Carson was a Trump supporter 100% through the entire election. He never wavered, even when other Republicans did. He needs to get something.
The sleeping doctor has awoken!
He's legit looking to put a neurosurgeon on Housing and Urban development... what the fuck?
Ben is black, the inner cities are black.
Makes sense desu
I thought Carson said he didn't want any positions, that he wanted to 'stay an outsider' or something like that?
Carson came up from a ghetto and fucked up childhood, so he knows first hand.
Carson got almost stabbed so he knows HUD.
>Ben is "urban"
>Ben succeeded in life, overcoming real adversity
>Ben is "urban development" personified
>Meme magick and nth^4+ chess confirmed
Thank you for including him in the government
i didn't even see it coming!
Reminder that Carson has a black Jesus picture in his house
That shit looks gay and creepy as hell.
You gotta admit Trump tweeting all his activities is an amazing level of transparency we have never had in American politics
Hopefully to abolish HUD and resign
Why Ben Carson for HUD
And Democrats HATE him for it!
He has a bunch of pictures of himself all over his house. Pure narcissist.
Did he wake him up ?
top kek. glad to know that this is what everyone else is also thinking
I don't know anything about this but I'd wager it was a gift from one of his patients.
>people are mad he isn't a shadowy figure rarely interacted with
Wtf, did they part jesus hair with a fucking axe?
no more crimes, only comfy homes.
Based Trump.
> b-but Trump is racist!
His belt saved his life, so he could go on to save thousands more.
Ben supported Donald after Donald protected him against Lyin' Ted and his shenanigans.
Racist much?
>inb4 Uncle Sam
That jesus isn't black you retard
>that pic
That's exactly what an undercover muzzie would say
I understood this as well
yea he said that but kek willing, he'll change his mind. he is too fucking valuable to not be a part of this administration
I mostly replied to this because I don't want to cum blood, but Carson came up in an inner city and has been an outspoken critic of Democratic urban development programs.
In short, he wants to try and get blacks off the welfare tit and engage in inner city development programs which help bolster employment, rather than reliance on federal aid.
I'm a straight NAZI, and I don't care if he is a nigger, you got to reward your allies no matter what color they are.
Correction. you have to reward your truly Loyal allies no matter what color they are.
I don't want to be calling for Twitter censorship but I'm getting really tired of these T-shirt selling whores and their bots spamming the comments to Emperor Don's tweets
I guess given the alternative is spam-upvoting liberals whining it's not that much worse, but at least salt is funny, the t-shirt spam is just annoying.
HUD: Activated
Fuck you and your shitty country.
What did they mean by this?
Reminder Ben Carson is an active creationist
Moses is his barber
>active creationist
Well, he can create houses now.
Good, less people who believe lizards turned into birds the better.
I have the same picture. back off
Are you balck?
He was offered secretary of Health and Human Services and he turned it down.
He doesn't want a position in Trump's cabinet. He said he's not qualified.
Looks like a sandnigger to me, which is a hell of a lot more historically accurate than the blue-eyed, blond-haired Jesus painted by Europeans.
His patients give them to him as gifts.
I really, really like this image
Checked. It is awesome. I pray it continues. Can you imagine if he said he needed 100,000 patriot to show at point x? It would be a race to get there.
this desu. I hate anyone who isnt white but you cant leave diehard allies out to rot after they support you through everything
Glad to see Sleepy Ben has a place in Trump's administration. His story need not end.
What a solid dude Carson is. I've become a lot less racist during the election and I'm starting to wonder if Trump is a Jew plant.
This looks like a gift
>No B.S.
Basically the founding principle of Sikhism
>You are interested to know about my culture
>It's stupid to do this, whitey. Pay and leave.
Whatever you say coach
>He said he's not qualified.
I still find that weird considering he ran for fucking president. He never wanted to win in the first place did he?
To clarify he thought he could help Trump more from the outside which is possible.
housing urban development
providing cheap housing to cities
Jesus can be any color you want because he lives in your heart. :^)
So sleepy doctor is back on the game, huh?
He was the most loyal of all republicunts. Even when Trump was calling him "pathological", this guy couldn't stop sucking his dick.
He's putting a nigger in charge of HUD???
Growing up in a ghetto does not make you qualified to fix them. There's more to urban planning and development than that. As capable as Carson is as a surgeon and doctor, I think appointing him as the head of HUD would be a wonky decision.
that's a sikh, not a muslim
Yet he thinks he's qualified for presidency? The fuck?
He doesn't seem to remember running for President anymore.
I hope he ships the blacks into white communities and vice versa like they used to do back in the 70s
Mitt drop to your knees
Jesus may have been black. This is a non issue. Jesus died on the cross for you user. By his blood you have been redeemed. Please remember that.
You don't have to be qualified for anything anymore when you live in Murica..
My friend just hired Kim Kardashian to do her taxes
Yea but 90% of the people in elected positions arnt qualified, you learn on the job or just pretend you know what youre doing like most politicians. Carson is no worse than any other pick and if he cares he can succeed.
>Jesus was a black jew
Das rite!
Wanting to actually fix something makes him qualified enough.
Not this Uncle Tom again
Carson is trying to tell us something Sup Forums, what is that in Jesus' hand that he is giving Ben?
Like it matters, Jesus is a Son of God, his appearance is low tier matter
what matters is that he redeemed humanity
If mr sleeping doc wants to have pic of black
Jesus, I'm ok with it
I know many people who do not even have copy of bible or one cross in their entire house
I knew he was completely fucking baked the entire campaign
All Christians say they love people, but then cheat constantly against each other.
Actually it's probably about people giving him shit for being a muslim when he's not even a muslim. Does happen from time to time.
>or one cross in their entire house
the eleventh commandment is thou shall hang a cross in thou's house ?