Alt-Right Leader's Speech Ends With Nazi Salutes

This bitch looks like Ted Cruz.

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Jesus, the left sure is working hard on this narrative.

If your opponent isn't a Nazi, then you damn well better make them a Nazi.

I'm disappoint, user. I was hoping to see Cenk losing his shit but he wasn't even there. Their reaction was surprisingly tame.

>The Young Turks

>neither of the main hosts is under 30

more like the middle aged turks, am I right

Why did The Atlantic blur out the faces of their employees..I mean the (((alt-righters)))? Why so scared?

Daily reminder that there is no such thing as the "Alt Right"

>i-im the leader of the alt right, i swear!!!!


We're anomalose, we're gamergate, we're many and without leaders.
we're Lee Jun, exp0x us.

What is 'alt-right'?

Nobody here is alt-right.




You thought I dissappeared into thin air Dahnald....

I have merely shifted into my next form

the oldest turk
pic related

Wait, I thought we were mysoginerds? Why are do we have a female leader?

why does that man look like a woman?

Alt-right is such a retarded name.

now there's a true aryan of the reich if I ever saw one, this guy looks just itching to stomp in some jew skulls

this shit reminds me of the new self-proclaimed leader of anonymous that would pop up every other week in 08

>Alt-Right Leader

What's that guy's name? Asking for a friend

>alt right is suddenly an actual quantifiable thing now, with a retarded false flag "leader" and everything

Moishe "xxskinhead1488xx" Rosenthal


definitely not jewish just a regular aryan


Well we're Nazi's, what else is new lol
Drumpf is Hitler too!

Sure looks like a (((nazi))) to me


And apparently a token Finnish woman

This REEKS of controlled opposition

I say we ignore it and ridicule them. They bought the altright meme and they'll own it. This is just like anonymous after chanology, except now its basically a bunch of larpers, kike subversives and /r/The_Donald after the election. They'll fade away and become a joke soon like user.

Chaim Silverberg

>I am the hacker known as 4 chan
>I am also the leader of the alt right

If you watch the video, she literally calls him the head of the alt-right.


What is alt right? Who is the leader of alt right? Where are these nazi salutes?

That's why we call him Papa Roach.

What exactly is the alt-right?
Some kind of gay little club for fag sympathizers? If you consider yourself alt-right then fucking neck yourself.

Ah, so it must be true then.

Hahaha what the shit she acually does

Alt-Right is BLM for white people

there is a leader of the alt-right let alone an alt-right?

How? The media invented the whole term and all that and then jews put these figure heads in place. Kind of weird at every one of these events are tons of jews...


kikey goldstein

Will TYT amass a super progressive coalition to take over the Democratic party to beat Trump? Because that's their narrative.


What do you mean the people who were called Nazis are actually Nazis?

I heard those who attended the speech didn't want their identity revealed.

It would be interesting to see an unblurred video.


the only people who can define the "alt-right" are those who self-identify as alt-right or whatever the left media tries to push. no legitimate conservative gives the idea of the alt-right any credence.

this fucking guy tries to push this "white identity" as a forefront component of the Trump Presidency, which is completely fucking wrong. Trump is for "American Identity". These fuckers dont know what theyre talking about and it pisses me off because now it's just being used as a blanket dismissal of anything right-wing

>Everyone who voted for Trump should be held accountable
Every muslim should be held accountable for islamic terrorism, then. How come they don't see the hypocrisy?

Why hide, though? Some of them aren't blurred only those with the salute are..
We just want to see the memebers. That is all t b h

numales and "woman" talking about American politics. Yup par on course for the entire 2016. Can these yuppies go fuck themselves already?

we're on The View guys

They're right, lads. Trump needs to denounce the alt right NOW.

We Streisand effect NAO!

What is Sister Act still doing here ? I thought she was moving to Canada.

>that kike kvetching

no, this bitch looks like ted cruz


How many clones does this man have?

#NotMyLeader #NotMyParty

We are the Friendly Guys Party

Is that the chick from the shitty British band "The XX"?

One for every delegate

"Maury, you sniveling coward, you leave my daughter's fathers the hell alone."

Kill yourself leaf. Your PM is literally aiding isis at home and abroad and your nation is so cucked that most of them approve.