Why aren't you helping yet?

Why aren't you helping yet?

>Migrants Drown after Mistaking Tunisian Fishing Ship for Coast Guard and Sinking own Boats
Read more at liveleak.com/view?i=5af_1479766725#Wm5ZMX4S4ldI4uE3.99

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Only Africans would be dumb enough to sink their own boat in the middle of the ocean

why are israelis so racist that they have taken 0 refugees this year from africa or syria?

Need to sink more boats.

Sinking your own fucking boat, holy fuck.

>Migrants drown
Stopped reading here. No matter what else follows today was a good day for the European Caliph


They sunk it because they thought the boat was Italian Coast Guard. If it was, the Italians would have been required by international law to save as many as they can.
It's animal cunning. To bad the dumb apes jumped he gun

>Nogs sinking their ship

Reminder that some of those "drowned" are faking it, they think that if they fake drowning they will be rescued first.

Unlucky for them, these are not coast guards but fishers who dont give a fuck

>Migrants Drown after Mistaking Tunisian Fishing Ship for Coast Guard and Sinking own Boats

Ahahahahah, niggers!

>tfw a boat full of nogs approaches
so are civies not obligated to help?
what the fuck would you even do with all them?

The illusion of emergency and needing rescue. They're depending on morals and altruism to save them from shark infested waters.

Another job that white people won't do.

hehe what a shame

>Sinking own Boats

I don't like quitters

>They sunk it because they thought the boat was Italian Coast Guard.
the boat hadn't sunk at the end of the video, did it actually sink?


fucking hell why niggers can't swim? even dogs can swim

They are indeed faking it. Watch for the floaters periodically lifting their heads for air or treading water.

Also, I'm pretty sure they got on the ship. You can see them climbing into doors below deck.

To be fair, the fishermen DID throw a little rope to them. Niggers couldn't manage to pull up.

I've been wondering for a long while why European coast guards hasn't systemically disobeyed commands and watched with tonninseteli-face as niggas drown. Instead at worst days Italians speedoguidos rescue 1000s of niggers.

Did they man coastguard exclusively with nigger-fetish faggots or how the fuck is that possible?

>so are civies not obligated to help?
>what the fuck would you even do with all them?
let them drown obviously


jewtube link

I've never seen the Mediterranean with my own eyes, but isn't it kind of big? What good would swimming do if there's nothing around you for dozens of kilometers?

Like a swarm of locusts. These insects are not human, and should never, under any circumstance, be treated as such.
Wherever they go, only despair and destruction will occur. Every single one should be killed like the vermin they are.

>Why aren't you helping yet?
how about these fucks learn how to swim instead?

>sink their own boat.

I don't need to help, the problem is self correcting.

>Why aren't you helping yet?
They look like they are perfectly capable of drowning by themselves.

how many people does your country have?

Kind of big? You don't need to see it with your own eyes to know its enormous. They can swim to the boat.


Looks like we need moar Fishingboats, down there.
Support their economy + protects the sea boarder.


This is the shit right here


The reason they can't swim is because African waters are filled with lethal sharks, they are nowhere as dangerous as they are there, and niggers know better than to jump in that sharkfest. Hence why they rarely know how to swim.

> inb4 they can stay near the shore

320k last I checked

Pretty sure they fucked it up
At several points you can see motor they used to speed up to the fishing boat under water

Too bad the guy recording didn't get it all, want to see some drowned kaffir subhumans

wow thats not very many, is it very conservative?

The boat clearly wasn't helping them, so they had nowhere else to swim to that makes sense. They were presumably kind of out at sea when this happened




We should buy a boat and go look for migrant boats and when we find them we get close enough for them to start sinking their boat and then do a 360 and sail away.

>be nog
>can't swim
>go to sea in a shit and overfilled boat
>don't invest in a floating vest

The tide is turning...

Fish need to eat too.

>sink your own boat

Based Tunisians. Did they die? Please tell me they died I want a good laugh.

Those sly greekos. Keaping costly migrants out of Germany so that they'll have more time to pay denbts. Smart move Konstantinos.

>Why aren't you helping yet?
looks like the camera crew is already there

why arnt they helping

last election cycle had the Independent Party (quite conservative) winning with roughly 30% of the votes, with the Pirate Party coming in second or so at 14% votes

funny thing is that before all this, everyone liked the Pirate Party as it started off as this party full of great ideas that were all for the advancement of society, transhumanism and technolibertarianism, etc
during that time, polls were showing that they would win with like 42% of the total votes
though about 5-6 months ago, the party regressed into the mindset of "LET'S BRING IN AS MANY RAPEFUGEES AS WE CAN GUYS!! WE CAN MANAGE 1000 PER YEAR AND 2000 THE YEAR AFTER THAT" and I presume that after seeing what happened in Cologne, France, etc, a lot of Icelanders decided to abandon them

if you ask me?
good fucking riddance to bad fucking rubbish

It's a western country. Take your guess burger. It's as shit as the rest. Atleast tourism from scandianvian countries have increased.

Did they sink their boat intentionally? It looks like they did it by accident - climbed over the side all at once and flooded it with water.

White men feel empathy. Nignogs know it and try to exploit it. That's why they sabotage their own boat.

they're literally being boarded by starving pirates. you're out on the high seas don't forget your cutlass m80s

Give me an m16, I'll help em.

are they imploding now?

>Hence why they rarely know how to swim.
but the point even a dog or a baby can stay somehow floating, niggers can't.
also, degenerate friend of mine used to date a nigress, born and raised in yurop..guess what? she couldn't swim for the life of her as well....they clearly miss something, just like monkeys they cannot swim

Good riddance.

Time to buy a boat, sail around the sea and trick refugees into thinking that I'm the coast guard

SHIEEEET that's raycist, you just envious of nigga mad natural gain.

no they started to fall apart but the recently inaugurated president came out in their support

meant to reply to

Kill them all.

>sail around the coast of libya
>refugees illegally try to board your vessel
>pop their shitty lifeboat and throw some bloody meat in the water

well top bad, but seems their reputation is ruined anyway.

Look like farage got a new toy U-boat lads

>Why aren't you helping yet?
I don't know where to buy sharks with laser beams attached. Anybody know of a company that does this and ships to the Mediterranean Sea?

Lmao they'll just starve themselves out

The Tunisian fishermen should keep catapults on deck to hurl chum at the rapefugees to attract sharks.
Then, with a rifle, fire one bullet into their raft...

how are nogs not extinct?

Area of Israel:
>8,000 square miles
Area of Rhode Island (smallest US state):
>15,000 square miles (almost 2x Israel)
Population of Israel:
>approximately 8.5 million
>6 million jews
>1.7 million Arabs (most of whom wish for Israel and the jews to cease to exist)
>almost a million refugees/asylum seekers/other immigrants
They're already less than 2/3 of the population.
They need to stay the super majority to protect themselves.

Learn something about the world so you can grasp what is going on.

>Why aren't you helping yet?
I don't give a shit. You can take them all in if they're so important to you.

the mediterranean is such a beautiful sea. How can you drown in it?

Oh wow. That's beautiful. I love that some of them have already managed to drown to death within a couple minutes of going into the water. Beautiful.

Ok, here's a superglue coated brick

>>Migrants Drown after Mistaking Tunisian Fishing Ship for Coast Guard and Sinking own Boats

All hail based Poseidon

Sorry op, cant help, if I had a ship and some cannons I'd help drown them though.

Why sink your own boat? What is the logic to it, whether it was the coast guard or not?

Niggers are dumb.

Fuck niggers glad they died

That was the "two crabs in a bucket" effect.

>within a couple minutes

They touch the water and are drifting face down within moments. It's surreal.

They thought if they sank their boat we are forced to help

the water would be about 40 to 45 degrees F this time of year. while its not immedeatly lethal, it will knock the breath out of you. it would be fatal to someone who couldn't swim

>They touch the water

Reinforces how niggers can't swim


It's because if they sink their own boats near coast guard vessels they will be rescued and bring to europe

We need to stop sending them rice.


That was an epic video

call the police and wait patiently

Breaking waves out there on the Mediterranean
Breaking waves and swimming
Breaking waves out there off the coast of Morocco
Because they done give me gibs
Hold it steady right there on my raft hopefully I'll make it
Well reckon that ought to get it
swimming and swimming
But I still got so terribly far to go

I'll commit crime masallah when I get there
Crimes like being rapey and poor
I'll leave the grocery store man bleeding
If they catch me robbing his store
Well reckon they ought to give me nutella, maybe more
swimming and swimming
But I still got so terribly far to go


You would have hypothermia in a matter of minutes.

I would love to do this haha, also make sure my vessel is not possible to enter low on deck so they can't climb onto/into it.
And then just watch as the sharks eat them limb by limb.

diving into the ocean doesn't "knock the breath out of you", especially not if you're doing it in a warm ocean like the southern ocean (which I assume is where this is recorded)

chances are these niggers didn't have any clue on how to swim and thus struggled to stay afloat, resulting in them filling their lungs up with water when they couldn't keep their faces above water anymore

when i said 'immediate' i meant 'its not super mario brothers lava and will kill you as soon as you touch it'

but yes. the lack of swimming ability, the lack of acclimatization and being used as a floatie by 6 other 20 something migrant 'children' meant we're getting a pretty high fatality rate

actually after looking at the video again it looks like that might rather be the mediterranean, though I'm really not sure if it would be that cold