What does Sup Forums think of Standing Rock?

what does Sup Forums think of standing rock?

i assume that most of you assume that they are stupid indians who need to let the adults build an oil pipeline,

but hopefully you can substantiate that with some intellect?

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I think their paid by the rail company.

Are those dirty indias the ones who want to protect some graves or something like that?

A bunch of useful idiot Marxists fighting a corporate espionage war for billionaire Capitalists. You can't make this shit up.

>posting my obligatory image

>inb4 muh land
Their water supply


you think the Sioux and their supporters are shills?

you think the Sioux and their supporters are Marxists?

okay thank you.

convincing insight!

Sup Forums you have the floor

i am ready to be convinced that SR is stupid,

all i need is rationale and reason.

wtf I hate natives now

It's not their land, the reservation is south of the pipe line.

They aren't allowed to protest on private property which the oil company payed for hence the rubber bullets and pepper spray.

But pretty cool false equivalence nonetheless.

i dont get why we cant just kill those people.

feather niggers are mad they didnt get paid

I think they are in it for a payout.

why are liberal drawfags so bad at actually drawing?

Plainniggers still mad over selling their land for beads.

Hahahaha Arabia is the ONLY ancestral homeland of muzzies. fuckin' twat

i havent read anything like that
and i cant find anything on google

okay so the rationale for support ETP is that they own the land and can do what they like.

fair enough.

Yeah they're fuckin left wing commie scumbags. BLM and those Occupy fags are there, not to mention Hollywood actors.

What people dont realize is the if we build this pipeline the US essentially becomes self sufficient with Oil which on a global scale allows us to stop fucking around in the mid east as much and stop dealing with the Corrupt as fuck Saudis. It would also probably be well constructed and most of the environmental fears would be unfounded. It is literally in the best interests of the United states to build this pipeline. I also think that the Keystone Pipeline is even more important and would literally make the US and Canada self sufficient with oil.

We never should have let them stay in the country

What environmental effects would the pipeline actually have?

>Tree nuggers want to charge exorbitant amount of money to pipeline company for use of their land
>OK pipeline company finds it cheaper to go around
>Billionaire Warren Buffet, who owns the only railroad in ND sees opportunity
>Pipeline would hurt rail profits
>Directs local newspaper (which he owns as well) to cover the protests
>Local newspaper head has daughter in law with Earth Justic, who is organizing the protestors
>Story gets national attention
>Useful idiots show up
>Profits protected for Buffet.

Less diesel burned by trains

>you think the Sioux and their supporters are shills?

yes, yes I do. I think they're looking for a payout after not being involved in the planning, refusing to cooperate, and ultimately having their chance at charging for the pipeline to go through their land it goes on federal and private land.

what's the justification of their protest? They claimed it was sacred lands; archaeological study by a 3rd party found nothing.

Then it was about the water, but pipelines are 4-17x safer than railways.

Then they claimed it was their land but the federal government showed they never even made a claim on these lands through any treaty or negotiation ever.

They're chimping out b/c now they are not getting a payout. This is the US version of Oka.

Imminent domain is bullshit so I think they have a point.

>I think

You really don't.

Here's some legitimate concerns;

Who are the majority shareholders of Dakota Access
Why are they asking for permanent land easements when oil rights only last 25 years at most
How will this affect eminent domain if the government is allowed to use it on behalf of private companies
How will they even detect leaks if there are any
Why are they only required to have a 250k bond for damages in case of accidents
What is the extent of Trumps financial ties to the ETP?

Plainniggers weren't the ones who sold their land for beads, that was Indians who lived on Manhattan island. Plains Indians continuously resisted invasion just like we are, except that they actually had the balls to kill invaders.

Looks like they defaced the shitty Leaf flag sempai, that's good in my eyes


Nobody cares if you shit in a toilet but if you shit on the kitchen counter people lose their minds.


Why are they butthurt anyway?
Not like the pipeline is immense, or going to do anythign to their daily lives.

It's like protesting anything build anywhere because there are some Dinosaur burial grounds or some shit there.

They are just preventing good for other people and are too dense.

PA College Student here - Criminal Justice major.
Just had an indian reservation officer speak to my Victimology class 2 weeks ago.
Here is what he said to my class:
>The pipeline does not actually fall on legal reservation land - just claims as to where their boundaries SHOULD be
> There are already about 8 pipelines that cross the same fucking river and none have ever had issues, including the oldest one from the '80s.
> The standing rock tribe already agreed to relocate their water source further down the river by the end of the year, away from where the pipeline is.
>The few who instigate violence, are the reason police have been so "violent" - media spin. It'll just get uglier and uglier.
>They have no claim to this land, and their claims of harm to the environment are not based in fact, as every human's property what this pipeline passes through, does so legally as every private landowner this affects has signed a contract

TL;DL -> They're whining about the wrong issue as usual. Indigenous people on reservations have the highest rates of crime against women than any other demographic but they choose this to piss over.

are these the dickheads
that got hosed?


None of the protesters are injuns you stupid fucking leaf

>i assume that most of you assume that they are stupid indians who need to let the adults build an oil pipeline,

It's wonderful. Two of the biggest planks of the Democratic Party -- environmentalists and unions -- are at each other's throats over this, are totally unreconciliable and will tear the party apart over something that doesn't matter.


Fascism. They should not be victimizing people like that even if the people are assholes. Lets see them try the same tactics with BLM and see where that goes... difference: real homegrown issue vs fake Soros funded issue

People care when superior cultures are threatened. Not when inferior cultures are. Next

doesn't matter. i can't run a pipeline through your living room and ask you the same question. It is a property rights issue.

I think kikes should be gassed.

thats patently false thanks for contributing tho

> your living room

You mean my neighbor's living room, after they paid him for his land.

It's like the scene out of the twin towers when saruman turns the savages against the civilized Rohan people

bunch of red niggers pissy cuz they didn't get the 200 million dollaroos they wanted

tribal elders made the shitty decisions - they never had a referendum. There is a lot of corruption internally and they kind of screwed themselves over. Still, they should be able to protest the issue. I have less of an issue with their complaints (I actually basically disagree with it) and more an issue of how they are being treated.

I want to see BLM get the same treatment and see where that goes.

Their sacred land should be respected and left alone.

I read this --->
And corroborated it. Yea, fuck those wagon-burners. It's a bullshit issue and the violence they are starting warrants the kind of response they are getting. It's not even their land. It's some "mother earth" bullshit.

Because if they protested on their land, then the government really wouldn't give a shit and there wouldn't even be a thread about this.

Also, it's not a false equivalence, try protesting against current migrant policies and see how well you get treated. :^)

>portray muslims as niggers
Fucking leafs.
Bad drawing is a valid complaint though

>says the tiny island that lost most of its empire
It would appear as if English and European culture in general is becoming the inferior culture. There's a billion Indians and a billion Chinese, and about a hundred billion fucking mexicans. How many British/People of British descent are there?

That's right, you are. Say hi to your Mayor of London for me next time you look at the ethnic map of London

It's not cognitive dissonance, you just can't comprehend that morality does not apply universally. What's bad for white people is bad, what's good for white people is good, because I am a white person.

>that communist salute

>red banners

It's not even about the oil pipeline, it's just a pretext to racially agitate for communism

Retards that could have actually stopped it years ago but did nothing.

What are the environmental dangers of the Keystone pipeline?

I love you, you got some sauce in that?

Look up the livestream feeds. It's so good. There are literally no good guys in this story.

Sounds about right.

Most of the tribes in the Dakotas concerned about damage to their "ancestral lands" have been on these "ancestral lands" about 100 to 200 years longer than white men have. The city of Boston has been inhabited by whites for longer than the Sioux have been in the Great Plains.

Ok a Indians had a legitimate claim to the land, however it was by that time very weak, this whole thing is they got mad about not getting paid.

Good guys? Maybe not but there are many completely innocent guys.


One is progress the other is degeneration.

wow. Yea, I never buy this "ancestral land" bullshit anyway. Every land on earth had someone else kicked off it at one point in time. Most of the death that the Indians incurred was from disease (95%). To blame whites for that would be the same logic as blaming the Chinese for the black death in Europe. Utter bullshit.

Interesting pic. Thanks.

It's not even their land. Fuck, it's going through privately owned property, and the owners all agreed.
There's already existing infrastructure near by. This is not a case of plowing Fern Gully to install a bubbling river of Tim Curry.
Talks have even been had with local tribe leaders, and everything had been cleared, even though it wasn't strictly necessary.
Now Natives are upset because they can be. Because all across the west now, we deal in the hottest commodity; Victimhood. And hot damn, if you can get in on some of that sweet game, you're golden.

I went there recently to hunt. The plane was full of hippies coming in to protest. The locals thought it was bullshit and many of them were excited at the prospect of cracking hippy skulls.

im pro-identity movements like this. the sooner everyone recognizes them as legitimate instead of buying into the "cant we all just get along under the supposed white liberal hegemony" meme the sooner people will recognize and defend whites right to organize

>He thinks this is an issue of eminent domain
>He does this realize that this is nothing more than Prarie niggers chomping out over the fact they can't price gouge an oil company for running a pipeline through their land.
The pipeline runs through government and private property, all of whom have agreed on the pipeline. The Sioux Falls tribe is asspained cause they tried to be greedy and now they get nothing.

'muh sacred burial grounds' isn't very marxist, senpai

I think most people (foreigners especially who basically only know movies) are shocked to find out that many Indian groups have only been in their "SACRED LANDS" for a couple hundred years or less. It wasn't all a result of white colonization, either.

The Apache may have migrated as few as 50 years before the Spanish arrived in the Southwest and had nothing to do with colonization. They were just migrating -- you may almost say "colonizing"...

I think the supporters of Standing Rock are such smug pricks all the time that I'm pro pipeline mainly out of spite.

Don't Indians fall under the FBI definition of sovereign citizen? Shouldn't they be Waco'd

The plight of the native american is a favorite thing for the anti-american left to cry about, you can't really trust it. Liberals literally believe the US shouldn't exist and the land belongs to the Indians, how do you discuss issues like this with them?

The only way is to ignore them like they are babies , that's why people ignore issues like this

dirt worshipers

Actual tribe doesn't give a fuck, what you see are people not from the rez or just a few. A lot of the people protesting are white leftists that arrivedt here by buses paid by Soros.

>what does Sup Forums think of standing rock?
Their employers are very generous to let them take weeks off from their long term careers to LARP dances with wolves. ;)

All they did was steal the Roman Salute then close their hand

Probably the best post in the thread.

Yea, people move all the time - in fact I heard that the pyramid of the sun in Mexico city (Tenochtitlan) was actually built by an older civilization hundreds of years before the Aztecs. Property ownership rights exist today by our law, and who cares what an older system did, it is not relevant to law and order today. Indians have their own land now and can manage it however they want.

With the greatest number of white people on earth living in the US (more than even Europe), it's safe to say white people have a big say in the US today. We have a right to exist and not be discriminated against. We have a right to our own culture. The first thing the leftists want to do it destroy our connection and understanding to our English Common Law / Germanic roots. They know it's easy to knock over something with no roots! Talking about these cultural traditions and roots is NOT racist, like they want us to believe.

>How will they even detect leaks if there are any

With smart pigs.