Is killing myself to avoid paying back my student loans a good idea?
Now that Trump was elected I might as well.
Is killing myself to avoid paying back my student loans a good idea?
Now that Trump was elected I might as well.
It's the best idea please do it
Only if your parents cosigned for the loan. Make sure that repayment is secured, then kill yourself, you piece of shit.
What is your degree in?
Why did you take out a loan without any plan as to how you were going to repay it? How can you not get a job with a degree?
Why the fuck did you go to college without knowing youncould pay back your loan, dumbass?
I remember there was a news story about a guy who killed himself because of student loans and credit card bills then after the piece his mom was being pursued because she was a co-signer on his loans.
Pretty amusing.
You could just move to a different country. US credit issues don't mean shit outside the US.
5 try 6 figure. I have 300k.
Why can colleges run massively expensive programs with no guarantee of future success?
Your student loans shouldn't be five figures unless you went to a private, out-of-state school, didn't work AT ALL, and also used it to pay for housing.
What, do you think that having someone pay for FOUR FUCKING YEARS OF YOUR LIFE was going to be a walk in the park? Why didn't you try and live more reasonably in order to minimize costs?
If it's that big of a monkey on your back, become a teacher or other state worker. You know that if you work a government job for 7 years, you get your loans written off, right?
>be me
>parents about to take 40k in loans for 2nd year of college
>fuck dat
>work hard in high cost of living , no car, doing whatever jobs on craigslist and be financially independent from parents forevermore.
it's tough. but you can do it
I don't understand americans. Why do they still keep go to college even though they know they are going to get jew'd
I just finished my master in pharmaceutical medicine. Total debt: 0
Student loans are spooks. You pay it back so gradually that you don't notice it, and if you still have it in a few decades it gets written off. In this country anyway.
A dumb move from the government though, since there's a huge amount of money they'll never get back.
It's called freedom
They're hoping they get their investment back through the "high paying" jobs that they hope college grads will get.
In reality, yes, they're fucking idiots.
because they are lazy fucks want to take no responsibility for their actions and never learn from their mistakes
oh i got a useless bachelors degree and cant find a job? better get a masters in it instead of switching major/going for the trade alternative
Tfw found great union labor job that tops out at $40 an hour with great benefits after graduation while collegecucks are in debt
Real reason is that most of our country is destitute trash. It wasn't until the late 90's/early 2000's that the majority of our youth got university educations.
Add onto that the fact that dumb people have more kids on average, and you realize that parents are very ill-equipped to give their children good advice on education and careers, and those kids don't know what the fuck they're doing.
It's a racket that takes advantage of the fact that free markets are a fucking scam when you keep the population ignorant.
Nigga stop spoutin. I have 48k in loans, I went to a public university. I worked part time all through college to pay for my shit apartments and fucking ramen noodles. I used to scrounge for change just to buy a 40 oz. And now I'm crippled with 5 figure debt and a fuck shit bachelors in business. BUT HEY, I'M MAKING $16 AN HOUR NOW!!! FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Your parents will then be responsible for your debts, selfish faggot. Sanders wasn't going to obsolve debts, nor proposed to pay anything more than 2 years at a STATE LEVEL. No advanced degrees.
What degree do you have that could justify that price?
if he didn't want student debts he should have skipped college. what a whiny little faggot. his parents are right to be ashamed of their worthless shit-tier son. /thread
>Clinton would have absolved me of my student loans
Never heard this meme? and how exactly would she have done that?
pretty retarded to think anyone can help you out of your stupid choices and immense debt. Kill yourself anyway.
>or better yet pay off the promises you have broken to redeem honor
Womens Studys
Double majored in women's/gender studies
not a great one no
What field m8?
I tried to get into that program but I'm fucking a white male so didn't meet diversity quota...
Should have got a marketable degree or learned a skilled trade, no sympathy. Although, the everyone has to go to college meme is pretty evil
>48k in loans
Maybe you shouldn't have moved out. There are so many universities in the USA that there's no reason to move out to go to university. Just commute, retard. Get some roomates. Fucking 48k. How the fuck do you spend 48k if you're WORKING?
I worked two jobs, one part time, one full time, to put myself through college. I got out with $10K in the bank. The fuck did you do, man?
Life is futility, killing yourself is the final red pill.
Called teh GI bill faggot, they give away 6 figures in collage money. Stop being worthless and pay it off by work or selling away years of your life to the military.
literally enlisting as an E-1 in the marines earns you over 18$ an hour for half the total hours a year...
going to a military academy (if you get good test scores and ecent grades in high school the military also pays for that) is a totally free college education with a near guaranteed 20-30$ an hour job either as an officer or an engineer/technician
it's called you made a shit investment. You get no guarantee of return. you just get the degree to do with as you need
To manage to take out that much in loans is truly a feat in and of itself.
I took the cheapest option available to me and I'm graduating with no debt. Even if I took out loans every semester to pay for everything, including housing, I wouldn't be that deep. You fucked up.
trump should send everybody who can't pay for their student debts into labor camps for 4 years and either starve them there or make them work
I would be willing to do this.
Poor mother.
If I'd ever kill myself I'd wait until my mother died just to avoid breaking her heart man. Fucked up story all around.
Take this shit to /biz/ you faggot
Nothing guarantees future success.
As for the first part of your question, "Why can colleges run massively expensive programs?" it's because we subsidize student loans, so colleges try to extract as much as possible as they know you will borrow the money anyways.
No slavery, no debtor's prisons.
Look, it is the BANK'S fault for making a shit investment. The federal government needs to stop guaranteeing student loans.
>had a full scholarship to UPenn because my parents were poor and I could get better grades than tyrone
Why are americans so spooked at the idea of free college education? The state earns that money back by having skilled workers with gainful employment paying proper taxes rather than people on minimum wage and food stamps.
Why not address the other big problem while at it which is pretending that everyone needs a college degree and is fit for academic life? Academy should be something for nerds who actually bother to read books, not degree mills and money pump schemes for gullible idiots.
Environmental science
>Went to a university 20 minutes from my parent's house
>never had to pay for housing
>CS degree
>internship every year
>1 year post-college dev experience
>60k in debt
don't believe the STEM meme
Your anecdotes don't cover every single situation out there
I barely got any financial aide because the fafsa thinks that my parents will Magically give me tens of thousands of dollars when even though they didn't give me a dime
So if I wanted to finish my last 2 years of school at a 4 year with my community college degree it cost me 30k in debt just to finish and a minimum wage job didn't barely dent the cost
Intelligent people think about that prior going to college. You think about what specialities are wanted in the job market, you compare them to each other, you pick the one you like the best, then you do all financial math and think how you will pay for it and decide if you can really afford it right now. If not maybe you shouldn't waste so much money on something that will not be beneficial for you. Maybe you better of just picking a trade or starting as an entrepreneur.
But you didn't and everybody with a brain knows why. People like you are disgrace to higher education and exact reason why it should be even more expensive than it is.
>never had to pay for housing
How the fuck did you even get in debt?
Pell Grant, nigga.
LOL white people tax.
It's not the taxpayer's fault that white people don't invest in their children's future. You shoulda taken a year off, saved up some cash, then gone back to school.
>Businesses: I don't want to train these people, so I will require that they have college
>Universities: You mean we get guaranteed applicants from government subsidies?! Sure, we'll take more money!
>Businesses: Hey, mind sending some free labor our way for "experience", and telling them that this is the only way they have a chance of getting a job, along with getting that expensive piece of paper?
>Universities: Sure! We need mo money for dem programs
It's all one big scam, for the most part. This is why everyone requires a degree now, it's guaranteed free labor in internships and people will be more likely to work with more bullshit to justify their investment.
because tuition is 40k a year
Hes their kid, ultimately it is their fault if he dies
>It's not the taxpayer's fault that white people don't invest in their children's future. You shoulda taken a year off, saved up some cash, then gone back to school.
Minimum wage job would barely yield me enough money a year to cover one years worth
Then again you're so high on your own forts because hindsight is 20/20
its called a jewish scam and you being a dumb goy fell right for it.
now you are a debt slave to the academic jews
Why are you taking loans you dumb shit? Just from grants I got 5800 a semester...more than enough to cover school and shit...i work abouuuut 30 hours a week on average and im taking 4 classes. Still have plenty of free time, plenty of money and all my bills are paid. Oh I also don't have any debt. probably should kys
>enlisting as an E-1 in the marines
Implying SJWs can into USMC.
>You shoulda taken a year off, saved up some cash, then gone back to school.
But that is responsible behavior user....we want shit handed to us yeah?
Y'all motherfuckers are getting SCAMMED.
I fell for the STEM meme, failed to get my dream job, so retrained to teach high school, and I'm making 50k in a poverty level cowtown now, which puts me above 60% of people in the area.
No debts. I spaced work and school. Took me 7 years, but once again, NO DEBT.
Living like a king, feels good.
>my exclusive anecdote means everyone can be me
>oh what? You didn't get the same opportunity? Who cares gitgud lel
>I fell for the STEM meme, failed to get my dream job, so retrained to teach high school, and I'm making 50k in a poverty level cowtown now, which puts me above 60% of people in the area.
I got my bachelor's and now I'm a chemist making 60k,it wasn't a scam and stem isn't either
>fafsa thinks that my parents will Magically give me tens of thousands of dollars when even though they didn't give me a dime
Same here...I didnt live with them when I applied either...but...i worked full time until I was 24 and considered on the federal level to be an independant...dont be fuckin lazy.
I have a six figure debt. I know how bad it feels. I felt bad for years. I was so depressed it ruined my relationships with people. I eventually came to the understanding that I couldn't possibly pay what they were asking for so I stopped worrying about it. My debt collects more interest than what I make per month. It's a joke. If it's impossible for you to pay then just don't pay. Change your phone number and if you move don't let them know. Stop talking to them. They knew what they were doing when they loaned you the money.
Because morons pay for it
You are just a lazy whiny ass brat who expects shit to fall in his lap
Get the fuck out you yankee scum. Better yet off yourself.
Not an argument
Hindsight is 20/20 not matter how you wanna twist it because you apparently can't see yourself in another's shoes
Pell isn't the only grant available...I was eligible for about 30 but they required papers to be written so I said fuck that
Oh, I'm not calling STEM a scam. I went into biology, because when I started school, there were a shitton of biotech startups in the state gobbling folks up, but when I got out, that had all dried up, and I was already in my late 20's and felt I needed to make some cash instead of go back to school for chemical engineering.
Teaching is rewarding.
>Texas school
lol, I'm a spic.
Never thought I'd reccomend this to anyone... but consider teaching english in asia.
>Not an argument
You're damn right it's have no point to argue....there are funds available to you given that you put in a little bit of effort...not one god fucking damned person in the states is ineligible for it
I've seen quite a few adds for part time English tutors via stream...are those legit?
There are rare circumstances that allow for student debt to be forgiven when declaring bankruptcy. It's very rare, but I suggest you look into it, as you may qualify.
I got like 1200 in Pell, 2k in fafsa to cover a 17k a year debt
Succeed it up, worked 16 hours at a minimum wage job, barely put a dent in it before next year rolled around. Got my bachelor's and came out as a chemist with about 26k left currently which is equivalent to a down payment on a house or a new car or what ever
>I fell for the STEM meme
80k/yr starting is a meme?
>failed to get my dream job
so you did poorly in college or don't know how to interview and therefore think stem is a meme. gotcha
None of my STEM friends from college ever complained about student debt. Neither do my friends who studied finance. the only people who complain got a shit degree in a shit field
though, an education degree should be a good thing user, so good on you
Damn, it feels good to not have to pay money for university education which is put behind >actual exams< in a faculty in a field that is booming in my country that has no barriers to selling internationally allowing me to be simultaneously comfy, debtless all the time and own my own future.
>I got it that means you can too
>everyone applies for the generic grants
>only 1 person gets them
>hahaha wow why can't you be like me
No, they have debt collectors in hell too.
You should have done your research...don't know what to tell you user...take another year and learn a trade skill and make $20-$30 an hour until you can find an appropriate job for your degree.
Good question.
>Falling for the college meme and in debt for life
Amerifat are such cucks, why education isnt free there?
Are you a chemistry teacher by any chance?
Oh, there were jobs.
I was just unwilling to move out of state, honestly. Getting a local job for me was the same shit, since my dad wanted to retire, and my parents got back together after being divorced for 5 years. That left me with a shitty, but serviceable house that I could move into, thus cutting out the whole 'paying rent' thing.
Same quality of life, really.
College is the single biggest scam in American history, religion is a very close 2nd.
>graduated 2 years ago
>attended 2 separate reputable colleges
>degree in industry that hires
>every class was full of bull shit or outdated info
The only lesson I learned from going to college was never, EVER, take advice from baby boomers.
>help me guise
>fuck u faggot that doesn't wrk
>omg y i soOoOoOo doomed
You are a lost cause.
if only universities were run by liberals/democrats..... oh wait....
I actually teach engineering, which is the hilarious thing, since I went into education to avoid getting an engineering education.
I ended up doing 4 years' worth of summer training in engineering anyways.
i went to a community college for 3 years, then wrapped up at a state school
id recommend everyone do this
I didn't know people learn engineering in high school in the States. What does it exactly cover?
Underwater basket weaving, with a minor in navel gazing
Why does this picture make me so uncomfortable
I got a CS degree and got a 67k job less than 1 month after I graduated. How is STEM a meme again?
>unpaid internships
Because you didn't learn anything at college that you use in your day to day life/occupation. You paid for nothing. All degrees are memes. In a way STEM is worse because you actually believe you somehow are beating the house. It's hilarious.