A German court has thrown out a case against a group of extremist Salafist ‘sharia police,’ for the second time, claiming they have not broken the law.
The vigilantes were led by convert Sven Lau who is simultaneously on trial for backing “a terrorist group” fighting in Syria.
Mr. Lau and six accomplices took to the streets of the western city of Wuppertal in 2014, telling people not to drink, listen to music, attend nightclubs, or gamble.
According to the judges, however, the Islamic patrol was not illegal because the uniforms were not “suggestively militant” and did not have an “intimidating effect,” Die Welt reports.
Germany has seen a spate of organised sharia patrols, with witnesses claiming an Islamic State-linked sharia police unit had formed in the northern city of Hamburg in August of this year.
why are germans the eternal cucks of europe so weak and pathetic compared to the rest of the countries?
Maybe their still ass blasted losers from WW2 which is why they brought in outsiders?
Jose Price
>muh aryan masterrace Glad my russian gramps kicked the shit out of you niggers.
Nathan Wright
Stop. We now that Germany is cucked but that story is wrong. The "Sharia Police" was dissolved because it was classified under selfjustice which is illegal here.
Jeremiah Edwards
send help
James King
So progressive So tolerant We should all aspire to be like Hans
Anthony Jenkins
Do you have any news source that's not fake?
Jose Sullivan
Im ok with it, necause i knwo soros is funding this, and i know somewhere out there a new hitler is being borned n groomed, only this time he'll kill all the Muslims n jews
Nathaniel Smith
Joseph Jones
Annex germoney when
Noah Butler
My theory is that Hitler didn't think aryans were the master race, he just knew they were massive cucks who needed to be indoctrinated in order to not destroy themselves. There must be some reason that "aryan" nations are the most cucked.
Juan White
Is Germany officially more cucked than Sweden? How do swedes feel about being out cucked if so?
Nathaniel White
>find fake news on retarded websites like breitbart and infowars >don't bother to double check anything, just believe the said website >get angry about it, "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", post about how we need to kill all jews because of said news rinse, repeat Sup Forumstards in a nutshell
Nathaniel Garcia
Aryan supremacy is a complete and utter meme.
Landon Green
fake new unlike CNN amirite?
Dominic Reed
Oh, I forgot the last step >call anyone a cuck who questions said news or the consensus Sup Forums hivemind
Carson Lopez
This can not be real.
Robert Taylor
>Sven The eternal snownigger strikes again
Bentley Reed
Are these people for real? Don't they know itll just cause people to hate them more?
Anthony Nelson
Shut up, cuck. Gas the kikes, race war now.
William Carter
Who said CNN? What about Reuters? If you cared about real news and not right-wing echo chambers, you'd get your news from Reuters.
Anyone who takes Infowars seriously even for a single second is a lost case in my book.
Austin Anderson
Why bother making shit up when reality is grim/funny enough?
Ryan Watson
Based German courts are sacrificing their integrity so the Right can raise. The more news like this spread around, the more Rigthwing Parties can get consensus.
>They demanded that locals stop gambling, listening to music, and drinking alcohol.
So they are turning decadent Germans away from degeneracy?
How is that bad?
Colton Hall
Hunter Jackson
I believe that picture is actually from Zwolle, the Netherlands.
Robert Collins
> t. mudslime
Because people believe in personal liberty more than shitslam.
Camden Reed
The picture is but the story is true
I'm afraid it is hans
Tyler Watson
>German convert to Islam.
Not only are they letting them in, they are actively converting to the religion of peace.
Julian Miller
You JTRIG faggots are so pathetic.
Anthony Lopez
the reason why germany is cucked is; they started following u.s orders after wwII. Why should the USA ever send thousands of their soldiers in to their death in a war with european countries when they just can force europe to destroy themself? Pretty clever Burger...pretty clever. But it wont last forever. Enjoy your wealth and glory while it lasts. Because Europe will rise again!
Adam Perez
The strongest among them were killed off, slaves raped the women making cucks of the surviving men. Soviets cucked half the capital with a wall while spreading soviet subversion to the universities.
Samuel Diaz
>The vigilantes were led by convert Sven Lau who is simultaneously on trial for backing “a terrorist group” fighting in Syria >sven lau >sven
Evan Murphy
Now do the same with Right Wing Death Squads patrolling the streets.
Carter Bailey
This is why I'm dedicated to remove Muslims from Europe.
Camden Barnes
Fuck this happened in Garmisch Patenkirchen. Are those fuckers insane ?
having straight blonde hair and blues makes men look like faggots anyways
Isaiah Jones
Germany... what the fuck?
Daniel Nelson
look at all those women and children
Parker Cruz
All unaccompanied. This broke my heart.
I hope Mama Merkel will give them the best. Anyway, a lot of old folks in Germany are living in houses way too big for them. They could take care of some of these children.
Hudson Sullivan
I think this is great, this opens the door for Christian patrols...
Owen Lewis
Yeah, germany has a lot of extra housing for them. They even have really good showers! although, most of them are in poland
Gabriel Morris
>Go near sharia patrols >start drinking, dancing and gambling >record and share
Alexander Powell
Fucking years old news, that guy is already in jail, you tool.
Also: a fucking leaf.
Ryan Robinson
That is a cool VR set he has on, I wonder what virtual world he is in now.
Isaac Diaz
Go away cuck
Blake Evans
Can you imagine the reaction that would spawn from the media if some youth Catholic group went around telling people on the street to stop drinking and listening to their degenerate music?
Jason Evans
They were brainwashed by the Allies. Every die-hard Nazi has been hanged with their supporters and common people were fed with lies like Holomeme
Austin Sullivan
>hivemind >having cucks like you expressing their shitty uninformed opinions
Bentley Gutierrez
A vest saying "Police" implies official state employees. This wouldn't fly in the US for just that reason, never mind the over 9000 other reasons it's a terrible idea.
>Germoney, how far you've fallen.
Austin Sanchez
That's great, now we can have a Christian police going around telling people that they are breaching Biblical law.
Evan Campbell
>a 16 years old tell me is fake
Aaron Evans
Jacob Martin
Jaxon Nguyen
Maybe a kind of agency drain happened in the late 19th and early 20th century where all of the smart Germans left.
>it's a "USA and Russia team up to stop Germany from ruining the world" episode not again
Hudson White
brainwashing in education and additionally (((them))) running everything
Cooper Harris
Readers of the Guardian wouldn't even care.
They just want to import as many brown people as possible.
Joshua Roberts
help yourself first
Matthew Morris
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! The level of stupidity, gullibility and braindead ignorance is disgusting. Not only have I already explained to you that this asshole is already in jail, but you cum guzzlers keep repeating dumb shit over and over and over like a broken record of the dumbest idiocracy, abhorrent bullshit one could imagine.
Only a few days ago there was an organized police raid on dozens of mosques and outlawed his associated organization called Die wahre Religion.
You are SO incdredibly dumb. So. Fucking. Dumb. It's disgusting.
Michael Smith
come back here when you got a real news agency reporting about this shit
Jacob Johnson
To be fair, they were only interested in the muslim youth. They pretty much know that you can't talk about Islam with 5 drunk Germans and live.
Justin Parker
Oh well, even Breitbart sometimes report the thruth. But they forgot to mention that they go in revision, and that the prosecution aint over yet. The case just went to a higher instance.
Adrian Thomas
As solid as it gets belgistan.
Luke Brooks
Exporting their cuckoldy i see.
Carson Anderson
Nah. It's amazing how redpilled the Guardian comments section has become. This time last year, you couldn't argue against the migrants without being called racist. Now you have people openly supporting Le Pen etc. and even quoting that pic.
Andrew Garcia
Isn't that the fake news site?
Liam Carter
The picture is of Dutch students being forced to pray at a mosque I think
Joshua Jenkins
You don't know how fucking mad i am right now.
Andrew Diaz
well, now I'm not mad... k
David Thomas
> for the second time
Lucas Butler
> 16 yo
Tyler Scott
So much for equal treatment. A group of bearded cross dressers get to enforce their raw hatred of happiness on the German people and get applauded for it while I go for a fun night in Köln dressed in Einsatzgruppen regalia and suddenly I'm some sort of monster.
Jaxson Carter
its called white guilt
theyre afraid if they speak out against muslims or minorities shitting up the place theyre basically hitler reincarnate
It really isn't. "White" is an Anglosphere export word, Germans (and most non-Anglo Euros) never use it to describe natives/foreigners etc and when they do it sounds unnatural (Anglo-loving SJWs started to use it). Even Hitler didn't divide the races into white/non-white but went a more sophisticated route
Isaac Evans
Impersonating a representative of the law.
Landon Brown
Kayden Powell
>Don't drink >Don't gamble >Don't be degenerate Sounds pretty based desu, where do I sign up?
Kayden Thompson
How? They didn't wear a police uniform or said they were official policemen
Chase Price
Hitler liked Muslims.
Dylan Nelson
First you have to throw away your culture grow a pube beard then get shot when you forgot to suck Muhammad's beheaded 9 times instead of 10 time
What about these 16 to 17 year olds, by the way? HA!
Joshua Cook
Their clothing says it right on it, cuck.
Ryan Ortiz
My entire post makes no sense
Time to leave the thread in shame
Grayson Morgan
In a country where drinking is illegal.
Juan Cox
Germans should ambush them and show them what happens to Sharia police in their country. This would be very easy to stop if Germans would get violent every once in a while.
Ayden Jenkins
Hitler did nothing wrong though?
Except the whole "lose a World War" bit, but everyone makes mistakes, we're all human.