Crooked Donald has some explaining to do!
Crooked Donald has some explaining to do!
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who cares about an aids ridden racemixing, washed up TV 'star'?
That is the single gayest chink that ever lived.
They agreed to settle for 25 million on the advice of their lawyers, but I guess a washed up old queer knows better than them. Thank God we have celebrities to do our thinking for us.
>Signed up for a program which only gave the tools for success
>Not everyone was successful
Instead of going after Trump, why not go after the five MILLION students paying twice that for a degree that gets them no where but massive debt?
Not to mention, doing a settlement means both parties agreed to it. Thus the students side figured that 25 million was enough.
I wish I could settle unilaterally....
no one held a gun to their head and forced them to settle.
No he doesn't because he is the president get fucked.
George Takei might explain why he's misrepresenting facts.
Fuck, I don't even know what Trump University did or what this is all about. Barely anyone does.
He's a soulless fucking Jap!
isnt george takei a faggot? I thought in trumps america we dont have to listen to faggots and other minorities, as we prepare the concentration camps under fuehrer trump. so his opinion is invalid.
and also star WARS not star track ok?
It was 6000 students.
Most only paid 1500 in tuition. the rest 10k. the 35k crowd were outliers.
25 millions reimburses the claimants about 50% of their losses.
This implies 50 million would have been 100%.
Takei is a fucking moron who can't even do cursory fact checking.
>they settled at 150m less the damages
>trump is the bad guy
>get famous from Star Trek
>fade into irrelevance
>become a novelty again by bring catty, gay, and old
>millions of people follow you on social media because old people talking shit is just totes funny (see Betty White)
>abuse your followers by going hardcore leftist and shilling for Hillary
When is this old faggot going to drop dead? Isn't he like 90?
Whats the heat about trump university anyway?
>stupid parents
>let stupid kids sign up
>for stupid college
>gets mad cause kids should have made wiser decisions
>try and sue
>only get back 25 million
I don't see the problem here? If stupid people don't know what to do their money, then maybe their money is better in someone else's hand.
Honestly the students were idiots to settle.
Just idiots.
Somebody steals from me, I'm going to want my damn money.
>occupy democrats
into the trash it goes
>crime is okay when drumpf does it
Ed McMahon would be rolling over in his grave if he could see the monster Star Search has created.
this guy literally tried to get the worlds largest dick to get erected on live tv by fondling it
I don't think his opinion is worth anything.
Basically Trump U gave a lot of tools that could lead to success. Motivational speakers and other people hyped it up to get people to enroll, you know like they are suppose to, and people assumed that enrolling = sucess.
It's literally the same shit US college systems do that are state schools, but no one will ever win a court case against a state school. Mostly because they like to distract kids on the "college expirence" vs what they are actually teaching in curriculum. Kids will get a degree from state schools that are basically as useless and don't gaurntee any success and walk out with 50-70k in debt going "man no fuggin jobs m8!"
>butthurt faggot jap still mad his bitch got curb stomp this election
>Ocuupy demonrats
>A fucking leaf
Man you never get tiered of this shit do you? Do you not have a life outside of shitposting to distract yourself from the progressive dumpster fire your current pm is converting your country into
that makes him smart faggot..
omg.. thats like literally the definition of smart,.
What crime exactly? He delivered exactly what he promised.
Should I be able to sue my state university if I don't get a job in my field?
Who's the chink ?
Oh Myyy!
>catgirl portal
Making anime real was a mistake.
They agreed to the settlement.
Eat shit, Georgie.
I've had it up to my goddamn eyeballs with this fairy shit eating Jap. He should've kamikazied the Star Trek ship into the sun.
>we must listen to the words of a depraved clown who masturbates 18 year old men cocks for radio shows
discard this faggots opinion
>Hillary made hundreds of millions of dollars as a public sector employee.
It takes both sides to settle, dummy.
Oh the big, bad Asian faggot wants to talk shit about Trump University. What a hero! Because the real problem was Trump University. It's not the massive machine of a system that brainwashes children into thinking that "College will make you successful". No, its not that. Our current college system totally isn't a scam set up to collect money and sway the opinions of millions of young people who think they are going to college to "expand their worldview". Because education through a filter of Marxism, feminism, globalism and white-guilt ideology is the only true, and just way to "educate".
will the 25 million be reimbursed to all of the students? If not both sides of this lawsuit are in the wrong.
Sounds like a shrewd businessman.
Calling these people "students" to make it seem like he was defrauding 18 year olds out of college degrees is more dishonest than anything Trump has ever done. Nobody attacking him for this has any idea what it even was. Trump U was a series of real estate lectures that you could pay to attend with the Trump name attached to it. It did not offer nor claim to offer grades or degrees or college credit of any kind.
6000 attendees paid $1500 for 3 days, and 1000 attendees paid between $10,000 and $35,000 for additional mentoring. A more fair number for total amount the plaintiffs had paid would be around 30 million.
Still, they chose to settle for 25 million, and the settlement also specifies that Trump does not admit to any wrongdoing.
Trump on the matter, "The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!"
someone post the gif, you the know the one