>Later says the media lied to everyone and calls out Zuckerberg by name
>Says that he's putting his life on the line to tell people the truth
>Gets taken to a """mental hospital""" and shows canceled.
>Tweets from the mental hospital that Cosby is innocent
>We are here
If we don't act now we'll have another Michael Jackson or Prince on our hands. How many people are we going to allow to die because they had the courage to speak the truth? Never abandon a comrade, Sup Forums. People need to know that when they say what's right we will have their back.
Elaborate on the Michael Jackson thing. I know about all the trials, etc, but I've never heard any set-up stories.
Noah Gomez
He's being reconditioned
Or maybe a clone will be put in his place
Nolan Collins
He was found innocent of child abuse but then branded an antisemite by the ADL for no reason. He later died due to accidental incorrect dosage of prescription drugs by his physician.
Juan Powell
I propose we start praying for Kanye through KEK's sacred digits and make threads from time to time.
Kanye could be one of the first apostles or martyrs if KEK gets him out of this one
Christopher Nguyen
Hopefully he will make better music after this
Anthony Lopez
he's already dead
Adrian Taylor
MJ, amongst other things, was getting dangerously close to naming (((names))) in Hollywood/corporate music. So they slapped a phony pedo case on him, and when that didn't stick, his (((doctor))) "accidentally" fucked up the dosages on his prescription meds. If you're looking for proof, try a quick search to see what happened to the litigation against his doctor following Jackson's death.
Christian Morgan
Jacob Martinez
How long until the jews slander and kill Kanye like they did Michael Jackson?