Stop watching porn.
Stop going on the internet all the time.
Stop using devices all the time.
Stop watching anime.
Stop eating junk food.
Stop being lazy.
Stop worshiping women.
Stop being degenerate.
Stop watching porn.
Stop going on the internet all the time.
Stop using devices all the time.
Stop watching anime.
Stop eating junk food.
Stop being lazy.
Stop worshiping women.
Stop being degenerate.
w-what else am I supposed to do??
What am I supposed to do instead? Wagecuck? Fuck off, shlomo.
>Stop watching porn.
>Stop going on the internet all the time.
>Stop using devices all the time.
>Stop watching anime.
>Stop eating junk food.
>Stop being lazy.
>Stop worshiping women.
>Stop being degenerate.
I'll try Varg.
I need at least 3 of those things to praise Kek
I'll ditch the porn though. That stuff can fuck your brain up and leave you with limp dick.
stop all those things, but what are we supposed to start doing?
So what do you do after you've removed all the fun? Kill myself?
How do I stop being brazilian? :^(
You don't. You will see your country embarrassing you and you will feel shame. Then strangers will mock you for trying to be better than other brazilians, because in fact, you are still brazilian. Yes, even wanting not to be.
Thanks varg.
Vikings being rapists is irrelevant to their genetic superiority.
It's how they designed ships that could cross the Atlantic hundreds of years before the Spanish, were able to spontaneously raid islands then leave before the reinforcements showed up and were able to destroy the English and French coast with little to no problems.
I don't know why but these threads always help me stay away from porn and alike
Its like I got that Viking guy watching me,in a disapproving way every time I get horny
>That stuff can fuck your brain up
I'm starting to believe that desu. It makes you LOW ENERGY and reduces motivation.
>and leave you with limp dick
bah so what.
I DUNNO. I just try to be less degenerate. Exercise and read more. Have projects. It's computer stuff for me, but still. Wagecucking sucks (I managed to avoid it), but so is being a NEET.
Learning a trade or enrolling is good advice. And here's another idea on top of that: learn a trade and figure out how to apply your computer skills to it. Learn some electronics and something like Arduino and make physical objects "smart". Programmers that know more than just programming can make cool stuff. Doesn't have to be that useful, people will pay good money for cool stuff.
I recall the Brits kicking some serious Viking ass tho
this is the only leafposting I approve of
you're doing gods work user
What do now varg? make babeas with blond woemn?
i agree with the message but varg is a odin loving heavy metal cuck
so when are we going to move where varg is and start a little LARP commune and live like incestuous amish people?
Stop having fun.
Im starting no fap today
I have failed like 10 times but I wasnt really trying.
Picked up p90x, got a treadmill in my apartment, go hiking.
Next is dumping out my fridge to replace it all with healthy foods
I dont worship women
I dont watch anime
I am absolitely addicted as fuck to the internet
Im trying to not be a degenerate
Fuck off Varg
post tits. busty veiny fresh white young tits...
wheres the upvote button
varg your god likes dead man cum
They did, eventually. IIRC it was around the time of Alfred the Great.
>Im starting no fap today
>I have failed like 10 times but I wasnt really trying.
Block all porn sites or put a sticky in your monitor.
Internet is a way of using what the human needs, which is privacy.
Urbanization has killed all the privacy we could ever have and can't do almost anything since we live in a very fast world.
Human needs a place where you can actually stay and develop all the things you actually do and this place has been replaced from a rural and everyone's favourite area to what we call now internet.
Just my opinion