Check out my Meme-Haircut Goy--er Guys

I'm the (((Alt-Right))), I'm a true Nazi! Zeig Heil, /pol! I-I'm Real! I'm a real Fashy! Not Controlled opposition target for the (((MSM))), Yeahhh :DD

I'm pretty sure that character was German-American.

I've had a similar haircut for a long time now. High and tight combover. It's a fashion statement for a lot of nu-males though, that's true.

Does Brad Pitt have hair highlights in a WW2 movie?

This is now a doubIes thread.

can someone explain to me that shitty haircut where guys buzz off all their hair except what's on the top of their head?
the fuck is the appeal and why is it so goddamn popular
it makes you look like a faggot

Fuck off, besides this is how you do it.

I don't understand the appeal of that haircut.

It makes me think of a mohawk going through an edgy phase.


This shit has to stop

it's called a high and tight you dingus
some take it to gay degrees though, like having that huge mop on top. that's retarded. but having short sides and a little bit on the top is good shit.

there's no rating here you know. you won't get any karma beta points for obnoxious shitposting

Hes a phony fraud, the media just uses him because he is a useful idiot. He has nothing to do with anything except his jewish overlords.

Not if my singles have anything to say about it

It's fashion. The styles themselves are completely irrational, but the *concept* of fashion makes sense: People see the archetype, and are judged either positively or negatively based on their adherence or non-adherence to the archetype. Meaning, some people see that haircut, which has been in pop culture, and decide they want to wear it. Others see it and realize it's retarded, and don't wear it.

Basically fashion is for status-obsessed whores whose entire personality is derived from comparison to others and the desire to be judged positively by others.

It's really stupid.

I bear witness

You faggots can't even check them, sad.

now we're talking

I've never really given much of a damn about my hair. I always just get the sides clipped on one of the longest settings, and the top trimmed a bit.

I went to a newist barber last time, I asked for what I usually ask for and he very nearly gave me one of these fag cuts.

In fact there was a little chav sitting before me, getting this exact thing done.

Those few days while it was growing in I felt about 25% faggier than normal.

Maybe I'm just getting older, but this is one of the stupidest trends so far.

Woow Nazi brothers, we're gonna make it after all.

I've been calling this for around a year, ever since the term "alt right" became popular and all these well produced youtube channels claiming to be "alt right" stsrted popping up out of no where and shilling on Sup Forums.

They sensed a movement growing, so they sent out controlled opposition with ideas close enough to ours to gain approval but not extreme enough to threaten their ideology. They labeled their controlled opposition the "alt right" so people could feel a sense of pride and rally behind. They then dismantle it.

Same thing they did with Ron Paul and the "Tea Party".

thats a homeless man

Like this faggot (((Milo))) right here. It's so blatant. The fashy fashion. The fucking meme hair again even. lel.

this fucking jew (((shit))) man...FML.

amateur. check these though.

undercuts are so fucking gay

How dare you (((fashy-hair-meme))) shame me!