Do hipsters serve a useful purpose within society, or is their existence a curious aberration?
Do hipsters serve a useful purpose within society, or is their existence a curious aberration?
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They exemplify the moral degeneracy of the petite bourgeoisie much like flappers and bohemians did in the 1920s.
gay fuccbois
They actually do serve a useful purpose in that they drain money from their parents' giant holdings and put it back into the economy.
The problem is that at this point, they have figured out how to get media jobs and are taking that money right back.
Just a bunch of trust fund faggots and ugly chicks in Williamsburg Brooklyn, actually nothing hip about them, they're just some transplant hicks from fuck knows where US, call them hicksters and watch them recoil in horror, they always want to forget they grew up in some shit kicking town somewhere.
Ironically, they do. Gentrifying black neighborhoods.
> media jobs
They are just trying to attract girls (i.e. militant feminist), since regular girls are extremely rare in their particular circle of peers.
They do. They don't just inject their parents's money in the economy, they create whole new markets
It's basic economy guys come on
No. They produce/create nothing of value. I have yet to meet one that had an actual useful skill. They can't change a tire, or draft a design, or use a circular saw, or build a fire, or shoot a gun, or hold an actual job for that matter. They can't get an OK job either since they all won't stop smoking pot.
They basically get overly concerned with their looks, play some instrument (usually guitar), obsess over social media, and be pretentious "political activists". This is inbetween spending their parents money and playing "retro" games they didn't know exist when they were kids.
They are just generally useless people. They have no skills that help contribute to GDP.
Lmfao you sound like a butthurt poor
Do rednecks serve a useful purpose within society, or is their existence a curious aberration?
I'm actually pretty well off for my age. 400k@ 25, but you won't believe me.
pedophiles that pay for kids. A huge business for the elites.
All clowning around, this is so true here in NYC, they went into every shit neighborhood in brooklyn apartment buildings and just gentrified them somewhat swiftly.
A lot of them pop pills, forget the pot smoking.
Theyve done a nice job cleaning up several neighborhoods in philly as well. And once they price themselves out, those neighborhoods are actually super nice to live in.
Nice. Send them to Detroit next.
Do humans serve a useful purpose within society, or is their existence a curious aberration?
Fuck off France. I'm a M1 at Detroit. We don't need that...
I like coffee. They helped spread good coffee in France. Our coffee is shit.
I give credit where credit is due, and that is all the credit they deserve. It's a rats nest of faggotry.
Do USA serve a useful purpose within society, or is their existence a curious aberration?
This. Echo park in LA is nice to hang out in. Nice shops and nice music to go to as well. I like hipsters.
I believe you, user.
This is true, I hope they will not be the sissy of the black though.
I've read in some book that back in the day (im talking cave man times) homosexuals were assigned shaman /healer roles in the tribe, or some such other auxiliary positions l.
So theoretically, they could serve now days as artists and intellectuals, but in reality there's so many of them that they end up just a spoiled, cancerous tumor on society.
I think that in a traditional society, those who would be hipsters would be useful, both because there would be less of them, and because the hipster thrives when he is part of the anti culture, and not the mainstream culture.
Rednecks usually are farmers, plumbers, and factory workers, so yes.
If they have jobs then yes they do serve a useful purpose.
They show us everything not to be. I think that's pretty useful
>draft a design
I know multiple hipsters who are ATs, it's a pretty attractive career for them, artsy but practical.
They're implicitly supportive of capitalism, but think they're aganst it so they end up good little consumers/workers and never rise above to rock the boat.
They are useful idiots created by elites to topple the old way of life.
This will be short lived and once the world really does change faggots like that will be killed/arrested/shamed out of existence by the same people they supported. Because such people aren't actually good for society.
Yea this ^^^ they do it faster than the Mexicans
being very good goys via conspicuously consuming generally useless and overpriced things
what you have there is a poofter mate. A hispter is straight while a poofter eats cum.