Hello Sup Forums

hello Sup Forums

i work for the BND (german intelligence).

my unit focuses mainly on acquiring refugee informants to prevent terrorist attacks in germany.

before that i worked as an arabic translator in refugee camps, i posted a few threads about that here, maybe some of your remember.

posting from a proxy obviously.


Do you guys do what the FBI does?

Encourage and enable potential terrorists to become real terrorists so you can arrest them or use them for false-flag attacks?

Hey, kraut. What's the most retarded shit you've seen the rapefugees do or talk about?

i think they are like the german cia

Mill yourself

How did the BND react when trump won?

How many dicks can you fit inside your mouth?

tell me about spurdo...why does he wear the benis?

Any chance of sending them away before the decade?

why are germans so pathetic and such losers that they have no pride or masculinity?

Is that a generational problem that all the men are very effeminate or a modern problem due to only women being able to lead them?

Do you think your superiors are interested in what you could potentially uncover and will they act on it despite the potential fallout.

Isn't that HVA?
Hans seems to be working for Stasi.

Lies. We know it's you, stasi.

Hi Ahmed.
How does it feel to finally have your own police force to put the word of Allah into motion?

Wird es diesen Silvester in 'Schland wieder geile ficki-ficki action geben wie in Köln?

Why is Europe so corrupt? What is the end goal of the migrant crisis?

because brainwashing in first time, and second guilty because ww2. that's it.

Are you guys as incompetent as everybody thinks you are?

How many sons does your wife have?

>ITT Americans talking about shit they have no clue about, having never even visited Europe and instead relying on what their (((conservative))) websites tell them about Germany

How bad is it?
Do you think there's many who've slipped in without being noticed?

are you part of their satanic cabal?

How do i join your unit?

How much do the migrants hate Germans and how fast do they think they can outbreed them in order to establish Germany as a Sharia state?

>Arabic translator

Muhammad detektiert.

Poste er Photo seiner Hautfarbe.

1. why do you help Merkel?

2. are you redpilled?

3. which party are you voting for?

>1 post by this ID

he got fucked by his superiors for posting here

sorry folks

Are you german (ethnically)?
If not, what are you?

How does arabic semen taste?

Ja genau. Als BND Mitarbeiter würde ich gerade auf Sup Forums ein AMA machen.

Wozu immer dieser LARP-Kram?

This is almost 2017.

Is there any plan at all to get rid of refugees period.

It doesnt make sense to break your back over screening for terrorists out of a group of terrorists.

Dont you think its much more logical for Germany to keep out refugees period in order to prevent terror attacks.

I remember one of those threads

mother fucker you were an intel agent the whole time weren't you?

Have you actively played a role in defusing a potential terrorist attack?

If so how many and what was the scope of the attack planned which you played a role in thwarting?

Are you an original German or child of immigrant ?


how many have been prevented?
what is the current situation?

>1 post by this id

Stop LARPing motherfucker, that is a sheet of post-it paper they give out to everyone at job fairs. It even fucking says "Personalgewinnung" (= staff recruiting) at the top left.

Is Lebkuchen halal?

CIA activity in Germany?

So, how many millions are in? Does anyone know?

>1 post by this id
Krautchan is down again

Angela Merkel is the one behind all of this

How long until the 4th Reich?

>Post-it says "German intelligence Agency - Recruitment"
>Below is the homepage for applying
He most likely got the post-its from a recruiting event and all of you fell for it

Approximately what % of muslims living in the west are susceptible to messages of radicalisation?

Are refugees really that bad? If their were bad as they are deemed, hoe come the German people simply risen up?

Is it truly majority male refugees or legitimate Syrian families?

How come you have not defected to take revenge for the many rapes committed by Refugees?

I'm interested in this one too. Train tickets are cheaper if you buy earlier.

When will they attack us?

so tell me agent, how's the job search going?

1 post by this ID

what can Sup Forums do to keep merkel in power?

do you believe in magic of kek

When are you going to gas the subhumans?


The westernised can go back to regular Muslims at any time and regular Muslims just need to meet the right person to start cutting heads.

Have you read the story of the member of ISIS? Most of the ones coming from Europe are regular folks who have been normal teenagers before.

2017 technology doubling means almost anything can and will happen. We are at the end of the month doubling technology every day over the last 30,000 years.

>t. 70s military tech guy.

Scheißt der Papst in seinen Hut?

>1 post by this id

Ahmed doesn't even answer to his own LARp.

Why do Germans always take political ideology to its dysfunctional extreme? You guys went from full blown facists to full blown communist (in the east) to full blown neo-lib social marxists. Why can't Germans think for themselves instead of blindly following whatever school of thought is most popular at the time?

how many attacks did you directly prevent?

What are you talking about? Nice assumptions. I just say that on every AMA

That was a shit explanation. Basically we are rapidly approaching a technology singularity.

Hey! I remember you form your previous threads! Good to hear that you are using your skills to protect the people!

Do you know when there will be more happenings?


He said to ask him anything so they are. Brush your teeth and go to bed, grump.

There's a lot of things they don't tell you in the states. I do know that much but maybe you could verify this for me.

Islamic extremists have been a thing in Germany even before it got back together. Consider the Turkroach. These fuckers would lash out at any western 'influence' that got near them (In Germany). They'd bomb disco halls and to assault and even kill German or US soldiers as was considered a badge of machismo and nationalistic Turkish pride.

>Turks are the real niggers.

Your 6 is very uncommon. Did you do that on purpose or are you just stupid ?

How cooperative are those that you work with and what percentage of the people you work with are cooperative with your efforts? Basically, I'm asking if your job is snipe hunting.

When are you going to kick them all.

Hey Czechbro, you ever been to Ostrava? Want to see some of the non-tourist parts of the country when I visit my aunt (she's in Prerov) and I was wondering if that's a good place to start.


Is Homeland Season 5 an accurate portrayal of the BND and their collusion with the CIA?

What's the point of trying to prevent terrorist attacks? Your purpose is obviously to exterminate Germany and her people, so why not just arm the sandniggers and speed up the process?

stop being such a butthurt just because we killed a 1 million of your kind armenian

Can we ship our brown people to you?

Ostrava used to be very industrialized part of the country with coalmines and factories and all. There is famous street called Stodolní (write the name down) with shitloads of bars of all kinds. I would personally recommend Brno. It is the second largest city, some pretty neat sights and most importantly it is a student city and with big expat comunity so you can get by with english alone alright.

What are you doing to stop Merkel from running your country and to make Germany Great again? it pisses me off to see such a great country be ruined by liberal morons. Are you doing anything to help your own people?

hes right you know, roachbro

Remeber this line. You gonna hear it in near future again. Turkish childfuckers, no honor, no soul.

wie bekomme ich einen job bei euch?

i never said he was wrong mate. he stated the obvious and i did too.

>1 post by this ID

>1 fucking post by this ID

This thread had potential. Oh well

Why the fuck are you people into shit porn. Like literally eating and fucking SHIT!

Option 1: das ist nur ein bait-thread. kein BND-Agent da.

Option 2: Das ist ein BND-Agent und wir werden alle protokolliert und bei Gelegenheit vergasst. Hail Allah das neue motto der BRD.

Goddammit don't be dead

>who are the jews and what they do to white countries

being this new

Option 3: Das ist ein BIND-agent und antworten am dieser faden ist ein trap!

Obvious shoop. Fake and gay.

and why exactly didnt you genocide the Kurds?.....there are recently more news of roach vs kurd fighting here...stop that shit its annoying

>posting from a proxy
>flag is german

>takes post-it from reception at BND central
>LARPs at Sup Forums for cheap (yous)

see option 2.

Are they as dangerous as I think? To me they all look like useless sandniggers that want a free rdie on our Sozialsystem.

he doesn't even LARP, that's the real Scandal.
Come on OP give us something to work with. Damn.

Are you guys hiring new recruits?
I'm about to finish my Criminal Justice Administration degree.

nice post-it faggot

they breed like fucking pigs. i wish it would stop. if there is anything more annoying than crybaby arm*nian it's a k*rd who lives in a europe which are all terrorist btw

you w/KKK or somethin?

Fake and gay