Should Catalan and Basque have independence from Spain and France?
They speak their own languages. Heck, Basque is the ONLY remaining pre Indo-European languages in Europe. It's from a all but dead family tree of from over 18,000 years ago called Aquitanian. They're literally the first people to inhabit Europe and had been isolated in mountains for thousands of years, like the Swiss, but much longer.
Thoughts Sup Forums?
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Should Catalan and Basque have independence from Spain and France?
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Portugal, please help.
You have the best sounding languages right next to Dutch and Croatian.
Very pleasing to my ears.
What would their source of national income be? Private banking? Child prostitution?
please delete this
>What would their source of national income be?
outsourcing terrorism is my guess.
Works for Switzerland.
Mountain money is best money.
:^) oy very
They have rightful claims for independence but that means nothing since they are cucks and commies.
Its like California asking for indebendence.
French guy here. There is only a few people who still speak Basque in France. I don't think it would be a good idea to give them independence. However, I went to Barcelona recently and they really seems to want it. Not an expert of the subject but I think Catalan people deserve their independence.
Really I just want them to have independence so they won't be ethnically integrated into spain, and worst of all losing the language.
Even though I'm American, I want to give the native americans their own land as well... idk..... maybe like oregon or washington?
Found the achient jew
We are not stupid like the french who exterminated all their regional languages, i speak catalan becausei am from Valencia, this language is as alive as ever.
Do you really want to get rid of the first white people on Earth Sup Forums?
They existed before the Aryans interbreeded with them and made what is the majority of Europe's people today.
Why should a country have regional languages ?
>Separate history
>Genetic differences
>Linguistic splits
>Empires tend to conquer (I.E. spanish empire of castille
to name a few
It shouldn't we should have genocided the catalufos and nigger basques when we had the chance 60 years ago
Sorry, I expressed myself badly. Why should a country KEEP regional languages?
You don't need a reason to keep a language.
You need a reason to remove a language.
It's naturally spoken by a few hundred thousand people. You shouldn't force them to give it up.
Francisco Franco was a mistake, and is why the Basque people were almost wiped out.
They have about 1/4th the amount of speakers they had 60-70 yrs ago.
This is why they need independence and a strong military like Switzerland.
Mountains are easy to defend.
Because languages, like history are beautiful, many great books were written in my language.
Speaking two languages since birth also helps with cognitive developement, i speak 4 languages and can understand written french and dutch. unlike most frenchies and anglos ; )
It sucks being white washed in America.
Got Basque, Dutch-Indo heritage along with others, but can't speak it.
I can read Dutch only because how close it is to English and German.
Native English speaker
Learning German right now.
Want to learn
They don't need independence they need to be wiped off thr face of earth. Only thing franco did wrong was let the 1/4 of basques live.
Understand regional separatism is what helped dragged españa from a world power and what seprates us today. We can't allowed small individual countries to exist whitin españa.
We had the means to eliminate this 60 years ago and we didn't plain and simple. The sooner the country is united agian and basques and Catalans are dead. the sooner we can make españa great agian and have out empire back. Or at least parts of it
lmao get a load of this ultimate muh heritage faggot
Ethnic diversity is beautiful.
Balkanization never fucking works.
America was always multi-ethnic, but always monocultural. It's a rare exception.
Stop forcing this balkanization meme.
Also, Spain is already a respectable world power, what difference would Basque really make?
>falling for the MUH EMPIRE meme
Bro, hate to break it to you, but post-information age global economics basically prevents the kind of empire you're envisioning from being possible.
Also, of all the undesirable elements in Spain and France right now, Basques and Catalans are probably the least of your worries desu senpai
wtf are you harping on about?
Ever been to Italy? Why should a country adopt a national language is the better question. Just because you want to form a union/republic doesn't mean you want to go full commie and pay tribute to the Kremlin.
Again, ever been to Italy? Or ask yourself just what is a language, or a dialect?
Keep dreaming, Spain without Basques and Catalans wouldn't be any different from Morocco
Concerning Basque country the independentist fervor is much stronger on the Spanish side.
French Basque country is not really genetically Basque except for the most remote mountain villages. Most inhabitants are in fact Gascons and have been anncestral part of the kingdom of France,