist with invisible entities that can change/manipulate outcomes based on their liking.