>there are people on Sup Forums right now that are ok with abortion
explain yourselves
>there are people on Sup Forums right now that are ok with abortion
explain yourselves
If you shoot a white child but also shoot a black child, it's not murder.
this but the whites that do get abortions are hicks
Murder is murder, full stop
This is the only acceptable reason
>less niggers
What is the problem? You want them to get born so their single moms leech off welfare even more?
I'm only okay with abortion to get rid of blacks, literal retards, and rape babies.
Otherwise I'm against it.
This is the redpilled non-Christcuckold position.
Abortion prevents poor black children being raised by single mothers.
Abortion prevents crime.
It's absolutely fine to be okay with abortions; as long as you're also fine with it being illegal after viability of the fetus.
>most people will have no impact on the planet, society, etc.
>people die all the time... some by very stupid means
>minority race
tl:dr life isn't precious and there are worse things than death
abortion = eugenics
Also prevents white children from being born. You're ok with funding this through tax? You don't think people should be responsible adults and use contraceptives?
Conservatives want to restrict access to contraceptives and abortion so your argument is moot.
>hurrr babies being killed is bad!!! stop it!!!
grow up
Conservatives aren't a monolithic entity so your point is moot
because most people who are aborted are little niggers that will leech off of the state for the rest of their lives
It really should be how are there people not okay with abortion
I'm actually fine with abortion, but what I'm NOT fine with is that if you're drunk and you kill a pregnant woman in a car accident it counts as DOUBLE HOMICIDE.
Either that baby has a right to life, or it's a fucking clump of cells.
Get your shit together, legal system.
when can we just incentivize vasectomies for people in the poor community?
If you're driving drunk, you deserve the very worst so who cares.
I'm against abortion because murder is wrong.
I think the race question is a separate issue.
I don't disagree with that. But either that baby is a life with rights or a clump of cells.
Kills a lot of niggers and acts as natural selection against white liberal females.
>he thinks every last nigger baby is sacred
Jesus christ that was such a fucking shitshow. Not one of Sup Forums's finer moments.
Its none of my business
Shocking, I know
White children who get aborted would've been raised as degenerates anyway.
>You don't think people should be responsible adults and use contraceptives
You do know that even when you use them you can still get knocked up.
There are people on this board who disagree with eugenics.
>explain yourselves
Don't give a flying fuck.
Banning abortion doesn't fix the underlying problem of women being whores without a patriarchal figure in their lives.
Contraceptives are not 100% and never will be. Shit happens, people get pregnant. It's the persons choice whether or not they want a kid.
There are a lot of shitty inbred drug addict whites out there too.
In most cases the abortion is actually helping society as a whole.
If someone wants to abort their baby they probably won't want to take care of it in the first place
This kind of makes me want a camo ar. Did I dun goofed by getting all black rifles?
I will not
I don't like niggers.
What would you do if you knew you son is going to be born with zika(microcephaly)?
This and rape are the only cases in which I'm in favor of abortion. Nothing more, even poverty, is an excuse.
Pro-abortion here!
Keeping the nigger population in check.
You're welcome.
>I'm actually fine with abortion, but what I'm NOT fine with is that if you're drunk and you kill a pregnant woman in a car accident it counts as DOUBLE HOMICIDE.
is it independent of the baby's age / stage of the pregnancy?
like, if she didnt know herself she was pregnant because it was so early, then at the autopsy they find out. would that count?
Early abortions are fine by me, as are for rape cases or instances where the child would have died soon after birth due to a genetic defect. I dont believe in souls but I do believe in suffering.
It's called being a pragmatist you emotional cuck. unwanted pregnancies bring society down as the offspring go on to be welfare drains and criminals. The nationwide drop in crime in the US in the 90s has been linked to us allowing abortion, and thus avoiding a generation of single-mother raised delinquents.
Also, if you force a women to have a child the first time she fucks up and gets pregnant, then she's not going the have the child she would have had when she was older and ready to do a better job. So you are killing some theoretical child either way.
Passed by liberals.
> if you kill a pregnant woman it counts as DOUBLE HOMICIDE.
Passed by conservatives.
- gets rid of undesirables
- infanticide used to be legal (throw baby on bridge, toss in river, toss it in hole, leave it outside so it dies of hypothermia, human sacrifice)
- only liberals and SJWs get them. If a girl has one, she's blue pilled. end her DNA from propagating.
Killing people is only wrong because of the pain of loss that the living feel. If no one feels the pain of loss, then how can it be bad?
They still have the right to exist
Condoms are 99% effective. And saying they don't want to take care of it is bullshit, give it up for adoption. Millions of Americans are waiting right now to adopt. When will you understand that this is murder?
I forgot about all those white children who would have been raised in a good community with proper values if their degenerate mother hadn't aborted them.
I'm okay with non-whites getting an abortion.
No one has a right to be brought into existence
>Not in favor of allowing niggers to abort themselves into oblivion
What are you, some kind of cuck?
It helps keep the criminal population and crimes in general down.
Other than that, abortions are bad m'kay.
Nigger population control
Retard population control
Liberal population control
Rapist population control
Degenerate population control
there is zero reason to keep jamals baby
Please. I live in a white suburb and know plenty of young mothers who kept their accidental pregnancies. The kids turn out shit. They end up being raised by an incompetent single mother, a freaking out dad who wants to bail, or over doting grandparents who don't have the energy to do a proper job. And they are single children which makes them bratty and selfish.
Kid conceived by rape doesn't have the right to live?
What would you do if you daughter got raped by a nigger? I mean after you shot the nigger.
Only for non whites, white people are endangered and only their lives are precious.
Population control.
im agaunst abortion too many white women are choosing careers and getting involved in identity politics
abortion murders white children too dipshit
this. fuck the kids.
Kids fucking suck. Sex is pretty amazing.
black eomen cant affird abortions,only white liberal women who protest trump can afford abortions
A child conceived through unholy measures is in and of itself unholy.
So you're saying people have the right to murder?
theres no so thing as white trash
plus black women are too poor to afoird an abortion
no one "has the right" we just get lucky
Abortion is soft eugenics. So I'm fine with it.
sorry, but we do.
Kills nonwhite and liberals of the next geneation.
This is good.
Any time before the second trimester is fine with me tbqh
Until then the fetus isn't even self aware and therefore not worthy of being declared a person.
dead nigger babies
the only reason abortion is ok is because there are too many people on this earth as is, less is better
Abortions are the number one nigger killer.
Abortion only stops mothers who don't want to have the kid develop that fetus into the kid in the first place.
Also overpopulation.
Also, it's a fucking fetus. I do think there should be a cut off point at the time of consciousness, problem is nobody knows for certain when that time is.
too many god damn humans on this planet.
also women are doing 90% of the work raising infants. if they can't properly raise the child they generally have an abortion. unwanted children have statistically provable, awful lives.
you fundamentalist pope masturbators forget that raising a quality human is a 20+ year process, it starts at birth. if you can't do it, end it BEFORE birth. it's actually humane.
if you disagree then you must remember being in the womb, also you're a retard
It's better than having unwanted kids that will either be raised by broken families/single mom's or will be thrown in the system.
Some of those that are thrown in the system end up ok if they get adopted by decent people, but the vast majority of them don't have that luck.
I'm not just okay with it. I think it's great. The less people the better. The less shitty, unfit parents the better.
You asshats just can't accept that a fetus is not a person; not a baby; not a soul.
>excellent forest camo pattern
>completely negated by the fact that the rifle is vagina-pink for no good reason
I hate women
can't violate that baby's NAP
this is an ancap meme
abortion ruins the foundations of family development that are so desperately needed in the black community today. It's hurting them far more than it is helping.
>wanting to help negros outside of shipping them back to Africa
Notice how all anti-abortionists are cucks.
If I shove my cock up your ass you have no right to remove me as it's not your body...
I'm okay with abortion if a sudden problem with the pregnancy puts the mother's life in danger. The mother can always try the pregnancy again.
I'm also okay with Negroes using abortion as birth control. We have way too many dindus running around (such as the latest case with the school bus driver in Chattanooga who killed five kids), and this is a great way to keep their numbers lower than what they can be.
But as far as everybody else simply using abortions as birth control ----- no, absolutely not. People like that need to be sterilized.
- Libertarian, who just switched to Republican this year. Socially liberal but hates "liberals", fiscally conservative. I don't respond to pandering or feels and use my brain to assess situations.
- I am a woman, and I myself would never have an abortion
- Totally pro-choice, none of my fucking business. Should be none of government's business either.
- Totally AGAINST government funding or assistance for abortion OR birth control.
- Totally against Planned Parenthood - shut it down, I don't want to pay for your crotch rashes.
- Athiest
- Diehard Trump supporter
- Makes really good money and is an established professional on an executive level
- Partial birth is murder though, for lazy fucking idiots who procrastinate. Shouln't be used unless there are health issues of any kind, mother OR child, including down syndrome or any issues of deformity to the infant.
- I have no children, and do not want them, ever.
Because I don't care about fetuses as they're not people.
I also don't care about children, you can abort it as it's being born for all I care.
>Socially liberal but hates "liberals", fiscally conservative
Kek. Does someone have the MS Paint drawing for that?
>- Libertarian, who just switched to Republican this year. Socially liberal but hates "liberals", fiscally conservative. I don't respond to pandering or feels and use my brain to assess situations.
>- I am a woman, and I myself would never have an abortion
>- Totally pro-choice, none of my fucking business. Should be none of government's business either.
>- Totally AGAINST government funding or assistance for abortion OR birth control.
>- Totally against Planned Parenthood - shut it down, I don't want to pay for your crotch rashes.
>- Athiest
>- Diehard Trump supporter
>- Makes really good money and is an established professional on an executive level
>- Partial birth is murder though, for lazy fucking idiots who procrastinate. Shouln't be used unless there are health issues of any kind, mother OR child, including down syndrome or any issues of deformity to the infant.
>- I have no children, and do not want them, ever.
Should also add that I would never get accidentally pregnant, because I am not some kind of nasty irresponsible slob. And if it did ever happen, I would just man up and be a good mother.
>Kek. Does someone have the MS Paint drawing for that?
Meaning I'm ok with faggots fagging around, and people doing whatever the fuck they want, as long as it doesn't turn into a "MUH PRIVILEGE" or "MUH RIGHTS" bullshit cause.
It helps keep the black population low. If feminists can break into the Latino ranks and convince them abortion is like getting your tonsils removed, they can greatly lower their growth.
Abortion is fine as long as it's shitskins and mudsharks doing the aborting.
I know what bullshit you believe and it's not what I asked for.
Found it
There are about 400,000 of children sitting in the foster care system who are perfectly able to be adopted. Clearly there aren't as many parents looking to adopt US kids as you may think.
I am pro-abortion when it comes to non-whites including semites.
Anti-abortion when it comes to whites.
There, explained.
Bahahah :D :D :D
Why do people dislike Sarah Palin anyway? I never really understood it. Even Obama called her a pig.
I'm assuming your opposition to abortion is ethical and that you find it to be murder. I understand where you are coming from but I also do not think that destroying a foetus that can't survive by itself is destroying life. (late term abortions are different scenario obviously). There are also lots of reasons that abortion are better legalized for a society. They are going to be performed anyway illegally if its made illegal (as they used to) , so all thats done is making more dangerous to the health of the women getting it done.
Murder is murder kind of person. So abortion is like, the 'real' holocaust, if that makes any sense.
Very useful way to lower crime. It's basically nigger population control.
so I can kill you while you sleep?