There are people who voted for trump simply because "muh guns"
Dont you people have any shame
Dont you care that america has the most gun death out of any civilized country
Dont you care about the children
No you dont gun nuts discuss me
There are people who voted for trump simply because "muh guns"
I dont care fag
>guns kill people xD
kill yourself
t. all of switzerland
Every time Republicans pretend that Democrats are going to take away everyone's gun, gun sales go through the roof and no one loses anything.
It's a marketing tactic they're forced to deploy by their NRA donors. Don't know why idiots keep falling for it.
t. armed liberal
I don't vote, all you faggots can stop putting words in my mouth
>Dozens of toddlers!
No. I care that every time guns have been banned, crime has still happened. I care that most times after guns have been banned, mass genocides happen. Fuck off.
Go away Tyrone.
Keep the guns. Lose the niggers. There goes 9/10 gun deaths.
>t. armed faggot
Can i ask you all one thing
Why do you need an assault rifle with a 100 clip
If banning these could save one life wouldnt you do it
if the government can take away your right to defend yourself, they can and will take away everything
We see it over and over again
>saged and hidden
America does not have a gun problem
It was a wild monkey nigger and gangbanging tyrone problem
Cut blackie mcfucking dindus out of the equation, and I assure you that statistic would drop tremendously.
Aswell as suicide, Homicide statistics love to include suicide when it comes to firearms to push for more control
Assault Rifle - why do you do this? Why. It is a meaningless term. It does not exist.
100 clip - please do some research. Learn what a clip actually is and why this is retarded.
If banning these could save one life wouldn't you do it? - Shall we ban water next? Food? What about cars? If banning cars could save one life wouldn't you do it?
But water food and cars arent designed to kill people
>There are people who voted for trump simply because "muh guns"
Who cares about why people voted for Trump, the only thing that matters is that he won.
Also I bet there are people who voted against him because they didn't like his hair.
Really? Because cars are way better at killing children than guns. Hell, more children die of drowning or choking on food than are shot. Check the CDC. If your argument is "think of the childrenz!" well, you have a lot of things to ban before you hit guns.
>There are people who voted for trump simply because "muh guns"
You would willingly give up and take away other people's right's? Fascist!!!!
>Dont you people have any shame
Common tactic by the left is to shame opposition and when they were dealing with neo-con's it worked perfectly. They haven't realized that unlike neo-cons we hate them even more than they hate us.
>Dont you care that america has the most gun death out of any civilized country
If you kick out all blacks and hispanics the crime rate becomes almost identical to Scandinavian countries. We have a nigger problem not a gun problem.
>Dont you care about the children
That is why we have guns in order to protect them.
>No you don't gun nuts discuss me
What is there to discuss?
If you remove nigger gang crime it is like 28th or smth. And only 2-4% of gun related homicide is with legally owned guns.
Without guns you can't defend yourself against a tyrannical government. And trust the people who dealt with it, you don't want a tyrannical government even if it's of your own ideoligical persuasion.
>Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb choosing what's for dinner
>Liberty is a well armed lamb
Stupid americunt can't even value the good shit about 'murica
We don't have gun deaths, we have nignog deaths. The guns are just a tool, they'd use knives or spears or whatever. The only thing a gun ban would do is encourage them, because they know their victims are less likely to be armed. Do you even Chicago?
>tfw support people only based on that
get fucked op :^)
All i have seen is its black peoples fault and "the governmints gonna become tyranical"
Are you guys really paranoid
These arent arguments
The right to keep and bear arms is what keeps our corrupt politicians from being overt in their corruption.
Maybe if the (((water protectors))) remembered this they'd have an easier time.
Vote for Trump to save Syria
Not paranoia. Try living through fascism or communism. And think how easy it is to move to those
Have of gun deaths in the US are from suicide
the government is technically already tyrannical. they put a bunch of laws on the books then just arrest you when they feel like it. thats tyranny
>There are people who voted for Hillary simply because "muh abortions".
>armed liberal = gay bashing homosexual
I'm sure you'll dismiss this as anecdotal, but a gun saved my life and probably my wife too.
Be walking to car in parking garage at 2am in Denver (liberal utopia, btw). NigNog comes behind us, about 7y away and pulls HUGE knife from his trousers.
He doesn't even demand money, just looks me in the eyes and lunges.
I react. Springfield XDs 4" 9mm loaded with hornady critical duty 115gr.
2 to his nig gut, he fucking runs away leaving a good blood trail.
I tell my wife (not red-pilled completely then) we need to GTFO because Colorado Concealed Handgun permit not good in Denver (where you need it most).
Back on I25, shes freaking out, thinking I'll go to jail.
Nope. Black thug shot downtown, police investigate for all of about 30 sec for violating his parole by possessing knife, drugs, etc.
Now we both conceal. Always.
>gun death
we need to keep guns from dying so early
many of them don't reach their first barrel change
what's so incredibly hard to understand about that you fucking gun grabber morons?
>have $70,000 worth of guns
>$40,000 worth in ammo
Hurr durr why didnt you vote for the succubus that wants to steal your life savings user?
Kill yourself
Oh don't get me wrong I'm all for guns, I was just saying he's citing deaths as an argument against guns but it's not homicide as often as people think
No I don't care. What more is there to discuss.
>muh guns isnt a great reason to vote for someone
If you have guns you have the power. there should be more well armed citizenry in your "democratic" country then military and police.
>there are people that save pictures of niggers on their computer
>assault rifle
>100 clip
Go back to the /k/ompound, your memes are too spicy for me.
Why don't you give up your right to go faster then the speed limit? No car needs to go faster then 65.
More people die of the flu in America then guns. Fuck off statist
that's actually why I voted conservative here.
You're more likely to die from second hand tobacco smoke, than guns.
You're more likely to die from a car accident, than guns
You're more likely to die from bad health choices, than guns
More kids drown each year, than are killed by guns
Meant to reply to OP, sorry for the confusion.
Yeah suicides really muddle the "gun violence" stats and I highly doubt anyone thinks "without guns, a person determined to end their life will surely be unable to do so!"
I also hate the "guns were DESIGNED to kill" argument. It's like, bitch, computers were DESIGNED to do complicated equations for atomic theory research, but that's not what they're USED for.
>I, a white guy living in the country side far from the cities, must give up my weapons and Constitutional rights because a bunch of chimping niggers in the cities can't stop butchering each other over crack selling turf
Why should I be punished because niggers are violent and dumb and keep killing each other like proto-human retards? The countrysides are just as armed, if not more, than the niggers, yet gun crime is almost non-existent. Don't take away my rights to make niggers safer, let the niggers sort the problem out.
this, lol anyone who is taking OP seriously here is a fucking moron.