Why has ever kike and mudslime on the board gone into turb-overdrive to shill against Richard Spencer? It's a but suspicious, the constant repetition of the slogan "controlled opposition". It's like someone is trying to program us with that idea. Made me think.
Why has ever kike and mudslime on the board gone into turb-overdrive to shill against Richard Spencer...
Other urls found in this thread:
youve already been proggamed u dumb cunt
alt-right isn't a real thing you stupid son of a bitch
Why is your shitty board spamming this guy?
Lolol u mad, cuck?
Fuck off Stormfag. You're all deluded cunts. A guy standing in front of the media yelling "Heil Trump" only hurts our cause and gives the left more fuel when the normies would've been rolling their eyes at all the nazi accusations before.
You braindead neckbearded fucks have accomplished fuck all now you latch on to Trump like a tumour and shit all over the people who are actually trying to get things done because you can't contain your autism and want to role play your 1930s Germany LARP
Hes right
Your dumb as fuck OP...
The "alt-right" is a strategy to label us
Once you name it, you can fight it.
Without a name, we are untouchable
a board called TRS is trying to use Sup Forums
do not fall for this bullshit, they are spamming these threads and have been spamming since yesterday
TRS is just an extension of stormfront for real
they always been here.
I've always thought the "alt-right" bullshit was for Twitter normies. Glad to see most people agree we shouldn't align under it.
Could it be ?? forum.therightstuff.biz
Reminder that (((they))) are trying to discredit this movement.
We where formless. Then they gave us a name.
Unified, then they insisted we had a leader.
They are trying to give us an identity, a face and through retards or straight up controlled opposition dismantle and discredit us.
This is why.
I thought that at first. TRS is just deluded and think they'll become leaders of the movement if we unify under Spencer. They are that fucking stupid. They're trying to cash in.
Te alt right doesn't even fucking exist outside of the HRC speechwriting department.
Spencer is the savior of the white race. Donald conned us. Spencer is our only hope. Hail Alt-Right!
Aye, the TRS-crowd are stupid, entertaining and with a grain of interesting commentary.
is spot-on, Spencer is a fucking deceptive pawn.
We're not alt right. Stop saying we are.
Found the (((CTR)))
It's way more than suspicious. I'm now convinced this is part of an outside campaign to try to splinter the alt-right.
Especially considering it's such a huge overreaction to what Spencer did. Protip: He didn't do a roman salute, he didn't call jews soulless. Retards int he audience (who could have been plants) did the roman salute, and he called the media soulless.
>Calls others kikes
>Is rightwing