>Early in the morning >Be in class >Trump wins >Everybody: Oh no! This is the worst thing ever >Noding my head in agreement >Don't want to get fucked for the rest of my education, playing it safe >Political discussion issues >Tries to make the point that Hillary is also pretty bad >Most people agree but Trump is still the worst thing ever >The most based classmate of all enters the class room >He's a 45 year old, ex soldier and sweden democrat >He's so fucking happy (not a common thing with him) >Enters the discussion >Proceeds to red pill everyone >Once he starts more and more people are starting to agree that trump is alright >Realize that everyone is pretty much already red pilled but afraid to express their opinion
Welcome to sweden, where the left has indoctrinated us so much we will argue against our political beliefs in the open in fear of being ostracized
>Welcome to Sweden No, thanks. I'm fine where I am.
Christopher Bennett
Same in the US.
Xavier Sanchez
>Noding my head in agreement
you're part of the problem Sven
Xavier Robinson
Says a nigger jew americano
Lincoln Wright
I know but I don't want to risk hurting my education
Logan Price
Alexander Kelly
sven can you imagine how good it will feel when you and your brothers get to stand up and tell these feminist whores to shut the fuck up!?
cmon man! nows the time! free yourself!
Aaron Adams
>classmate >45 years old wtf
Jacob Long
Thats why Merkal and all the other leftists should be shitting their pants forced indoctrination docent mean shit when you are alone in a voting booth. we are seeing a rising tide of right wingers getting elected and i dont think that it will stop anytime soon.
Dominic Richardson
Thomas Powell
Pretty based, he wants his education and doesn't give a shit what some Indonesian faggot on Sup Forums or his uni colleagues think
Gabriel Anderson
45 year old classmate? Särskolan?
Blake Kelly
Jag orka inte. Ta det lugnt svenk.
Evan Hill
At 45? shhh silence turkish rapebaby
Nathan Brooks
i will always have faith in you swedebros uncuck the North!
Parker Ward
But you are part of the problem
Robert Hall
Cool, bet your tiny Swedish cock left a laughable size of a puddle in your underwear when you woke up.
Hunter James
Expanding his original education
Jaxson Cox
>be in school
Wow what a faggot. Are you old enough to post?
>be at work >cheer because trump won >some slight left leaning person talks shit >shut the up with facts
It helps when most people i work with are politically illiterates that vote for leftist parties because they have almost no info.
Jack Morales
Ah I see.
Jose Martin
Not an argument Gustaf, shitting on other people based on the nations which they reside won't change the situation in your country. It will only bring you some temporary comfort by using the "at least I'm not huezillian" logic while your own country is becoming a huezil 2.0 one sandnigger at a time.
Sebastian Reyes
Forced to agree with fucktards so you wont get lynched.
Welcome to Sweden
Jeremiah Nelson
A man should never be afraid of saying what he feels
Christian Hall
Nigger jews like you are the problem Obongo.
Parker Anderson
>Welcome to sweden Alright, where is your gf and you have to prep me real good Sven.
Nolan Moore
Doesn't that say "grab your ankles" in Swedish??
William Brown
Those are not the laws of the land
Angel James
Yeah same here. It's not hard to find people who agree with the Trump Train once one person takes the lead.
But there's just no benefit for me to do that at work until after the butt blast backwave is over. Probably after Christmas when the butt balm has healed the wounds and we can agree on basic facts like winter, cold, and snow.
Jayden Russell
>Gör Sverige lagom igen
almost pissed myself
Carter Roberts
Your country is 90% niggers why havent kys allready? You and usa are lost countries stop act like your countries are white.
Chase Stewart
>being this cucked
Dylan Foster
I live in Portland Oregon, which is the Sweden of America. Im an open trump supporter and have been openly shamed and screamed at, my friends don't respect me anymore, and literally all women I tell despise me.
You know what, I don't care, because why should I give any thought or respect to those who openly want the destruction of all the things I hold sacred? Fuck them, in the end I will right, and they will still be wrong.
Isaiah Thompson
Still not an argument, but yeah, keep putting your head in the sand. The problems will eventually go away on it's own.
Chase Perez
>implying you are dark enough for sweden
They need african semen you silly beaner
Connor Sanchez
Unfortunately, you're the kind of faggot that's going to get left behind in the revolution. >wah the liberals are ostracizing me Ostracize them back, fucker. Why would you want to be friends with a bunch of cocksucking cucks?
Matthew Campbell
it's called "being a mature student" you shit cunt
Ryder Garcia
Grow some balls and a spine, Gustav-Adolf. Next time be the first to speak up.
Nicholas Sanders
I told my friends. No one cares. Some respect me because I called it early on. Also they think I am a meme magician.
You're not alone. Just be open and honest.
Nolan Rivera
How would it "hurt" your education? You don't get assessed on political views do you?
Jeremiah Cox
You're the problem by not stating your beliefs, cuck. And how are niggers and jews the problem?
Jacob Campbell
The problem is that some teachers are petty and vindictive enough to fuck with things like your grades over politics
Isaiah Torres
If you're feeling industrious and you know how to play their game against them, you can get them into big trouble that way. It's not always worth it, though. I would not have done it if the university had not so systematically assaulted myself and my friends.
Nathan Johnson
Nah it would probably be really hard to prov that they intentionally gave me worse grade due to my political opinions
Juan Baker
It can be easier than you think. When you pull up the corner of the rug and you find a little dirt or some roaches scattering, then all you have to do is alert the authorities who will want you to leave the rug alone.
Then you pull up the rug further and there's even more dirt and scattering roaches. So now you ask the supervisor of the authorities if there is a problem.
Proof has a way of falling in your lap when you find the right rug and go up the chain of authority with what's under it. Usually every argument they throw against you is what they are afraid of having come down on them.
Gavin Hernandez
The one time i'm disapoint of not being a nigger.
Adrian Jenkins
>be blatte >dont have to hide power level in discussions >this triggers the sjw in my uni >feelsgoodman
Adrian Gray
>Noding my head in agreement >Don't want to get fucked for the rest of my education, playing it safe
Is litterally noone a Trump supporter in Sweden? i know fuck loads here
Ayden Sanchez
Not openly
Easton Green
>faith in you swedebros >uncuck the north
>implying we're not the ones to do that
Carter Sullivan
Thats kinda weird what about older family or mates who don't live in the middle of a big city with a university?
Ryder Harris
Why don't your class mates do the same as you did which is point out how awful Hillary is instead of saying "Trump is Hitler".
You don't lie to yourself that way.
Xavier Martinez
>Be me >Sit with my mates and make some jew jokes in the classroom >Fat bitch teacher comes over triggered and goes on about muh feels and what if her grandparents were jews >Ignore her and continue with the jew jokes >She goes full autist mode and starts yelling and says that (((we))) have statistics of swedish men going to thailand to rape women. >We just laugh it off and she storms out of the room
I miss those times back when i lived among my friends in the village
Gabriel Rivera
Not really, my "older" family has passed on and my parents could give less of a shit about politics.
My mates also find the area of politics to be a dangerous zone.
Most of them try to stay neutral and will only take jabs at the left when it's safe but they will never openly endorse anyone
Dominic Torres
The problem with Sweden is our prosperity. All memes aside, you can live an incredibly comfortable life in Sweden, but only if you "play by the rules". Every company has their own catlady stasi-agent who will report you for thought crime. Being labeled a racist instantly means you are unemployable, because companies dont want to deal with the controversy.
In short, swedish people have too much to lose and several people have been doxxed by mainstream media only to have antifa throw rocks through their windows. Its a terrifying system honestly.
The problem is though, the thing people are trying to protect, namely their comfortable life, is going to become an impossibility before long anyway.
Luke Bell
So what you're saying is people in Sweden are born without backbones?
Sebastian Robinson
Look, if you make good jokes you can just do this And if you have the facts to educate anybody who actually wants to enter into a discussion, then you're gold.
Ryder Peterson
You are still part of the problem. I simply can´t withhold my enthusiasm for the future. My father is more mature but is alright.
Anthony Collins
Yfw on my first day one of my co-workers talked about how a nigger stole a beer from him at a football game and how he should have sent him home with his teeth in a plastic bag
Nicholas Jackson
Uh unless you are in a creative writing class or art..... it is pretty easy to prove 1+1=2
Jace Cook
Jeremiah Collins
Yeah but that's not how it works
>Be in high school >School has mock election >Social Studies teacher is furious that people voted for the swedish democrats >Walks from classroom to classroom and tells all the students to never vote for sweden democrats >Teacher is still working there to this day
Brody Johnson
I expressed myself. I now only have 1 friend. I don't wanna kill myself at all...
Dominic Hughes
>Early in the morning >Check news before driving to Uni >Gut feeling say it's a done deal >Be in class (mathematics) >After a while i notice someone is looking at their phone >Watching the news spread along the class >Every male i can see is smiling >Tbh most people are smiling >Notice the person infront of me receive texts from a woman >This is going to be good >He keep texting her for almost 2 hours trying to be understanding and calm her down >Feelgoodman
Kayden Martin
This thread is why USA will be made great again and Sweden will be buttraped continually.
Landon Murphy
Wait! Are you perhaps from Malmö
Robert Wilson
Random comment coming through, seemed appropriate enough for this thread
Somebody in another thread wanted to know where he could get this hat. I hope he sees it here in this thread
I don't get the wordplay, can you explain please ?
Isaac Foster
classic swedish cuck. just classic.
but desu i've seen so many similar threads where OP was too afraid to even acknowledge what he believes in much less stand up for it. i can't believe so many pussies post here.
Noah Johnson
>pic Them's some DSL, thb senpai.
Michael Williams
>Be college student in Florida >Trump won >Wear MAGA hat around campus >a bunch of black chicks in BLM shirts give me mean looks and a white chick calls me a bigot under her breath >get compliments from 3 other dudes
It seemed like most people in my classes didn't really give a shit that he won anyway
Jayden Lee
>be me >don't talk to anyone >ever
Julian Martin
Have fun campaigning for another establishment party that is filled with parasites that doesn't even attend to Riksdagen
Ethan Rodriguez
Then what political party is the good sir voting for?
James Brown
OP -
So what your saying is everyone in Sweden is a faggot or a pussy, right?
Josiah Adams
Nathaniel Jones
>President Shit-For-Brains-McNigger ruled for 8 full years >Beaners drown the south and whites are a minority of births all around >Elect Trump >Pretend like you aren't still on a demographic and societal decline that makes France look like a good place in comparison YOU, ESSÉ! YOU, ESSÉ! YOU, ESSÉ! YOU, ESSÉ! YOU, ESSÉ!!
Cooper Hernandez
>be me in my weeaboo-leftist class >damn commie-apologist says mass immigration is an economic profit in the long run >i build up courage to explain to him nothing is pointing to that, quickly shoves "Invandringen och de offentliga finanserna" by Jan Ekberg in his face explaining page 9 paragraph that says immigrants don't fucking work enough. >damn commie-apologist thanks for the information >later a classmate says he agrees with me, we've taken in too many fucking immigrants >a month later, damn commie-apologist makes racist joke
+karma for me
I've failed sometimes too, when you have 0 support in a group of people and they keep saying strawman-arguments it fucks with my brain even though I know I'm 100% right on this. But it gets better the more you expose yourself to it. I try to remember that social stigma won't kill me, I'm not storming Normandie on D-Day.