Damn, this really made me think

damn, this really made me think

Other urls found in this thread:


He celebrates killing Indians on Thanksgiving? What a sick bastard.

Didn't know the first settlers of America were refugees.

Wow I am now building a time machine to change my vote for Trump to Hillary.

There is no excuse for refugees if Obama and Hillary caused it


Privileged Sharts BTFOFTW

Thank you OP you based 5th columnist

I bet the crowd erupted in applause while he looked around saying "Right? Right?"

No refugees

Made me think about how none of those cultures had such an all encompassing doctrine that they live by, and impose on others.

>Stereotypical mouth disastered Brit complaining about american holidays when he can fuck off and go home

So maybe we should me more cautions of the people we let in then??

All of the segments I've ever seen from the show follow the same repetitive format: present some "argumentation" and some "facts" for about 10 seconds, then quickly follow these up with a snarky quip (which themselves overwhelmingly take the form of complete non-sequitur or otherwise absurd metaphor) before any rational processing of the preceding argument can take place in the mind of the viewer. Further telling is that the only 'beats' or mental pauses in the show's pacing exist soley to highlight the approving laughter or applause of the studio audience. Repeat this formula 20-40 times in a row and you have one of the 12-20 minute 'segments' that form the backbone of the show.

The end effect is (obviously) not to deliver information, but rather to literally teach the viewers -- on a subconscious level -- to mentally associate derisive laughter with any person or opinion that is at odds with the narrative's take on the chosen issue. And it accomplishes this by maintaining strict adherence to a roughly 20-second cycle in which a stimulus is presented and a response is cued. This is the sense in which the show is fundamentally hypnotic in effect.

Oliver's show is representative of the media's increasing mastery of the methodologies of mass conditioning; in fact it is almost such a perfect technical accomplishment that I would almost have to admire it on a technical grounds, which moreover is in the hands of the entirely wrong people

This is now a Syria thread

Religious refugees.


Puritans fleed religious prosecution. Jesus christ ameribro


maybe it was because of those "ugly" reactions that it didnt went worse?

Anyways, Vietnamese and Cubans? Yeah i remember leftists opposing those because they saw them as traitors of their global cause.

Haitans? I dont have any numbers but i doubt they archieved much.


My god keep her away from the razor blades and the board marker pens.

he is a refugee on tv, i think we need to find out where he lives and surround his house with refugees. that is what these people need.

They don't teach you about the magnificent Indian empires and their comprehensive social security? All of America used to be populated, zero uninhabited spots, and everyone had free healthcare, housing and education. It was an amazing system, but somehow whites managed to screw everything up.

Stop posting that rat cuck

> i hate everything about America, except the money

The fucking gall of a person to travel to someone else's country, and make a career shitting on it. I swear, if i ever saw this guy, I'd pop him square in the mouth.


Does anyone have the picture of two buttons refugees are just like the pilgrims/the pilgrims were murderers?

More accurately, they fled the lack of religious persecution; that is to say, they felt much of Europe was not enforcing Christian law appropriately and left to form a more strict religious society.


Did she draw on her eyebrows?

I've been waiting for feckless clowns to come around with their annual tradition bashing of Thanksgiving.

It's never been about celebrating the victory over of the indigenous population, but showing gratitude for our blessings and appreciating our family.

When a fucking leaf knows more about history than you cucks.

>Broadly unfounded
Except for the Japanese, which he avoided mentioning.

And Puritans weren't refugees.

Do you people still have the energy to argue with SJW:s like the one in OP? His argument is insanely simple to demolish: Europeans came to an almost empty continent, settled it, and built their societies from scratch. It is so far removed from a modern Muslim nutjob moving into well established societies to leech on their social security. Therefore the argument is invalid.

Like all arguments of libtards, it's easy to dismantle, but is there a point to do it? I personally am just really fucking tired of them. At this point I would really prefer to use violence instead of words.

>wiping everyone out

well, first, natives are still around

and second, they waged several wars over it, well after we settled

Japan will never allow refugees of other races, religions if they already hate Koreans lol

It's a lot like browsing and posting Sup Forums.


the main diference now its, muslims are a fashist religion, who just want to impose himself. the other ones, just want work and bether lifes, this one....well.... ask to the "sharia police" in germany.




>makes a strawman
>debates it
>retards think how smart he is

Nobody is afraid of rapefugees/migrants except maybe for some women(and rightly so). Every country has legal procedures by which people can come and live if they really wish it, they just need to prove that they will not be a burden. Its right of people whose ancestors build that country to decide how many and who exactly they are going to invite in their homeland. Migrants can go to numerous other countries that much closer to their homelands, they just chose not to because they know how gullible white liberals are, how easy to exploit.


Man John Oliver is so brave. To make that really original joke so close to the actual holiday is very courageous. Guy is really taking risks in his career and it's paying off. You just won yourself a new viewer Mr. Olive

He forgets most came with good intentions but a bunch of over zealous asshats fucked with the locals. It is much easier to form relationships than to repair damaged ones.

I think most here in the states don't want to deal with the fallout associated with a large mass refugees and undocumented immigrants overstepping what little boundries and rights are allowed to them.


Fascism never sounded more kawaii

>that much text
And this is why libshits will never win the meme war

This, so this. I can't watch an entire show.

Where can I find a high res version of that image of smug Trump made of faces of sad libshits?

Speak the truth Dub-comrad

>implying letting Irish in was a good idea
>Implying you don't absolutely hate the south for thier "backwards and retarded" ways

high quality pasta