GENERAL IDEAS SO FAR: >capitalize on Hillary's #ImWithHer, both in the US and abroad in France to try to stir support for Le Pen (and try to soften her image) >#LesFemmesAvecLePen >#UneFemmeALaPresidence >#MadameFrexit
Marine Le Pepe is getting stronger everyday, the european cucknion will soon come to an end.
Matthew Clark
I'll drink some wine to that, French bro.
Camden Evans
support marine le pen fillon is weak
Elijah Diaz
does fillon have a history of letting africans and muslims riot?
Jose Bennett
A good Bordeaux to celebrate that, imagine the whole EU disappearing i'll be so happy
Easton Ward
Aaron Turner
Marine Le Pepe will save the world Kek wills it.
Trump has started to fails us, Marine Le Pepe is the true Messiah.
Gavin Sanders
Jeremiah White
What's the deal with this Fillon character? Apparently he's quite right wing but also from a mainstream party. Is he going to cost Le Pen the election, or at least many of the votes?
Shoutout to the frenchbros who will get jailed for hate speech during the upcoming memewar. This will definitely happen, but only to the best.
Luis Nguyen
Fillon sur BFMtv
Lucas Long
Amis de France! Nous au TFK (rivaux de l'Illuminati, entre autres, et descendants du KGB), ne désirons pas voir Le Pen élue. La France n'est pas prête. Bien que nous oeuvrons depuis plus d'une décennie en France, nos efforts n'ont pas été un franc succès.
Nous estimons que François Fillion est le meilleur candidat pour accélerer nos plans mais surtout, le pire candidat possible pour nos rivaux. Marine malheureusement n'est pas nécessaire car nous sommes certains que Trump et Putin casseront les musulmans.
Nathan Hernandez
Ouais bah t'es gentil, les 5 années de plus à se faire diriger par des cocus corrompus, les 5 années de plus d'attentats, de criminalité, à payer des allocs pour la lie de l'humanité, c'est pas toi qui va te les bouffer.
Nathaniel Jenkins
All I ask is to be WITNESSED
Michael Rogers
>Une feuille.
Oliver Clark
Awesome work user.
Easton Hernandez
Nice job.
Fillon is speaking in a church or what.
Dominic Gutierrez
Gosh guys, when I heard you were having an MLP general, I was shocked, but oh well! Here's to burying the hatchet!
Ryan Morgan
Low energy rally IMO
William Butler
Digits confirm Le Pen victory
Ayden Sullivan
Lincoln Thomas
He's going full Ali, looks like he want to win the 93 again this week.
Isaac Ross
It's good, let the left smear Fillon, it would make the Le Pen vote just easier.
Anthony Ortiz
>MLP thread on Sup Forums
kek. Probably the only context I'll ever have to post this here.
Evan Thompson
Shit, He knows...
Noah Cox
Will you send me chocolates in my jail ?
Carter Cruz
Christopher James
Fuck Juppé.
Jack Howard
Shitty translation, a real Frenchman would say: un unifolié
Oui, et? Tu crois vraiment que les choses vont s'améliorer autrement? Le TFK a déjà détruit la vérité. On peut tout dire, tout faire et 50% des gens ne le croirons pas. On pourrait avoir des preuves physiques, ils refuseraient d'y croire, car ils sont programmés pour servir. Fillion est programmer.
Juppé nous suspectons de travaillé directement avec les rivaux, mais si on se trompe, il serait le 2e meilleur choix.
Nos ainés ont changé la perception de la réalité en France. Mais nous ne sommes pas prêt à l'implémentation de la phase final. La prochaine phase est l'implementation d'une crise, mais ne pas nous blâmer pour les actions des mulsulmans, ils ont tenté d'accélérer nos plans. Fillion nous donnera la crise.
Dylan Long
Not mine, just reposting.
Adrian Morgan
Reminder >France cannot be France without greatness
Gabriel Turner
Leonarda getting booed lmao
Adam Robinson
Sauce ?
Brandon Lopez
>Fillion nous donnera la crise. La politique du pire est la pire des politiques.
Ethan Long
2 min ago on BFM, François is having some low energy rally with old fucks.
Good luck frogs. Gonna support you guys the way you guys did for trump.
Henry Diaz
Is he trying to harness meme magic?
William Ortiz
Thanks greatest ally
Joshua Butler
Vive le FN
Henry Harris
Sebastian Hernandez
Le Pen will win but the memes must flow first
Jason James
he just compared radical islam with the nazim
no brakes
Samuel Sanders
He's with sikhs, aka "kebab removing: the religion" you can't attack him on that.
Fillon will be tough shit to meme against.
John Hill
Belle phrase, mais il faut accomplir le but de mettre la France à genoux.
Regarde la mienne: "Sans la France, l'Europe s'éffondre"
Henry Nguyen
John Young
La France se barre de l'Europe si MLP gagne.
William Scott
Like this
Benjamin James
fillon is droopy: the politician
Cooper Myers
Mason Kelly
dig for grotesque shit
Connor Parker
Logan Kelly
Nathaniel Ross
Wauquiez qui s'inscrute tout devant comme une pute, sérieusement ce mec.
Jose Perez
Jayden Taylor
He was prime minister from 2007 to 2012 Under Sarkozy, the government that dcided to give the Qataris a special satus, making them free from taxes for whatever they want to do in France. That's when they started to build mosques and finance islam in France... He's definitely not my guy.
Lincoln Ross
les jeunes avec marine!
soyez fidele, mes cheres compatriotes.
Tyler Anderson
Sikhs are ok tier, they want to remove kebabs too.
Zachary Carter
Joli !
Grayson Smith
Ok, so spoke with a few TFK comrades
1) Ideally, not her, but we could let the left cause a fake crisis so it might work even better
2) We know shes not illu so not so bad.
3) AND THE MOST IMPORTANT How will the Troll Army get around her fucking annoying voice?
A tip from one of them: Le Pen = Jeanne D'Arc version 2017
Juan Williams
>François "face of undertaker" Fillon >François "never smile" Fillon >François "pocket under the eyes" Fillon