>soley blaming the fall of Detroit because of black people
>thinking detoirt was only successful due to a majority white population at the time
Soley blaming the fall of Detroit because of black people
Name one country that succeeded without white influence
China ?
Well you're referring to non-white countries but we will never know because of colonialism. You fuckers ruined any chance of them developing on their own. And even if they were behind in developing society behind European countries, who cares? If they're happy and enjoy life why do you care how they live?
They pretty much copied the West.
>a bunch of rice farmers that picked up capitalism
>the only reason that they're economically relevant is due to their numbers and shitty products
>underhanded tactics and dishonest
They NEVER had any chance to develop to begin with. Europeans have wasted a shitload of time and resources warring with each other. Those people would still be in stone age without us. If they couldn't produce anything of value until the colonialism era they wouldn't have done so until now
>blaming winners for trying to teach the losers how win
Colonialism helped these countries immensely. Quit trying to find new ways to hate white people.
Name a country without white influence, dumbass
>>Implying arabs weren't fucking with african nations before whitey ever got there
>>And even if they were behind in developing society behind European countries, who cares? If they're happy and enjoy life why do you care how they live?
Because they are barbarian vermin and they insist on trying migrate to better nations, like ours. They aren't happy where they are or how they are.
>>underhanded tactics and dishonest
So... literally you then
Every single fucking time.
Every single Goddamn time if someone posts exactly this reacton face the poster is always one of the biggest piece of shits came to this website. It doesn't even matter what board or what topic.
Gtfo nigger.
They copied the Soviets for government and the West for economy, definitely not.
Then why isn't Turkey or Thailand a developed and great power like their European counter parts?
Fuck off with your white guilt bullshit, grow some balls
All the corners they cut and numbers they fudge are catching up to them.
As soon as you quit finding new ways to hate anyone that isn't white.
yes, that's correct
> thinking Detroit would look like Mordor if there weren't more white people there
South Africa is calling.
They're starving & want their White people back.
Stop giving us reasons.
What reasons? Can you give me one thing that black, Chinese, middle eastern or whatever the fuck race/religion do that a white person has not done? There's good and bad in every race, unfortunately the bad are a lot louder.
>inb4 libtard cuck