Is she right?
CNN Angela Rye Calls On White People To Pay Reparations For Slavery
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If the check is redeemable only in Africa sure.
Good, she can start the trend by ponying up first and setting the example.
Will they accept hot lead?
>what is welfare
>what is section 8 housing
>what is affirmative action
>Affirmative action
>Diversity quotas
>Race card
All forms of reparations.
Now they want even more reparations, ridiculous. This is why Trump won and this is why he'll win again in 2020.
My ancestors came here in 1893.
what exactly is wrong with this?
give them a couple grand and then we can ignore them
That's one Mathew Perry looking bitch
I'll start paying as soon as the swedes and danish start paying reparations for invading my country in the 16th and 17th century.
Also my Serbian girlfriend might appreciate some reparations from austria, turkey and greece.
Oh wait - shit that happened before I was born is not my fault.
Fuck off, my grandparents came here in the 1930s
I'm 100% okay with reparations if it's a one time deal, all further affirmative action shit is done with and all guilt is absolved.
Well that s the least you can do for them after what white people put them through amirite
Do we have to pay the Irish and Chinese too?
she's black. she needs dat $$$
My ancestors already did they fought and died to free these ungrateful niggers.
Auckland my dick how about that? Spic here why are niggers such cry babies?
you are delusional if you think it would be
>these people are dummys they're stupid heads
shes annoying but I want to fuck her so bad
Friend, your ancestors straight up gave them a country and the free slaves turned it into one of the worst country even by African standards. The current affirmative action and lower standards to reach higher education is all the reparation they deserve and they already have it
I moved here this fucking June from a country that abolished slavery in the 14th century. Fuck you I aint paying shit.
620,000 deaths is no chump change. but whatever, pay them.
Since white people freed the slaves, can we ask for a fee for this service?
>what is welfare
>what is section 8 housing
Whites get this too Dingus
No. she is an insufferable cunt, always and forever. She is one of the top pieces of shit that CNN has.
Give them an inch, they take a mile.
The disrespectful reaction faces that this bitch makes when someone is making a point she does not agree with is out of control.
She is everything I hate about the media.
Without slavery they would be starving in an African shithole right now
if i pay them do i still have to listen to them cry and in response you faggots cry about them crying?
>Being responsible for shit your great-great-great-great-great grandpappy did
Fuck's sake only like 9% of Americans even owned slaves, blaming all white people in the first place is retarded.
>pay every nigger ever born in this country because a fraction of the population hundreds of years ago owned some of their ancestors
Fuck them, the only ones crying for reparations are useless niggers whose entire job is to scream "racist, gibsmedat!"
I refuse to pay for some of my races ancestors making the lives of a select few niggers and their descendants leagues better by buying them from jews.
It won't be, we have been subsidizing niggers for decades through welfare and affirmative action.
We have thrown billions upon billions of dollars at them and still their communities are democrat run miniature Africas.
Niggers are like stray cats in this regard, setting up 50 bowls of cat food outside your home is not going to end the problem, it will exacerbate it.
We need to end this welfare system and go back to being an economic meritocracy, niggers will either adapt and thrive or die in droves and flee the nation.
No ,she's left.
And also an insufferable cunt .
>Blacks also owned slaves.
Whites receive it at a much lower rate than blacks.
>implying that isnt your fault too somehow
I'd rather pay for the bullets than for their reparations and we all know that's what it would come down to. Black supremacists make me sick.
>implying a significant portion is
I want niggers to pay me back for all the shit they stole of vandalized, the last 200 years. Guess we are equal.
I say yes. give them reparations and use it as leverage against them to get their shit together. When they inevitably keep bitching about muh whitey, leave their asses behind.
>this is not their country they're taking back
>this is land we took from over people
>we need to embrace the fact that this is a melting pot
>maybe even jambalaya
>because we're all different
>and we need to embrace those differences
Isn't embracing racial differences, the textbook definition of 'racism'?
>white people
What about black smugglers in Africa and Jewish ships and monarchy who oppressed own white people? We didn't kill monarchy to listen to a shit Jewish pro-establishment whore telling me how i need to pay the price for billionaires exploiting Africa.
I'm Irish. I never enslaved anyone. However, THE ANGLO enslaved my people and slaughtered us for centuries. I have yet to see a single pound in reparations from the inherited trauma I experience from their atrocities.
How? The slaves are dead
How about niggers pay for parasitically leeching off the white man's civilization, society, culture and technology. If not for whites, they would all still be chimps stuck in Africa as they are in evolution. Fucking lying press.
>leave their asses behind.
We are already far beyond the point of this being necessary.
>significant portion
Even 9% is too high. 1.8%
The rich 1% of course.
Dude Europeans made them that way. Before this picture was taken the Europeans took all their gold and culture. Nazis!
When will niggers pay reparations for all the crimes they commit?
Fuck off, you self-pitying fenian cunt.
You need to give pimp big daddy more money, some percentages go to Jews of course.
It's called welfare and foodstamps nigger. You notice whenever a nigger goes on Judge Judy they say they don't work because they are disabled and they are always standing up perfectly fine?
So what?
You fas,t I just watched that 45 mins ago
i wish we could all just say how we'd be better off without black people
But slavery was more than paid back in technology.
>Farm Automation
>Literally everything blacks use on a daily basis
> Enslaved in the Confederate South
Here you go. Payment in full.
lets just send them to africa or mexico if they want it. That way the ones who want to stay can, and the ones who want to divide us can leave.
Hail Trump
I'll gladly give a wage of slavery times, hell, 1930s even, to any nigger that's going to pick cotton by hand. As long as i get to whip the fuck out of them for slacking off.
they dont want to leave they just want (more) welfare
What crimes? That's self defense against years of oppression!
I want to bang her desu. I don't know why. Anyone else?
Can we take their Obama phones back so they cannot acess the internet anymore.
M8 as soon as you give them 1 dolar for reparation you will have to pay them more and more for all eternity, look at the jews, the grandchildren of the grandchildren are getting holocaust reparation money from cuckistan.
This. "You're free to live life as you wish" isn't enough?
I want to see this stupid nigger raped to death in a cotton field by a bunch of old white men
Sure, we can give them an all expenses paid trip back to Africa.
Her having an extremely ghetto accent while being intelligent turns me on tbqh
Probably the lightest darkie I have ever seen
Pay up white man!
>Is she right?
pic related
Minorities (championed by jews and liberals):Gib me dat, you stole errthing. You dindu nuffin, slavery built Amerikkka.
Whites: You know what I'm sick of this shit, lets make America great again.
I just watched this live. Couldn't stand that woman. Its made worse that shes a regular
>Will they accept hot lead?
i like that.
I just love it how every conservative Republican is a well dressed man, calm and that shows facts.
Every Democrat is a liberal woman that starts throwing shit and "muh feelings" and "muh white supremacy".
Wow, she's retarded. Less than 5% of the population in the time of slavery owned slaves, but apparently we all owe black people and mixed blacks money for it?
Get them jobs, fix their infrastructure, give them hope. That's how you fix shit, not giving them a fucking paycheck. Stupid bitch. Trump is doing exactly what she wants, but she wants him to make a meaningless statement going "White Supremacy sucks, mkay". That mindset of meaningless symbolic messages is why liberals can't get any god damned thing done.
>reparations for something that was completely legal
You think they'll accept this, go away and never complain about anything ever again.
Nigger IMMEDIATELY after the civil war, we gave every ex-slave that wanted it 50 acres and a mule, which is more than most poor white homesteaders started with.
200 years later they're still here with their hands out. They will never get over slavery. Ever.
Descendents of slaves are the ones who benefited the most out of slavery. The only sensible form of reparation would be to ship them back to Africa.
Why do niggers speak, in such an annoying manner? i mean really, it sounds ridicules.
this right here. Give a man a fish and he'll come back tomorrow for another fish. Teach a man to fish, and he'll compete with your business.
>reparations for something less than 2% of the population participated in
>reparations for something that was done by rich aristocrats to begin with
just make the jews pay for it
This is part of a left wing strategy to humiliate the identity faction of the democrat party.
The democrats need to retool themselves to defeat the new populist republican 'workers party'
>be peasants in Europe
>move to America at turn of 20th Century
>descendants pay reparations
the one thing that this fucks up is the "British would have starved you to death" part.
The British founded the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1787, so they were first.
She's right. White people owe every descendant of Slaves a free one way plane ticket to Liberia.
I'll let Egypt set the example first
>They were doing it in His name.
Why do they act like Don is a religious figure in this? Are they recognizing him as God-Emperor? Notice that they don't ask Muslims about people killing others in the name of Islam?
Reparations to them moving to West Africa and I'm ok. We owe them nothing.
They literally think he's seen as a prophet or something. They're so out of touch they're inventing their own reality.
He got BTFO.