So why there isn't a European coalition against Russia?
Russia has always been the big bad red blob that threatens its neighbors and bullies the weaker countries
Why haven't there been a coalition of the many to keep them in check?
Nearly every country in Europe hates them already, why not just form coalition and form unified reserve army to stand by in case of Russia getting imperial ideas again?
Why no coalition vs Russia?
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There was, Finland was in it. But that was a long time ago.
When was the last time NATO did anything to stop Russia?
legitimate question i haven't been keeping up in NATO's doings
Why you wanna fight Russia, Hitler?
We love Russia. We will crush all those who pester Russia!
us gonna pull out of nato.
then we watch europe collapse and get over run by muslim hordes.
US and Russia swoop in and divide up what they want leaving the little shitty countries to die like finland norway etc... everyone in the world hates those countries.
Don't want to fight Russia, i want to make sure Russia stays out of my country and doesn't try to add it to the blob
et tu froggus
Be prepared to enjoy the joys of chemical and viral warfare, and im not talking about the online viral neither
When was the last time Russia messed with a NATO member?
Well Russia does love to threaten countries from even joining NATO
and i have no idea, like i said i haven't kept up on what NATO's been up to
U.S. won't pull out of NATO, there's too much money to be had in forcing them to pay the minimum % of yearly gdp on defense spending.
Which they'll use to buy cheap american weapons anyway.
There is already anti-Russia alliance out there and you know it. We never messed with NATO countries.
Then why is Russia threatening people who are thinking of joining it?
I remember Russia making promises of war against Finland if Finland were to join NATO way back when
The lines are being redrawn. You can't hide behind your flags anymore. I'm coming for you. Then I'm coming on you.
>warring against anyone other than USA
cool story bro, leaf is one of the most peaceful countries i know
>making promises of war against Finland
It's a meme from mass media. On an official level, it was only "we worried that there is would be another NATO country near our borders". Probably we will point a few nukes on you in that case. Like we haven't done it already beforehand, kek.
>threatening people who are thinking of joining it?
Because it's literally a military alliance against Russia, of course we would be upset when there goes another country near our border.
>It's the Russia will invade relevant countries meme
>what are ukraine and georgia
Irrelevant countries
>So why there isn't a European coalition against Russia?
Why there isn't a World coalition against USA?
>Russia has always been the big bad red blob that threatens its neighbors and bullies the weaker countries
USA has always been the big bad blue blob that threatens countries all over the world and bullies the weaker countries.
Because they have nukes. You won't have a military response against them, just some sanctions. And that's already been done by Western World. But only by Western World and a couple of butthurt countries like Georgia and Ukraine. Everybody else has no problems with Russia, including Israel btw.
Ukraine's number one export is aids and georgia has moonrunes nobody understands
Absolutely relevant 2bh senpai
>nuking your neighboring country
>what is nuclear fallout for 200 please
this is why people are afraid of you, you do realize the fallout will fuck up the soil, water and parts of eastern Russia right?
enjoy occupying the place wearing lead lined suits and a geiger counter
A non-autistic Ukrainian! Truly a marvel!
>Russia's economy is the size of Italy. We could roll over them in 12 hours. SMUUUUUUUG
>Russian tanks are about to roll over Eastern Europe. REEEEEEEEEEEE
I don't know. A straight answer can not be given. Try voting in new leaders. Oh wait, you can't! They are APPOINTED.
When the nukes fly, it is not a matter of soil fertility, it is a matter of making sure your enemy has more shrooms on their land.
Additionally, thermonuclear bombs and the latest generation atomic ones produce not that much fallout.
About a generation and most of the land excluding the ground zeroes will be fine.
>fuck up eastern Russia
Other countries dont pay enough compared to what we spend protecting them. Its a losing battle. The only way to win is not to play.
pull out of nato
allie with russia
divide up the EU since eurocucks are too stupid to rule themselves anyways.
Why would you need an entire European coalition? Just send a bunch of Finns into the woods with shitty rifles like you did last time
Why should we care about Russia? Their business in Georgia, Ukraine and Syria doesn't threaten us in any way.
Or is it because they haven't fell for the global elite yet?
Only the EU council hates Russia. All other Europeans love the Russians, believe me.
Well guess we need to get into biological warfare and pump your country full of smallpox and aids
Only thing about Europe Russians dislike is the tolerance and all that shit.
One million russians already have aids
Isn't everybody vaccinated though?
If trump wasn't a retard Obama had russia on a straight path to collapse, to be taken over by pro-western military factions and oligarchs
this would ensure nuclear war will not happen for at least 50 years.
Unfortunately you've memed in a clown for your amusement and edgy contrarianism so I hope you get fucked by postapocalyptic raiders
We have enough virus weaponry to wipe out Eurasia, probably.
Even your unnatural drinking level won't save you from our fresh Ebola batches.
We dindu niffin
>Isn't everybody vaccinated though?
What are you? Autistic?
>vote in Hillary
>have her install a no-fly zone
>a coupe jets are shot down, as a response US bases in proximity are bombed into dust
>cue WW3
Bah, why do I expect logic from a Polska toilet cleaner?
then we need to, like make a super aids
that's what the aids is for
good to know, we can just steal your viruses and spread them among your own population
Finalnd is Russian clay
The Suomi are a mere separatist tribe from the Finno-Ugric Russian state
>Russia would just quietly collapse and let USA do whatever it wants
I bet you also believe TPP would make China bend the knee to the (((Globalist Overlords))) right?
Don't be ridiculous, ever heard about MAD? Nobody in a whole world wants to use a fucking nuke. But it's always going to be a cold shower for another warhawk that will try to start a war with major players.
Face it, you (western world) would have invaded Russia million times before if we didn't have a nuke. You populace will support that, you demonised Russia for centuries and your elite always despised us. You have an upper hand on us in literally every sphere, but only nuke prevents you from taking any direct actions.
Why should be ? Just because you're brainwashed into thinking that they're going to attack Europe, doesn't mean we need to listen to your bs
>coalition against Russia
for what purpose
>shitty rifles
Okay instead of shitty, how about outdated
>suur-suomi 2016
believe it or not we only want Karjala back, rest of your country you can keep
and we are not willing to fight to get Karjala back in its current state so you don't have to worry about that either
lets face it it's only a matter of time before Russia gets its imperial ideas back, if USA wouldn't be bending them backwards they would have invaded long ago taking bordering countries
and I remember the NATO signing a treaty not to expand further east
I also remember that NATO stationed anti air defense in poland (!) to defend against iran.
Just face it, russia has the economy of italy. They are massively outgunned and the only reason they have not been "liberated" by the US yet are their nukes.
I know you're probably used to stealing stuff from the adorable little treehouses you call military bases, but here we have actual, not permanently drunk guards and even have turret projects.
Good luck, comrade Финcкaя Гyбepния.
So all of the fear mongering in media is just a load of rubbish for people to get votes?
Oh please our dudes wrecked your patrols with ski's and rifles
turret projects eh? we will be sure to steal those too :^)
>So all of the fear mongering in media is just a load of rubbish for people to get votes?
Oh god no, why would the (((media))) ever lie
Hey we don't live in America, this is new to us
>we only want Karjala back
>you don't have to worry
See, there is already a reason for you to a roll need after slaying Bear raid boss. And yes, you will hop on hype train when US and their buddies will call for you.
>So all of the fear mongering in media is just a load of rubbish for people to get votes?
Yes. And you also need to sell arms to some idiot.
Well if you guys weren't assholes people might show some support for you, you're the big bad red for a reason you know
Yep, there is already a shitton of fucked up history between us, so it's understandable that you don't like us. More reasons for us to be worried.
Don't worry Finland doesn't have the strength to attack you even if they somehow managed to get people to hate you enough to attack
so if Finland were to attack it would be at the point where their participation wouldn't even matter anymore meaning you would already be fucked either way
Omg, lol, look at him.
Hillary you forgot to take your medicine, again.
>So why there isn't a European coalition against Russia?
we tried
france and england didnt like the idea and allied with russia instead
could have taken back karelia for funland, but the (((west))) didnt like the idea
>So why there isn't a European coalition against Russia?
There is. It is informally known as "The Butthurt Belt".
Because US is the real bad guy there.
Why Finns don't like us I do not understand. We only took a tiny bit of clay from them, and we are the only other significantly finno-ugric people.
And BTW, other butthurt countries' people don't really give a damn about Russia, it's mostly their politicians who shill, but not Finns.
How can you have it back if it belonged to the Grand Principality of Novgorod before you even existed?
This vid was aimed at Russians, not the west.
Hello faggots, i just want to tell you eu is being subverted, 'russia' is currently collecting compromising material on your leaders, elites and most importantly, asset owners. Check Prince of Monaco.
I wish you wasnt such cuks but unfortunately fsb is going to take over europe just like they did it here.
If you honestly think that literally all of the other countries aren't doing this 24/7 then you're a fucking retard with a poor grasp of politics
you want to know why no coallition, look at this shit and tell me theyre not trying to sell an anti Russia narrative. seriously what is this bitch's problem?
i know rite. but russia isnt like all of other countries. economical and political system here is built such way it needs something to swallow more and keep expanding. Lower part of ruling clas ihere is hungry as fuck, no assets left to swallow so they liteterally started to steal property from citizens, they steal mantal ill people property, they started to claim some citizens with property are mentally ill to steal their fucking apartments. FSB is hungry as fuck and need something to eat, they cant eat poor people's property because it will start revolution, so assets in foreign countries are top target now. You are fucked